Friday, March 31, 2017

USDA announces $1.9m for alfalfa, forage research

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA) announced March 30 the availability of $1.9 million in funding for research and development to improve the agricultural productivity, profitability and conservation of the U.S. alfalfa forage industry.
Funding is made through NIFA’s Alfalfa & Forage Research Program (AFRP).
“Alfalfa and other forage crops have great potential as high-value, sustainable crops,” NIFA director Sonny Ramaswamy said. “These NIFA investments will help expand this potential into profit for agricultural producers.”
Alfalfa is a high-nutrition animal feed that also shows promise as a source for bio-based materials and other renewable resources. AFRP is an integrated, alfalfa-oriented research and extension program that supports collaborative research and technology transfer to improve overall agricultural productivity, profitability and conservation of natural resources through conventional and organic forage and seed production systems.
In fiscal 2017, AFRP will support the development of improved alfalfa forage and seed production systems, practices and supporting technologies.
NIFA is soliciting applications for fiscal 2017 to support projects that:
* Increase alfalfa forage and seed yields as well as forage quality through improved management practices, plant breeding and other strategies to reduce biotic and abiotic stresses and costs of production;
* Improve alfalfa forage and seed harvest and storage systems to optimize economic returns to alfalfa producers as well as end users, including milk producers;
* Develop methods to estimate alfalfa forage yield and quality, which would support marketing alfalfa forage as a livestock feed and also develop instruments to reduce producer risks, and
* Explore new uses for alfalfa such as fish feeds, nutritive supplements, high-value chemical manufacturing or other novel uses.
Eligible applicants include state agricultural experiment stations, colleges and universities, university research foundations, other research institutions and organizations, federal agencies, national laboratories, private organizations or corporations and individuals who are U.S. citizens or nationals.
The deadline for applications is May 1.

Weekly East River South Dakota Hay Market

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  Alfalfa hay movement is at a near standstill, grass and bedding materials seeing a little more demand.  Many hay sellers are noting that end-users are looking for lower quality grass and straw to stretch rations.  Mild spring weather has many farmers starting to get machinery ready for spring tillage and planting.  All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise noted.

   Alfalfa:  Supreme:  Large Squares, 160.00-165.00.  Premium/Supreme:  Large Rounds,
100.00.  Premium:  Large Squares, 140.00-150.00.  Good:  Large Rounds, 75.00.  
Utility/Fair:  Large Rounds, 90.00.  Utility:  Large Squares, 80.00; Large Rounds, 85.00.  

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 145.00; 17 pct 150.00.  Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 155.00.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Premium:  Large Rounds, 110.00-125.00.  Good:  Large Squares, 75.00.

   Grass:  Good:  Large Squares, 80.00; Large Rounds, 85.00.

   Straw:  Large Rounds, 55.00-65.00 delivered 30 miles.

   Cornstalks:  No Reported Sales.

Iowa Hay Summary

Week Ending Friday, March 31,2017

For this week:  Prices were steady to instances lower as higher quality hay  and small bales
continued to be hard to find.  This week, much of the state experienced significant rainfall 
with temperatures that were back to normal for this time of year.

Alfalfa         Premium Small Squares         $200.00    -     $240.00
                        Large Squares         $145.00    -     $175.00
                Good    Large Rounds           $75.00    -     $90.00

Alfalfa/Grass   Good    Large Squares         $125.00    -     $160.00
                        Large Rounds           $70.00    -     $90.00

Grass           Good    Large Rounds           $65.00    -     $85.00
                Fair    Large Rounds           $60.00    -     $85.00

Straw           Oat     Small Squares         $120.00    -     $170.00

Certified Organic Hay:  No Certified Organic Hay reported this week.

Weekly Montana Hay Report

Compared to last week: Alfalfa hay sold fully steady this week on moderate
to good demand. Rain continues to fall across many portions of the state
and with warmer temperatures seen over the past few weeks grass has seemed 
to green up overnight in many locations. This has interest in hay near
nil as all buyers can think about is green grass and spring. Hay movement
was very light this week. Grass hay interest has lightened some as some
ranchers have turned their cows out of lots and into small pastures. 
This coupled with milder nightly temperatures has slowed the use of hay.
Producers looking to move grass hay this week took lower prices in some places
as a result. Grass hay sold steady to 5.00 lower. Straw sales were very 
limited this week. Supplies remain very light. All prices are dollars per 
ton and FOB unless otherwise noted.

  Alfalfa:   Supreme:   Small squares, 200.00
              Premium:  Large squares, 115.00-120.00  
                        Small squares, 200.00        Retail                  
              Good:     Large squares, 110.00-140.00                  
                        Large rounds,  120.00-140.00
                        Small squares, 120.00-150.00
              Fair:     Large squares, 105.00-130.00 
                        Large rounds,  115.00-130.00
                        Small Squares, 120.00
              Utility   Large rounds,  90.00-115.00
                        Large squares, 115.00
Grass/Alfalfa:Premium:  Small squares, 150.00-160.00
              Good:     Large rounds,  120.00-150.00       
                        Small squares, 150.00
              Fair:     Large squares, NA
                        Large rounds,  110.00-120.00

   Grass:     Premium   Large rounds,  NA
              Good:     Large squares, NA
                        Large rounds,  110.00-125.00
              Fair:     Large squares, NA
                        Large rounds,  105.00-120.00
              Utility:  Large rounds,  100.00        Old crop 80.00

Grass:        Premium:  Small squares, 210.00-240.00
              Premium:  Large rounds,  120.00-125.00
              Good:     Large rounds,  110.00-120.00

Barley                  Large squares, 45.00-65.00
straw:                  Large rounds,  45.00-65.00
                        Small squares, 50.00-65.00

Wheat straw:

South central Montana   Large squares, 40.00-50.00
Northern Montana        Large squares, 45.00-50.00
                        Large rounds,  45.00-50.00

California Hay Report

  Compared to last week: All classes traded steady with moderate demand. 
According the U.S. Drought Monitor, Despite renewed heavy locally heavy rain and 
mountain snow across central as well as northern portions of the region, the 
precipitation largely bypassed the lingering long-term drought areas (denoted by 
an “L” on the map) across southern California and the Southwest.  The NWS 6- to 
10-day outlook for April 3 – 7 calls for above-normal temperatures nearly 
nationwide, with the greatest likelihood of warmth occurring in the southern 
Atlantic States. Meanwhile, near- to above-normal precipitation across most of 
the country will contrast with drier-than-normal weather from parts of 
California to the Rio Grande Valley.  All hay is reported FOB the stack or barn 
unless otherwise noted.  Regions are defined at bottom of report. 

