Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Iowa Direct Hay Report

Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest

Demand and Sales Comments 

Dairy quality hay is in demand and overall prices are steady with slight downward pressure. Lower quality hay is losing some ground with a wide range of prices. Central Wisconsin has a surplus of hay available, contact a trucker if looking for hay as many will haul to drought areas. If you need forage or have forage to sell or straw, connect to the Farmer-to-Farmer webpage at http://farmertofarmer.uwex.edu/. You may contact your local county agriculture educator if you need help placing an ad. There is no charge for the service.

Straw prices are for oat, barley, or wheat straw. Straw prices are steady. Small square bales averaged $3.96 a bale (range of $2.00 to $6.00). Large square bale straw averaged $40.00 per bale (a range of $20.00 to $67.00). Large round bale straw averaged $47.00 per bale (a range of $26.00 - $70.00). 

In Nebraska, all forages sold steady with reduced contacts this week. Fall harvest may be cause of reduced interest. In Iowa, supply is good, demand is steady, and prices are steady. 

In South Dakota, quality hay sold steady with good demand for all classes of hay. Drought conditions are contributing to need and demand for hay. Cow/calf farmers are weaning early. 

In Missouri, prices are steady with moderate supply and light demand. Harvest season may have resulted in low numbers. 

In Southwest Minnesota, prices were steady. 

In Kansas, market prices were steady, demand is fair to good with a slower trade this week. 

In Wisconsin, prices are steady for dairy quality hay. There is a large supply of hay in Central Wisconsin. If you are in need of hay contact truckers to move some hay. 

Kansas Direct Hay Report

More: Kansas Direct Hay Report

USDA Hay Markets – September 28, 2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the Sept. 16 report, compared to last week, trade activity light to moderate on good demand for horse hay and retail hay. Trade activity light on good demand for feedlot hay, inactive on dairy hay. Corn silage harvest is in full swing across the state. Sorghum sudan grass is mostly baled up and farmers are feeling out the market. According to the NASS Colorado Crop Progress Report for the week ending Sept. 12, third cutting alfalfa harvested is 72 percent complete, and fourth cutting 15 percent complete. Corn harvested for silage is at 32 percent complete. Stored feed supplies were rated 2 percent very short, 12 percent short, 68 percent adequate, and 15 percent surplus.

Missouri—In the Sept. 16 report, compared to last report, the supply of hay is moderate and demand is light to moderate and prices mostly steady. A very nice week of pre-fall weather across the state. Some fall hay is being baled around as well. Many farmers however, would like to see a little moisture with the cooler nights to get fall pastures growing and maybe add some water to some ponds.

Nebraska—In the Sept. 16 report, compared to last week, all reported forages sold steady. Demand eased up some as many prospective buyers are busy cutting silage and started on high moisture corn in central part of the state. Out of state hay demand remains good. Baling cornstalks was a hot topic on the calls as several are wondering what a ton of stalks will be worth this fall. Few talks of sending cornstalks to out of state buyers. Several acres of cane or millet that looked like it wouldn’t grow or make anything finally caught some rain and will provide a descent number of bales. Several reports that fourth cutting alfalfa is producing more tonnage than previous years.

Oklahoma—In the Sept. 16 report, compared to the last report on Sept. 3, hay trade remains steady with some increased trades in lower quality hay. Most of the state is hot and dry and hay production is winding down. As quality hay supply tightens, and demand begins increasing prices remaining steady to some higher on a light test. With low milk prices, dairies have moved to cheaper feed rations. As corn and soybean harvest wraps up, winter wheat crops will be planted soon. According to Mesonet, over half of the state is abnormally dry, with warm temperatures and little rain in the forecast. Due to limited sales, next report will be released Oct. 1.

Texas—In the Sept. 17 report, compared to the last report, hay prices are mostly steady to $10 lower. Trading activity and demand were moderate. Hay trade has slowed some, as producers are still harvesting hay and building up supplies for the winter. Pasture conditions are beginning to deteriorate across most of the state as warm and dry conditions have been reported across most of the regions. Additionally, army worms have been reported in portions of the east and west. While former Hurricane Nicholas soaked the western Gulf Coast region, many of parts of the south continued to experience short-term drying according to the US Drought Monitor. Additionally, the abnormally dry category has expanded across the Panhandle due to above average temperatures. Due to limited sales, next report will be released Oct. 1.

New Mexico—In the Sept. 17 report, compared to last week, alfalfa prices steady. Beardless wheat steady on limited supplies. Trade moderate to active, demand good. The southern and southwestern part of New Mexico are in the fifth cutting. In the eastern part of the state are in the fifth cutting. The northern part of the state are in the fourth cutting. Some hay being stored for the winter. A substantial amount of low quality hay reported at discount. Rain in some parts of the state.

South Dakota—In the Sept. 17 report, compared to last week, alfalfa hay remains steady. Demand is very good for all qualities and classes of hay as the severe drought conditions have greatly reduced grazing and supplies of forage. Cow-calf operators are already beginning to wean their calves and ship them to market as they try to stretch their feed supplies to keep their cow herd intact to the greatest extent possible. Rain remains elusive in western South Dakota and livestock producers there are reducing or at times completely liquidating their herds as hay price is too high where it doesn’t make financial sense to buy hay. Corn silage harvest in full swing, as well as some combining in very dry areas already. Fourth cutting of alfalfa taking place where the rains finally came and allowed enough regrowth to be cut.

Wyoming—In the Sept. 16 report, compared to last week, hay sold steady to $5 higher. Demand was good with most hay sales going out of state. Producers on the east are mostly done with third and some are thinking of taking a fourth cutting. Producers in the west are about halfway done with second cutting and most will harvest a third cutting if the frost holds off.

Montana—In the Sept. 17 report, compared to last week, hay sold fully steady. Demand for hay remains very good. More feeder type hay sales were seen this week. High quality hay continues to sell on good demand and many ranchers are using this to blend with lower quality hay. Hay continues to be delivered into the state for $240-$300 per ton from surrounding states and Canada. Many ranchers continue to liquidate cows as well in order to have enough feed to make it through to spring. Rain is in the forecast for early next week and many producers are busy trying to finish up third cutting. Market activity this week was slow to moderate. Many small to medium size ranches are waiting to market their calves before they purchase hay. According to the drought monitor 100% of the state is in moderate drought or worse. 98.7% of the state is in an severe drought or worse, 68.34% of the state is in extreme drought or worse, while 20.37% of the state is in an exceptional drought. All drought conditions remain unchanged from the previous week, except the extreme drought category which was 0.05 higher.