Thursday, July 20, 2017

Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending July 21, 2017

    Compared to last week round bales of alfalfa sold steady to 10.00 
higher, square bales 10.00-15.00 higher. Ground and delivered hay steady, 
ground and delivered cornstalks 5.00 higher. Dehy alfalfa pellets fully 
steady.  Buyer inquiry picked up a lot this week as some areas of the 
state drier than normal for this time of year and some pastures are short 
and brown. Some reports of rain and along with hail on this week’s calls. 
Most of the central part of the state is classified as abnormally dry to 
moderate drought conditions per the U.S. drought monitor. Early selling 
prices haven’t skyrocketed as much as some thought they would.  Most 
reports on dryland hay that tonnage is less than normal. Even though the 
new crop hay tonnage is less, there is still quite a lot of 2016 hay at 
the field, wrapped in out-side storage or in hay barns. Few, reports of 
feedlots cutting drought stricken dryland corn-silage in the North 
Eastern part of the state.  Some farmers have planted, millet or cane on 
hailed out pivots of corn. Some have also planted cover crops for grazing 
later this summer.  All sales are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay 
barn, unless otherwise noted.

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Premium large square bales 180.00. Good large square bales 
150.00, Fair large square bales 110.00. Good large round bales 80.00-
85.00.  Old Crop: Fair large square bales 90.00.  Alfalfa/Orchard Grass: 
Good large round bales 90.00. Grass Hay: Good large round bales 80.00, 
Premium small square bales 150.00.  Straw: Large square bales 70.00. Oat 
Hay: Large square bales 90.00. Dehy Alfalfa pellets 17 percent protein 
Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good round bales 80.00-85.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 
100.00-110.00. Ground and delivered cornstalks 75.00-80.00. Dehy 
pellets 17 percent protein 185.00.

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