Tons:  2598    Last Week:  3535    Last Year:  8890                            

Region 1: North Inter-Mountain:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                          
      Premium                 100  210.00-210.00  210.00     Retail/Stable     

Region 2: Sacramento Valley:                                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                  50  200.00-200.00  200.00     Retail/Stable     
  Orchard Grass                                                                
      Premium                  25  200.00-200.00  200.00     Retail/Stable     
      Good                    150  120.00-120.00  120.00     Retail/Stable     
  Rice Straw                                                                   
      Good                    125   62.50-62.50    62.50     Retail/Stable     

Region 3: Northern San Joaquin Valley:                                         
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 100  190.00-190.00  190.00                       
                              150  208.00-225.00  213.67 Del                   

Region 4: Central San Joaquin Valley:                                          
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                  25  215.00-215.00  215.00 Del                   
      Premium                  25  240.00-240.00  240.00 Del Retail/Stable     
      Good                      0   50.00-50.00    50.00     Contracted Windrow       
      Good                      0   30.00-35.00    32.50     Contracted Standing       

Region 5: Southern California:                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 250  190.00-190.00  190.00     Retail/Stable     
  Forage Mix-Three Way                                                         
      Good                     50  200.00-200.00  200.00     Retail/Stable     

Region 6: Southeast California:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium/Supreme         500  185.00-185.00  185.00                       
                              375  165.00-165.00  165.00     Weedy             
      Premium                 200  170.00-170.00  170.00                       
                              470  175.00-175.00  175.00     Export
Region 1: North Inter-Mountain: Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, and 
Region 2: Sacramento Valley: Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, 
Sierra, Nevada, Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, Solano, Sacramento, Amador, and 
Region 3: Northern San Joaquin Valley: San Joaquin, Calaveras, 
Tuolumne, Mono, Merced, Mariposa. 
Region 4: Central San Joaquin Valley: Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and 
Region 5: Southern California: Kern, Northeast Los Angeles, and Western 
Region 6: Southeast California: Eastern San Bernardino, Riverside, and 

Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  9350    Last Week:  5730    Last Year:  9950                            

     Compared to last week. Export and Domestic Alfalfa firm to 5.00 higher. Trade 
moderate this week as exporters and feeder hay buyers showed more interest with 
good demand. Retail/Feedstore, All prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or 
ranch unless otherwise stated. 

                   Tons      Price     Wtd Avg     Comments
    Mid Square                                                       
      Premium       400  115.00-115.00  115.00     Export            
      Good         4900   98.00-125.00  102.55     Export            
                    250  100.00-100.00  100.00     Rain Damage       
                   1000   95.00-100.00   97.50     Tarped            
      Fair         2500   90.00-90.00    90.00     Tarped            

  Timothy Grass                                                      
    Mid Square                                                       
      Premium       300  170.00-170.00  170.00     Export            

Rock Valley Hay Auction

For Thursday, Mar 23, 2017

Receipts:  72 loads    Last Week:  72 loads    Last Year:  74 loads    

   Compared to last week:   Alfalfa and grass hay sold at lower levels.  Interest
and demand was light, with quality varying throughout the sale.  All sales FOB 
Rock Valley, Iowa, vicinity.

One load Small Squares equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and 
Large Rounds range from 10-25 tons per load.

   Alfalfa: Good:  Large Squares, 3 loads 95.00-112.50; Large Rounds, 2 loads 87.50-97.50.
Fair:  Large Squares, 2 loads 75.00-80.00; Large Rounds, 15 loads 65.00-82.50.  Utility:
Large Squares, 1 load 60.00; Large Rounds, 4 loads 55.00-60.00.

   Grass:  Premium:  Small Squares, 1 load 140.00.  Good:  Large Squares, 2 loads 70.00-80.00;
Large Rounds, 5 loads 80.00-90.00; Small Squares, 2 loads 82.50-85.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 
14 loads 55.00-70.00.  Utility:  Large Rounds, 6 loads 45.00-50.00.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Good:  Large Squares, 2 loads 75.00-82.50; Large Rounds, 1 loads 77.50.
Fair:  Large Squares, 1 load 65.00.

   Wheat Straw:  Large Squares, 2 loads 50.00-55.00.  Large Rounds, 2 loads 70.00-72.50.

   Oat Straw:  Large Rounds, 2 load 40.00.

   Cornstalks:  Large Rounds, 5 loads 30.00-35.00.

Idaho Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  32,300    Last Week:  1000    Last Year:  3000                                

      Compared to last week, Domestic Alfalfa firm. Trade turned active this week 
with very good demand as supplies are in firm hands and winter is still around is 
some places. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or ranch unless 
otherwise stated. 
                        Tons      Price      Wtd Avg     Comments
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Premium          15,500  110.00-120.00  119.68     Tarped            
      Good              1,800   90.00-110.00  100.00     Tarped            
      Fair/Good        15,000   80.00-80.00    80.00     Tarped   

Weekly Texas Hay Report

  Compared to last report:  Alfalfa sold steady to 5.00 lower as top end 
prices become more difficult to find.  Ground Alfalfa sold 5.00 to 10.00 
higher.  Coastal Bermuda remained steady.  The Panhandle received a much 
needed rain that benefitted local pastures.  Producers anticipate new 
crop prices to be steady or even weaker since the recent rains should 
help the supply.  Coastal Bermuda producers in North, East and South 
Texas were busy sprigging pastures and preparing for their first cutting 
of the season.  Most producers still have old crop hay left to get 
customers by until the first cutting is baled.  Prices for hay and 
pellets quoted per ton except where noted. 

   The Texas Department of Agriculture has Hay and Grazing Hot Line set 
up for Buyers and sellers looking for hay or grazing; the number is 1-
877-429-1998. The website for the hotline is:

Panhandle/High Plains:
   Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 160.00-210.00;
       Good to Premium 135.00-160.00.
     Small Bales: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 297.00, 9.00 per 
   Chopped Alfalfa: Delivered to feedlots: 135.00-138.00. Calf 140.00. 
  Brown 110.00-115.00.        
   Coastal Bermuda: Large Rounds: Delivered: Good to Premium 130.00- 
   Wheat Hay: Large Bales: Delivered: 125.00. 
   Wheat Straw: Small Bales: Delivered: 6.15 per bale.
   BlueStem: Large Bales: Delivered: 60.00; 30.00 per bale.
   Hay Grazer: Large Bales: Delivered: 90.00-95.00.
   Red Top Cane: Large Bales: Delivered: 119.00.
Far West Texas/Trans Pecos: 
   Alfalfa: Small Squares: FOB or Delivered local: Premium to Supreme 
  240.00-330.00, 7.25-10.00 per bale. 
     Large Squares: FOB or Delivered local: Premium to Supreme 
  195.00-225.00; Fair to Good 105.00-130.00.     

North, Central, and East Texas:
   Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 195.00-210.00; 
  Good to Premium 160.00-195.00. 
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 231.00-265.00, 
  7.00-8.00 per bale; Fair to Good 165.00-198.00, 5.00-6.00 
  per bale.
     Large Rounds: FOB: Good to Premium 80.00-100.00, 40.00-50.00 
  per bale.
South Texas:
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 231.00-265.00, 
  7.00-8.00 per bale; Fair to Good 165.00-198.00, 5.00-6.00 per 
    Large Rounds: FOB and delivered locally: Good to Premium 
  80.00-100.00; 40.00-50.00 per roll; Fair to Good 40.00-80.00, 
  20.00-40.00 per roll.   
   Coastal Bermuda Grass Mix: Large Rounds: FOB: 30.00 to 35.00 per roll.    

Oregon Weekly Hay Report


   Compared to March 24:  Prices trended generally steady in a limited test
compared to week ago prices.  Most demand lays with the retail/stable hay.  
According to some producers, horse owners prefer lower sugar, higher protein
hay.  Many producers are sold out for the year.  
All prices are in dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise stated.   

Tons:  1544    Last Week:  2587    Last Year:  1537                            

Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Wasco Counties:                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          

    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                  39  220.00-220.00  220.00     Retail/Stable     

  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                          
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                   7  245.00-245.00  245.00     Retail/Stable     

  Orchard Grass                                                                
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                   1  250.00-250.00  250.00     Retail/Stable     
      Good/Premium             25  210.00-210.00  210.00     Retail/Stable     

  Grass Mix-Five Way                                                          
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                  10  260.00-260.00  260.00     Retail/Stable     

Eastern Oregon:                                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          

  Mixed Grass                                                                  
    Large Square                                                               
      Utility                  50   45.00-45.00    45.00     Rain Damage       

Klamath Basin:                                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          

    Small Square                                                               
      Good                      6  145.00-145.00  145.00                       

  Orchard Grass                                                                
    Small Square                                                               
      Good                    400  160.00-160.00  160.00     Retail/Stable     

Lake County:                                                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          

    Large Square                                                               
      Supreme                  34  210.00-210.00  210.00                       
      Premium/Supreme         400  170.00-170.00  170.00     Export            
      Premium                 484  150.00-160.00  150.70                       

    Small Square                                                               
      Supreme                  28  250.00-250.00  250.00     Organic           
      Premium                  60  185.00-185.00  185.00     Retail/Stable     

Harney County: No New Sales Confirmed.                                         

Missouri Weekly Hay Summary

Week ending 03/31/2017

Rains finally arrived and were very heavy in some of the southern areas of 
the state. Ponds have been filled back up and there is water standing in 
several fields. The Drought rating of D1 or worse improved by over 20 percent 
this week and will likely see more improvement with next week’s report. The 
feeding season is quickly wrapping up as grass is growing and cattle would 
rather chase that than eat hay. Many farmers did manage to get fertilizer 
spread before rains came and even some corn planting done. In the next week 
NASS will release the first crop progress report of the year so should have 
some factual numbers of just how much has been done. The supply of hay is 
moderate, demand is light and prices are steady to weak. The Missouri 
Department of Agriculture has a hay directory available for both buyers 
and sellers. To be listed, or for a directory visit for listings of hay (All prices f.o.b. and per ton unless 
specified and on most recent reported sales price listed as round bales based 
generally on 5x6 bales with weights of approximately 1200-1500 lbs).

Supreme quality Alfalfa (RFV <185) 180.00-225.00
Premium quality Alfalfa (RFV 170-180) 160.00-200.00
Good quality Alfalfa (RFV 150-170) 120.00-160.00 
small squares 4.50-5.00 per bale
Fair quality Alfalfa (RFV 130-150) 100.00-120.00 
Good quality Mixed Grass hay 75.00-100.00
Small squares 3.00-4.50 per bale (some alfalfa/grass mix)
Fair to Good quality Mixed Grass hay 50.00-80.00
small squares 2.50-3.50 per bale
Fair quality Mixed Grass hay 15.00-25.00 per large round bale 

Fair to Good quality Bromegrass 50.00-80.00

Wheat straw 3.00-6.00 per small square bale

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Hay movement was mostly slow to moderate this week while demand was mostly 
moderate. Supplies of Supreme and Premium quality alfalfa are virtually 
exhausted with most movement this week consisting of grinding and bunk alfalfa, 
wheat hay and grass hay. Statewide rainfall brought welcome relief to farmers 
and firefighters with rainfall totals of mostly 1 to 3 inches in central and 
western Oklahoma and totals of about 0.2 inches to 0.5 inch in eastern counties. 
More rains are forecast for the weekend. First cutting of alfalfa will likely 
begin in southern and south central counties as weather allows. 

Market News continues to maintain an online hay directory for both in-state
and out-of-state hay producers.  The directories are on the ODAFF homepage
at Producers wishing to list hay are encouraged to call
at 1-800-580-6543 or email 
Central Oklahoma: Prices mostly steady in extremely limited trading. Premium 
quality large square bales 130.00. Dry cow and bunk hay 110.00-120.00 in large 
square bales, 80.00-100.00 in round bales.
Eastern Oklahoma: No sales confirmed. 

Western Oklahoma: Prices steady. No sales of Premium quality large square bales 
confirmed. Untested hay moving to dairies as well as bunk or dry cow hay large 
square bales 100.00-130.00 per ton in large square bales, 80.00-100.00 in large 
round bales. Several loads grinding hay to feedlots 80.00.

Grass Hay
Central Oklahoma: Good Bermuda 4 X 5 bales 30.00-45.00 per bale, 5 X6 bales 

Western Oklahoma: Good quality wheat hay 5 X 6 bales 45.00-50.00 per bale. Good 
Bermuda horse quality 65.00-70.00 per bale in 5 X 6 bales, Good Bermuda cow hay 
5 X 6 bales 45.00-60.00 per bale, 4 X 5 bales mixed grass 40.00-45.00 per bale. 

Eastern Oklahoma: Mixed grass in 4 X 5 bales 20.00-30.00 per bale. Mixed 
grass hay in 5 X 6 bales 30.00-50.00. Good bluestem hay delivered 85.00-105.00 
per ton. Good Bermuda in 5 X 6 bales 50.00-65.00 per bale. Good Bermuda 4 X 5 
bales 25.00-45.00 per bale, mostly 25.00-35.00. 

Prices are dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise noted.

Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending March 31, 2017

    Compared to last week alfalfa, grass hay, ground and delivered hay 
sold steady. Dehy alfalfa pellets steady, sun-cured 10.00 lower on a thin 
test. Demand is moderate for hay with-in the state and good demand is 
noted for hay going to cattlemen out of state. Much needed rain came at 
the end of last week through the first part of this week across most of 
the state. These spring rains will give alfalfa and grass pastures a much 
needed boost to emerge this spring. Some field work is underway with 
fertilizer getting applied and pre planting tillage practices. All sales 
are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless otherwise noted. 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Supreme large square bales 170.00, Premium large square bales 
145.00-155.00, Good large square bales from 110.00-125.00, fair large 
square bales 80.00-90.00. Good round bales 65.00-70.00, few at 90.00 per 
ton delivered. Premium small squares of alfalfa 150.00. Grass Hay: Good 
large round bales 60.00-70.00, fair large round bales 40.00-50.00. 
Premium small square bales of grass hay in central part of the state at 
120.00, Eastern part of the state from 150.00-160.00. Dehy pellets 17 
percent protein 210.00. 

Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good round bales 65.00-70.00. Premium small square bales of 
alfalfa 125.00. Cane in large round bales 60.00. Soybean stubble bales 
60.00 delivered. Ground and delivered alfalfa 90.00-100.00. Ground and 
delivered cornstalks 70.00-75.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent 
protein 155.00.

Colorado Hay Report

   Compared to last week, prices were mostly steady with activity light and 
demand high in all classes.  Many producers are sold out of last year’s crop 
lending to the light demand seen.  Producers feel optimistic about the outlook 
on new crop prices because of the dwindling supplies of old crop.  The USDA NRCS 
National Water and Climate Center’s Colorado SNOTEL Snow/Precipitation Update 
Report for Thursday, March 30, 2017 has the Gunnison River Basin Snow Water 
Equivalent at 125%, the Upper Colorado River basin at 110%, the South Platte 
River Basin at 104%, the Laramie and North Platte River Basins at 104%, the 
Yampa and White River Basins at 94%, the Arkansas River Basin at 111%, the Upper 
Rio Grande Basin at 113% and the San Miguel, Dolores, Animas and San Juan River 
Basins at 130% as a percent of the median of all SNOTEL sites in each basin 
compared to previous years.  According to the United States Drought Monitor, 
moderate to heavy rain and wet snow (1-3 inches, liquid equivalent) led to 
reductions in Abnormal Dryness (D0) as well as Moderate to Severe Drought (D1 
and D2) from central Colorado northeastward into central Nebraska.  All prices 
reported are FOB at the stack or barn unless otherwise noted.  Prices reflect 
load lots of hay.  If you have hay for sale or need hay, use the services of the 
Colorado Department of Agriculture website:  

Northeast Colorado Areas
   Round Bales: Good 100.00.
  Alfalfa/Grass Mix
   Large Squares: Good 125.00.
   Small Squares: Premium 245.00-250.00 (7.00-8.00 per bale), small lot.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southeast Colorado Areas
   Large Squares: Premium 150.00; Good 130.00.
   Small Squares: Supreme 200.00 (7.00 per bale).
   Large Squares: Premium 227.00, retail.
   Small Squares: Premium 245.00 (6.50 per bale), retail.
   Large Squares: Good 100.00-110.00.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

San Luis Valley Area
   Large Squares: Premium 150.00-160.00.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southwest Colorado Areas
   Small Squares: Good 185.00 (6.00 per bale).
   No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.

Mountains and Northwest Colorado Areas
   Large Squares: Premium 140.00; Good 105.00; Fair 75.00.
   Small Squares: Premium 190.00 (5.50 per bale).
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Northeast: Weld, Washington, Morgan, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln, Elbert, 
Adams, Sedgwick, Yuma, Larimer, Jefferson, Douglas, Kit Carson, Phillips, 
Logan, Boulder, Arapahoe, and El Paso.
Southeast: Fremont, Custer, Huerfano, Las Animas, Bent, Otero, Prowers, 
Crowley, and Pueblo.
San Luis Valley: Saguache, Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Rio Grande, and 
Southwest: Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel, Montezuma, Dolores, 
San Juan, Hinsdale, Archuleta, and La Plata.
Mountains and Northwest: Moffat, Routt, Jackson, Rio Blanco, Garfield, 
Gunnison, Teller, Grand, Chaffee, Park, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Summit, 
Lake, and Eagle.

Wyoming, Western Nebraska, and Western South Dakota Hay Report

   Compared to last week, prices were mostly steady with activity and demand 
light in all classes.  Producers reporting short supplies with movement going 
out of the state.  The USDA Wyoming NRCS Monday Morning Snow Report for March 
27, 2017 has the Snake River Basin Snow Water Equivalent at 143%, the Madison 
River basin at 116%, the Yellowstone Basin at 137%, the Wind River Basin at 
173%, the Bighorn Basin at 110%, the Shoshone River Basin at 156%, the Powder 
Basin at 86%, the Tongue Basin at 105%, the Belle Fourche Basin at 0%, the 
Cheyenne Basin at 15%, the Upper North Platte Basin at 102%, the Sweetwater 
Basin at 181%, the Lower North Platte Basin at 90%, the Laramie Basin at 99%, 
the South Platte Basin at 93%, the Little Snake River Basin at 91%, the Upper 
Green Basin at 175%, the Lower Green Basin at 129%, and the Upper Bear Basin at 
142% as a percent of the median of all SNOTEL sites in each basin compared to 
previous years.  All prices dollars per ton FOB stack in large square bales and 
rounds, unless otherwise noted.  Most horse hay sold in small squares.  Prices 
are from the most recent reported sales. 

Eastern Wyoming 
   Round Bales: Good 120.00.
  Alfalfa/Grass Mix
   Large Squares: Premium 150.00 DEL.
   Small Squares: Premium 185.00 (6.50 per bale).
   No reported quotes for other classes of hay.

Central and Western Wyoming 
   Large Squares: Fair 75.00.
   No reported quotes for other classes of hay. 

Western Nebraska
   Large Squares: Premium 130.00; Good/Fair 100.00.
   Ground and Delivered: 105.00.
  Wheat Straw
   Large Squares: Good 50.00-55.00.
   No reported quotes for other classes of hay.

Western South Dakota

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Kansas Hay Market Report

Ground alfalfa movement:  Southwest/South Central 
Tonnage: 10,424/4,891     Last week: 9,490/4,711     Last year: 9,682/3,681
The hay trade activity was brisk.  Demand was moderate for all classes of hay; 
prices steady.  Producers have been busy not only moving hay, but have also been 
busy with field work.  A number of folks have been spraying for weevil and have 
applied fertilizer ahead of the much anticipated rain.  Drought conditions 
deepened for much of the state this past week. The abnormally dry (D0) category 
rose to 97.00 pct, moderate drought (D1) rose to 47.87 pct, while the severe 
drought category (D2) remained at 9.01 pct and the extreme drought (D3) category 
remained at .57 pct. According to the NASS Kansas Crop Progress and Condition 
Report, top soil moisture rated 26 pct very short, 42 pct short, 31 pct adequate 
and 1 pct surplus. Subsoil moisture rated 20 pct very short, 41 pct short, 39 
pct adequate and 0 pct surplus. Hay and roughage supplies rated 2 pct very 
short, 5 pct short, 87 pct adequate, and 6 pct surplus. Relief efforts for those 
affected by the wildfires continue and information to help can be found at the 
Kansas Department of Agriculture website,  If 
you have hay for sale, and/or need hay, use the services of the Internet Hay 
Southwest Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa .05 higher, grinding alfalfa and ground/delivered 5.00-10.00 
higher, movement slow to moderate. Alfalfa: Horse, small squares 240.00-250.00. 
Dairy, .75-.85/point RFV, Supreme 140.00-160.00, Premium 130.00-150.00, Good 
115.00-145.00.  Stock or Dry Cow alfalfa, 75.00-95.00, with an instance at 
110.00.  Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 85.00-95.00. Ground and delivered locally 
to feedlots and dairies, 110.00-120.00, with an instance at 130.00.  New crop 
ground and delivered 120.00-130.00.  The week of 3/19-3/25, 10,424T of grinding 
alfalfa and 2,751T of dairy alfalfa were delivered.  Grass hay: bluestem, large 
rounds 65.00-75.00. Brome: large rounds 55.00-65.00. Sudan: large rounds 40.00-
45.00. Corn stalks, ground and delivered 70.00-80.00. 

South Central Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, alfalfa ground/delivered, alfalfa pellets, and 
stock cow alfalfa steady, movement moderate. Alfalfa: Horse, small squares 
230.00-240.00, Dairy, .70-.80/point RFV, Supreme 140.00-150.00, Premium 130.00-
140.00, Good 110.00-130.00. Stock cow alfalfa, 90.00-95.00. Fair/Good grinding 
alfalfa, 75.00-85.00.  Ground and delivered locally to feedlots 100.00-110.00, 
an instance of 115.00-120.00. The week of 3/19-3/25, 4,891T of grinding alfalfa 
and 1,111T of dairy alfalfa were delivered. Alfalfa pellets: Sun Cured 15 pct 
protein 135.00-145.00, 17 pct protein 145.00-150.00, Dehydrated 17 pct 200.00-
205.00. Grass hay: bluestem, mid and large squares 65.00-75.00, large rounds 
60.00-70.00.  Brome, mid and large squares, none reported, large rounds 75.00-
80.00. Oat hay, large rounds 55.00-65.00. Cane hay, large rounds 45.00-55.00. 
Corn stalks, ground and delivered 80.00-85.00. Straw large rounds 40.00-50.00, 
Straw, mid squares 50.00-55.00. 

Southeast Kansas
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, grass hay steady, movement 
moderate.  Alfalfa: Horse or Goat, 210.00-230.00.  Dairy .70-.85/point RFV. 
Stock cow alfalfa 100.00-105.00.  Fair/Good grinding alfalfa 70.00-75.00. Ground 
and delivered, 80.00-90.00.  Grass hay: bluestem, small squares 100.00-110.00. 
Good, mid and large squares 80.00-90.00, large rounds 50.00-60.00. Brome: small 
squares 130.00-135.00. Good, mid and large squares 90.00-110.00, large rounds 
55.00-65.00. Straw, mid squares 50.00-60.00. CWF grass mulch 30.00-40.00.

Northwest Kansas  
Dairy alfalfa and ground/delivered steady, grinding alfalfa 5.00 higher, 
movement slow. Alfalfa: Horse/Goat, 270.00-280.00. Dairy, Premium/Supreme .80-
.95/point RFV. Stock cow, fair/good 100.00-110.00. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, 
60.00-70.00. Ground and delivered locally to feedlots and dairies, 90.00-95.00.

North Central-Northeast Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, grass hay steady, movement 
slow to moderate.  Alfalfa: Horse, small squares 8.00-10.00/bale.  Dairy .80-
1.00/point RFV, Supreme 150.00-200.00.  Premium 140.00-160.00, Good 130.00-
140.00. Stock Cow, good 110.00-120.00. Fair/Good, grinding alfalfa, 80.00-90.00. 
Ground and delivered, 105.00-115.00. Grass hay: bluestem, small squares 4.00-
6.00/bale, large squares 70.00-80.00, large rounds 60.00-70.00.  Brome: Good, 
small squares 6.00-7.00/bale, mid and large squares, horse quality, 110.00-
120.00, good large rounds none reported. Sorghum/Sudan, large rounds 60.00-
70.00. Straw, good, small squares 5.00/bale, large square bales 80.00-90.00.00, 
and large rounds, none reported. CWF grass mulch, none reported.

Corsica, SD Hay and Straw Auction

For Monday Mar 20, 2017

Receipts:  34 Loads    Last Week:  40 Loads    Last Year:  32 Loads

All prices dollars per ton.

One load Small Squares equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and
Large Rounds range from 10-25 tons per load.

   Alfalfa:  Good:  Large Rounds, 11 loads 70.00-82.50.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 
8 loads 52.50-67.50.  

   Grass:  Good:  Large Rounds, 7 loads 75.00-85.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 4 loads

   Oat Hay:  Large Rounds, 1 load 60.00.

   Straw:  Large Rounds, 3 loads 35.00-40.00.

Most hay selling steady

In Nebraska and the East River area of South Dakota, alfalfa, grass hay, ground and delivered hay and dehydrated alfalfa pellets sold steady. Moderate to good demand for alfalfa bales and grass hay this week has been prompted by somewhat dry weather in the Midwest. Some hay is getting delivered in to the southern plains at a very cheap price or free to producers that have lost everything in the recent fires, according to the USDA Market News Service, March 17. Prices given on per-ton basis, unless otherwise noted.
Eastern/central—Premium alfalfa, large squares bales going to dairies, $145-$155, with a couple loads horse hay, $170, small squares, $150; good, large squares, $110-$125, large rounds, $65-$70; fair, large squares, $95 delivered. Good grass hay, large rounds, $60-$70; fair, large rounds, $40-$50; premium small bales of grass hay grass hay in central part of the state, $120, eastern areas, $150-$160.
Platte Valley—Good alfalfa, large rounds, $65-$70; premium, small bales of alfalfa, $125. Cane, large rounds, $60. Ground and delivered alfalfa, $90-$100. Ground and delivered cornstalks, $75-$80. Grounds and delivered soybean stubble, $70. Dehydrated alfalfa pellets, 17% protein, $180. Sun-cured pellets, 15% protein, $165. 
East River area of South Dakota—Supreme alfalfa, large squares, $160-$165; premium/supreme, large rounds, $100; premium, large squares, $140-$150; good, large rounds, $75; utility/fair, large rounds, $90; utility, large squares, $80, large rounds, $85. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% $145, 17%, $150. Alfalfa meal, 17% $155. Premium alfalfa grass mix, large rounds, $125; good, large squares, $75. Grass, large squares, $80. Straw, no reported sales. Cornstalks, no reported sales.
In Iowa, alfalfa and grass hay sold with stronger undertones, reflecting the better quality that was offered; bedding materials steady.
Rock Valley—Good alfalfa, large squares, $85-$112.50, large rounds, $77.50-$92.50; fair, large squares, $72.50-$77.50, large rounds, $65-$75; utility, large rounds and squares, $60-$65. Premium grass, large rounds, $97.50-$112.50, small squares, $97.50-$122.50; good, large squares, $90, large rounds, $70-$87.50, small squares, $82.50; fair, large rounds, $65-$67.50. Good alfalfa grass mix, large squares, $80, large rounds, $70-$82.50; fair, large rounds, $67.50. Straw, large squares, $52.50, large rounds, $70-$72.50. Cornstalks, large rounds, $35-$45.
In Minnesota, all classes of hay steady.
Good alfalfa, small squares, $110; fair, large rounds, $60-$75; utility, large rounds, $55. Good grass, large rounds, $90; fair, large rounds, $60-$75; utility, large rounds, $10-$50. Premium alfalfa grass mix, small squares, $120-$140; fair, large rounds, $60-$75, large squares, $65; utility, large rounds, $40-$55. Straw, large rounds, $25/bale, small squares, $4.40/bale. Cornstalks, large rounds, $15-$25.
In Montana, alfalfa hay sold fully steady this week on good demand for feeder hay classes.
Supreme alfalfa, small squares, $200; premium, large squares, $115-$120, small squares, $200 retail; good, large squares, $105-$140, large rounds, $120-$140, small squares, $120-$150; fair, large squares, $105-$130, large rounds, $115-$130, small squares, $120; utility, large rounds, $90-$115, large squares, $115. Premium grass alfalfa, large rounds, $150-$160, small squares, $120-$165; fair, large squares, NA, large rounds, $110-$120. Premium grass, large rounds, NA; good, large squares, NA, large rounds, $110-$125; fair, large squares, NA, large rounds, $110-$120; utility, large rounds, $100. Premium timothy grass, small squares, $210-$240, large rounds, $120-$125; good, large rounds, $110-$120. Barley straw, large squares, $45-$65, large rounds, $45-$65 small squares, $50-$65. Wheat straw, SCMT, large squares, $40-$50; NMT, large squares, $45-$50, large rounds, $45-$50.
In Wyoming, western Nebraska and western South Dakota, prices were mostly steady with activity and demand light in all classes.
Eastern Wyoming—Good alfalfa, large squares, $120; good/fair, large squares, $110. Premium alfalfa grass mix, large squares, $150 delivered. No reported quotes for other classes of hay.
Central/western Wyoming—Good/fair alfalfa, large squares, $100. Fair grass, large squares, $75. No reported quotes for other classes of hay.
Western Nebraska—Alfalfa, ground and delivered, $105. No reported quotes for other classes of hay.
Western South Dakota—No reported quotes for other classes of hay.
In Colorado, hay prices were mostly steady with activity light and demand high in all classes.
Northeast—Supreme alfalfa, small squares, $300, small lot; good, rounds, $100. Good alfalfa grass mix, large squares, $125. Premium grass, large squares, $185, small squares, $245-$250, small lot. Good oat, large squares, $75. No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.
Southeast—Good alfalfa, large squares, $130 delivered; supreme, small squares, $200. Good triticale, large squares, $100. Premium grass, small squares, $245, retail. No reported quotes for other classes of hay.
San Luis Valley—No reported quotes for other classes of hay.
Southwest—Premium grass mix, small squares, $200, small lot. Good orchard grass, small squares, $220, small lot. No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.
Mountains/northwest—Premium grass, large squares, $140, small squares, $190; good, large squares, $105; fair, large squares, $75. No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.
In Missouri, the supply of hay is moderate, demand is light and prices are steady to weak. 
Supreme alfalfa, RFV 185 $180-$225; premium, RFV 170-180, $160-$200; good, RFV 150-170 $120-$160, small squares $4.50-$5/bale; fair, RFV 130-150, $100-$120. Good mixed grass hay, $75-$100, small squares, $3-$4.50/bale. Fair/good mixed grass hay, $50-$80, small squares, $2.50-$3.50. Fair mixed grass hay, large rounds, $15-$25/bale. Fair/good bromegrass, $50-$80. Wheat straw, small squares, $3-$6/bale.
In Oklahoma, alfalfa movement turned mostly slow this week. Demand was light to moderate for dairy hay, mostly moderate for dry cow and bunk hay. All alfalfa supplies appear to be limited, especially in large square bales. Grass hay movement also declined this week and demand was very limited.
Central-Alfalfa prices steady in extremely limited trading. Premium, large squares, $130. Dry cow or bunk hay, in large squares, $110-$120, in large rounds, $80-$100. Good bermuda grass hay, 4 x 5 bales, $30-$45/bale, 5 x 6 bales, $50-$60.
Eastern—Good dry cow and bunk hay, round bales, $80-$90/ton, $100-$120 delivered short haul. Mixed grass hay 4 x 5 bales $20-$30/bale. Mixed grass hay, 5 x 6 bales, $30-$50. Good bluestem hay, delivered, $85-$105/ton. Good bermuda 5 x 6 bales, $50-$65/bale. Good bermuda, 4 x 5 bales $25-$45/bale, mostly $25-$35.
Western—Alfalfa prices steady. No sales of premium alfalfa, large squares, confirmed. Untested hay moving to dairies as well as bunk or dry cow hay, large squares, $110-$130/ ton, large rounds, $80-$100. Good wheat hay, 5 x 6 bales, $45-$50/bale, loads large squares, $60-$70/ton. Good bermuda horse, $65-$70/bale in 5 x 6 bales, good bermuda cow hay, 5 x 6 bales, $45-$60/bale; 4 x 5 bales, $35-$50.
In Texas, most hay classes traded steady on slow to moderate movement. Large bales of premium to supreme quality alfalfa sold $5 to $15 higher due to freight and demand.
Panhandle/High Plains—Premium/supreme alfalfa, large bales, delivered, $160-$225, small bales delivered, $297; good/premium, large bales delivered, $140-$160. Ground and delivered to feedlots, $125-$135. Calf, $140. Brown, $100-$115. Good/premium coastal bermuda, large bales, delivered, $180. Wheat hay, large bales, delivered, $90-$95. Hay grazer, ground/delivered, $90-$95. Bluestem, large bales, delivered, $60, $30/bale. Cotton hulls, delivered, $65. Cotton burrs, delivered, $30-$48.
Far west Texas/Trans Pecos—Premium/supreme alfalfa, small squares, FOB or delivered local, $240-$330, large bales, FOB, $195-$240; fair/good, large bales, FOB or delivered local, $120-$130.
North/central/east—Premium/supreme alfalfa, large bales, delivered, $195-$220; good/premium, large bales delivered, $150-$195. Good/premium coastal bermuda, small squares, FOB, $231-$265, large rounds, FOB $80-$120; fair/good, small squares, FOB, $165-$198.
South—Good/premium coastal bermuda, small squares, FOB, $231-$265, large rounds, FOB and delivered locally, $80-$100; fair/good, small squares, FOB, $165-$198, large rounds, FOB and delivered locally, $40-$80. Coastal bermuda grass mix, large rounds: FOB, $30-$35/roll.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Manage moisture for high quality alfalfa hay

Leaf retention in the bale hinges upon managing moisture, and maintaining the bale after it is put up. Alfalfa baled at 20 percent moisture causes about 20 percent leaf loss. Bale at 10 percent, and leaf loss climbs to 50 percent.

“You don’t want to bale at 10 percent moisture if you can avoid it,” Roberts said. “If you bale at 10 percent, the hay will have an RFV of 140. If you bale the same field of alfalfa at 16 percent moisture, you can increase RFV about 40 points.”

The same is true for yield. Generally, higher leaf retention equals higher yield.
No matter how good a job you do with the pre-condition and raking, there will always be more moisture in the stem than the leaf. He cited one example in which leaves were at 7 percent and stems at 14 percent. However, this will even out when it is compressed into a bale.

“Keep in mind when you are working in the field that the leaves will be drier than the stems,” Roberts said.

Baling hay at 13 to 16 percent moisture is ideal. Hay with a moisture content between 5 and 12 percent is too dry and subject to leaf loss. Baling hay at 23 percent moisture is a fire hazard.

Using a preservative can increase the baling window and allow for higher moisture alfalfa to be baled. Some preservatives are labeled up to 33 percent moisture. Anything at 17 percent moisture and over is subject to heating once it is baled. He advised not baling anything over 22 percent, if possible.
“If you can get the moisture up and deal with it, it will make money for you,” Roberts said.

Consistent RFV
Testing for RFV is always a challenge. The same hay sent to two different labs often comes back with different RFV values.

“It is not a difference between labs but a difference between core variations,” Roberts said.
Roberts said a new more accurate method of testing hay is to grade them on the dry density of the bale. Since stems weigh less than leaves (but leaves back better than stems) a high quality bale with more leaves will weigh more. Roberts said this is a much more consistent way to test hay from bale to bale.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Weekly Utah Hay Market Report

Utah Hay prices prices mostly steady to weak, with trading slow on all Quality's. Majority
of movement on previous contracts.  Lower quali ty hay demand is light with good supplies.
Confirmed sales I, 875 tons.  Guidelines for Alfalfa Hay:  Visual exam and intent of sale;
Relative Feed Value (RFI); Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) ; Crude Protein (CP) .
USDA Grades are based on 100 11; Dry Matter content. All prices are in dollars per ton,
FOB at stack, Unless Otherwise noted. Bales large and small.

        REV             ADF       CP   NDF     TDN-IOO% TDN-90%
Supreme: >185 <27       >22       <34     >62          >55.9
Premium: 170-185         .27-.29   20-22   34-36     60.5-62 54.5-55.9
Good:         150-170         .29-.32   18-20   36-40     58-60 52.5-54.5
Fair:    130-150         .32-.3S   16-18   40-44     56-58 50.5-52.5
Utility: < 130           >.35   >16       >44     <56          <50.5
RSV calculated using the W is/ Minn formula. TDN calculated using the Western formula.
Values based on 100; dry matter, TDN both 90% & 100%

Northern Area:  Alfalfa:  Supreme:  No I dairy: 100—130.00;  Premium:  80 .00—100.00;
Good Feeder: 70.00-80.00 Fair: 55.00-70. 00; Utility: No Quiotes.
Premium retail horse sales 100.00—150.00.

Central Area: Alfalfa: Supreme # 1 dairy 110. 00—140.00; Premium Dairy: 90.00—100.00;
Good Feeder: 70.00-85.00; Fair: 60.00-80.00; Utility: no quotes.
Oat Hay: No Quotes.  Premium retail horse sales: 110.00—150.00.

Southern Area:  Alfalfa: Supreme #1 Dairy: 120.00—160.00; Premium:  100.00—130.00;
Good Feeder: 80.00—95.00; Fair: 60.00—80 .00; Utility: no quotes.

Uintah Basin: Alfalfa: Supreme dairy: 100.00—130. 00; Premium dairy: 90.00—100.00;
Good Feeder: 75.00-90.00; Fair: so. 00-70. 00; Utility: scarce.
Premium retail horse sales Lot Sale 150.00-180.00.

Note: Low quality hay can be weedy, or weather damaged or all of the above.

Detailed Quotations Utah (Bales — large anci small in stack), last quoted sales
are sales more than two weeks old.
Alfalfa Small and Large Square Bales last quoted sales

        Retail Horse (small lots) 150.00-170.00
Supreme Dairy                 100.00-150.00
Premium Dairy                  85.00-100.00
        Good                          60.00-85.00
        Fair                       50.00-60.00
        Utility                          n/q    

Friday, March 24, 2017

Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  5730    Last Week:  3600    Last Year:  6330   

   Compared to last week, export and domestic Alfalfa steady. Trade slow to
moderate with good demand. Westside dairies are showing interest in hay this
week as last year’s winter has taken its toll on feed supplies. Retail/Feedstore
steady. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or ranch unless
otherwise stated.

                     Tons      Price     Wtd Avg     Comments
    Mid Square                                                        
      Premium         910  110.00-115.00  110.58     Export           
                     1600  120.00-125.00  122.50     Tarped           
      Good           2200  100.00-100.00  100.00     Export           
      Fair            700   90.00-90.00    90.00     Tarped           

    Small Square                                                      
      Premium          30  180.00-180.00  180.00     Retail/Stable    

  Orchard Grass                                                       
    Small Square                                                      
      Premium          90  190.00-215.00  200.00     Retail/Stable    

  Wheat Straw                                                         
    Mid Square                                                        
      Fair            200   50.00-50.00    50.00       

Weekly Texas Hay Report

  Compared to last report:  Hay traded mostly steady on slow to moderate
movement.  Top quality Alfalfa has begun to be difficult to find;
therefore, freight and demand for dairy quality Alfalfa caused wide price
spreads.  Many buyers are waiting for new crop hay to be on the market
before establishing contracts and only buying as needed.  North, East and
South Texas report hay movement slow and most anticipating new crop. 
Prices for hay and pellets quoted per ton except where noted.

   The Texas Department of Agriculture has Hay and Grazing Hot Line set
up for Buyers and sellers looking for hay or grazing; the number is 1-
877-429-1998. The website for the hotline is:

Panhandle/High Plains:
   Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 165.00-225.00;
      Good to Premium 140.00-165.00.
   Small Bales: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 297.00, 9.00 per
   Chopped Alfalfa: Delivered to feedlots: 125.00-135.00. Calf 140.00.
Brown 100.00-115.00.       
   Coastal Bermuda: Large Rounds: Delivered: Good to Premium 130.00-
   Wheat Hay: Large Bales: Delivered: 125.00.
   BlueStem: Large Bales: Delivered: 60.00; 30.00 per bale.
   Grass Hay: Large Bales: Delivered: 127.00.
   Triticale: Large Bales: Delivered: 112.00.
Far West Texas/Trans Pecos:
   Alfalfa: Small Squares: FOB or Delivered local: Premium to Supreme
240.00-330.00, 7.25-10.00 per bale.
   Large Squares: FOB or Delivered local: Premium to Supreme
195.00-225.00; Fair to Good 105.00-130.00.    

North, Central, and East Texas:
   Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 195.00-210.00;
Good to Premium 160.00-195.00.
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 231.00-265.00,
7.00-8.00 per bale; Fair to Good 165.00-198.00, 5.00-6.00
per bale.
   Large Rounds: FOB: Good to Premium 80.00-100.00, 40.00-50.00
per bale.
South Texas:
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 231.00-265.00,
7.00-8.00 per bale; Fair to Good 165.00-198.00, 5.00-6.00 per
Large Rounds: FOB and delivered locally: Good to Premium
80.00-100.00; 40.00-50.00 per roll; Fair to Good 40.00-80.00,
20.00-40.00 per roll.  
   Coastal Bermuda Grass Mix: Large Rounds: FOB: 30.00 to 35.00 per roll.   

Weekly East River South Dakota Hay Market

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  Very few reported sales of hay this week.  Prices continue
to hold at mostly steady levels.  Hay sellers are getting few calls and interest is light
at best.  Calving season is in full-swing and they have either bought up the majority of their
hay needs or are only buyer on an as-needed basis.  All hay and straw sold by the
ton FOB, unless otherwise noted.

   Alfalfa:  Supreme:  Large Squares, 160.00-165.00.  Premium/Supreme:  Large Rounds,
100.00.  Premium:  Large Squares, 140.00-150.00.  Good:  Large Rounds, 75.00. 
Utility/Fair:  Large Rounds, 90.00.  Utility:  Large Squares, 80.00; Large Rounds, 85.00. 

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 145.00; 17 pct 150.00.  Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 155.00.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Premium:  Large Rounds, 110.00-125.00.  Good:  Large Squares, 75.00.

   Grass:  Good:  Large Squares, 80.00.

   Straw:  No reported Sales.

   Cornstalks:  No Reported Sales.

Rock Valley Hay Auction

For Thursday, Mar 23, 2017

Receipts:  72 loads    Last Week:  72 loads    Last Year:  50 loads   

   Compared to last week:   Alfalfa and grass hay sold unevenly steady, with
variety of quality on offer.  All sales FOB Rock Valley, Iowa, vicinity.

One load Small Squares equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and
Large Rounds range from 10-25 tons per load.

   Alfalfa: Good:  Large Squares, 5 loads 90.00-102.50; Large Rounds, 10 loads 77.50-97.50;
Small Squares, 1 load 100.00.  Fair:  Large Squares, 1 load 70.00; Large Rounds, 8 loads
60.00-72.50.  Uitlity:  Large Rounds, 10 loads 42.50-57.50.

   Grass:  Premium:  Large Rounds, 2 loads 110.00-112.50; Small Squares, 1 load 195.00.
Good:  Large Rounds, 7 loads 77.50-92.50.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 9 loads 60.00-72.50.
Utility:  Large Rounds, 4 loads 52.50-57.50.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Utility:  Large Rounds, 2 loads 50.00-65.00.

   Straw:  Large Rounds, 4 loads 67.50-72.50.

   Cornstalks:  Large Rounds, 8 loads 37.50-42.50.

Oregon Weekly Hay Report   

   Compared to March 10:  Prices trended generally steady in a limited test
compared to week ago prices.  Most demand lays with the retail/stable hay. 
According to some producers, horse owners prefer lower sugar, higher protein
hay.  Many producers are sold out for the year. 
All prices are in dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise stated. 

Tons:  2587    Last Week:  646    Last Year:  1906                            

Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Wasco Counties:                                  
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments         
    Large Square                                                              
      Good                    200  125.00-125.00  125.00                      

  Orchard Grass                                                               
    Large Square                                                              
      Good                    600  160.00-160.00  160.00                      
    Small Square                                                              
      Premium                   1  250.00-250.00  250.00     Retail/Stable    

Eastern Oregon:                                                               
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments         
    Large Square                                                              
      Good                    100  115.00-115.00  115.00                      

  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                         
    Small Square                                                              
      Good/Premium              4  150.00-150.00  150.00     Retail/Stable    

Harney County:                                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments         
    Large Square                                                              
      Premium/Supreme         400  150.00-150.00  150.00     Export           

    Large Square                                                              
      Good                     60   95.00-95.00    95.00                      

Klamath Basin:                                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments         
  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                         
    Small Square                                                              
      Premium                  50  240.00-240.00  240.00     Retail/Stable    
      Good/Premium            100  220.00-220.00  220.00     Retail/Stable    

  Barley Straw                                                                
    Small Square                                                              
      Utility                 110   77.00-77.00    77.00                      

Lake County:                                                                  
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments         
    Large Square                                                              
      Supreme                 159  175.00-210.00  185.63                      
      Premium                  60  160.00-160.00  160.00                      
                               60  160.00-160.00  160.00     Rain Damage      
      Good/Premium            140  150.00-150.00  150.00                      
    Small Square                                                              
      Premium                 120  185.00-185.00  185.00     Retail/Stable    
      Good/Premium             30  150.00-150.00  150.00                      

  Alfalfa/Oat Mix                                                             
    Small Square                                                              
      Good/Premium             30  125.00-125.00  125.00     Export           

    Large Square                                                              
      Good                     98   80.00-80.00    80.00                      

    Large Square                                                              
      Good/Premium             15  105.00-105.00  105.00                      

    Large Square                                                              
      Good/Premium            250   75.00-75.00    75.00        

Weekly Montana Hay Report

Compared to last week: Alfalfa hay sold fully steady this week on moderate
to good demand. New hay sales continue to be light as producers are still
delivering hay purchased earlier in the year. While supplies remain light
buyers continue to be able to find supplies as needs arise. Grass hay
continues to sell with good demand as ranchers looking for rounds of
alfalfa are buying grass hay to meet needs. Grass hay sold steady this
week. Straw sold steady this week on very limited sales. Straw supplies
are very light. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise noted.

  Alfalfa:   Supreme:   Small squares, 200.00
              Premium:  Large squares, 115.00-120.00 
                        Small squares, 200.00        Retail                 
              Good:     Large squares, 105.00-140.00                 
                        Large rounds,  120.00-140.00
                        Small squares, 120.00-150.00
              Fair:     Large squares, 105.00-130.00
                        Large rounds,  115.00-130.00
                        Small Squares, 120.00
              Utility   Large rounds,  90.00-115.00
                        Large squares, 115.00
Grass/Alfalfa:Premium:  Small squares, 150.00-160.00
              Good:     Large rounds,  120.00-150.00      
                        Small squares, 150.00
              Fair:     Large squares, NA
                        Large rounds,  110.00-120.00

   Grass:     Premium   Large rounds,  NA
              Good:     Large squares, NA
                        Large rounds,  110.00-125.00
              Fair:     Large squares, NA
                        Large rounds,  110.00-120.00
              Utility:  Large rounds,  100.00        Old crop 80.00

Grass:        Premium:  Small squares, 210.00-240.00
              Premium:  Large rounds,  120.00-125.00
              Good:     Large rounds,  110.00-120.00

Barley                  Large squares, 45.00-65.00
straw:                  Large rounds,  45.00-65.00
                        Small squares, 50.00-65.00

Wheat straw:

South central Montana   Large squares, 40.00-50.00
Northern Montana        Large squares, 45.00-50.00
                        Large rounds,  45.00-50.00