Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest

Demand and Sales Comments

With limited auction sites during the summer prices are steady with dairy quality hay carrying the market. Lower quality is discounted.  If you have questions on this report contact richard.halopka@wisc.edu . If you need forage or have forage to sell or straw, connect to the Farmer-to-Farmer website. You may contact your local county agriculture educator if you need help placing an ad. There is no charge for the service.

Straw prices are for oat, barley, or wheat straw. Straw prices are steady. Small square bales averaged $5.50 a bale (range of $4.00 to $7.00). Large square bale straw averaged $45.00 per bale (a range of $40.00 to $55.00). Large round bale straw averaged $59.00 per bale (range of $44.00 – $85.00).

In Nebraska, all hay sold steady this week. Good demand this week. Most were local buyers. In Iowa, no report.

In South Dakota, prices for all hay types is firm. Good demand for all types and quantities of hay.   

In Missouri, hay movement and demand are moderate. Hay prices remain steady. Rain has eased drought concerns and improved pasture and hay field conditions.

In Southwest Minnesota, no report. In Kansasprices for hay have been steady. Demand is very good. Still some drought concerns.  

In Wisconsin, prices for dairy quality hay are steady to strong. Lower quality hay is discounted. Good supply at many local markets, but it may not be quality tested.

Dakota Hay Auction - Corsica, SD

Kansas Direct Hay Report

Iowa Direct Hay Report

USDA Hay Markets – August 30, 2022

Monday, August 29, 2022

State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the Aug. 18 report, compared to last report, trade activity moderate on very good demand for horse hay markets with prices unchanged on comparable trades. Trade activity light on good demand for feedlot hay. According to the NASS Colorado Crop Progress Report for the week ending Aug. 14, second cutting alfalfa harvested is 86 percent, and third cutting alfalfa is 25 percent. Stored feed supplies were rated 18 percent very short, 27 percent short, 54 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus.

Missouri—In the Aug. 18 report, compared to last report, hay supplies are light to moderate. Hay movement is moderate, demand is moderate to good and prices are steady to firm. More rain fell over most of the driest areas of the state this week, which is slowly helping drought conditions. The areas that never quite got to the point of extreme drought have seen some green up and pastures begin to show some signs of life once again.

Nebraska—In the Aug. 18 report, compared to last week, bales of alfalfa hay sold steady to instances $20 higher. Grass hay steady. Dehydrated alfalfa pellets steady to $10 higher. Ground and delivered hay steady. Demand was good. Contacts stated that their phones have been busy with in-state and out of state buyers calling daily. Most owners of hay continue to set firm on asking prices. Some buyers have moved up there bid prices and have started to purchase some hay for winter or next spring needs. Several talks on cornstalk bales on what the per ton price might start at this fall. Some dryland silage getting chopped across the state. Few, reports from the eastern side of the state on irrigated silage filling the pits.

Oklahoma—In the Aug. 12 report, compared to the last report, the number of bales continues to decline. The drought is worsening and has taken effect on our hay producers. As hay fields are unable to grow due to the lack of moisture, most hay fields won’t receive another cutting unless they were irrigated. Oklahoma Mesonet Drought Monitor shows 100% of Oklahoma is in some sort of drought, 99.33% are in a moderate drought, 92.45% severe droughts, 48.83% mainly all of Southern Oklahoma is in an extreme drought, 0.67% of the far southwest corner is in exceptional drought condition. Next report will be released Aug. 26.

Texas—In the Aug. 19 report, compared to the last report, hay prices remain firm to $10 higher in all regions. The rains have slowed some supplemental feeding, but we will need more rain to recover droughted out pastures. As a result, hay demand remains strong in all regions. Next report will be released Sept. 2.

New Mexico—In the Aug. 19 report, compared to last week, alfalfa hay prices steady. Trade moderate to active, demand good. The southern and eastern part of the state are in the fifth cutting. Central region is finished with the third cutting. Some hay producers storing hay for the winter. Scattered rain during the week stalled progress in affected areas. Southern New Mexico expecting heavy rain this weekend.

South Dakota—In the Aug. 19 report, compared to last week, alfalfa and grass hay remain firm. Good demand for all types of hay as the dry weather reduced tonnage of second cutting and has limited the prospects of third cutting. Drought conditions are expanding East River, as many areas have missed recent rains, wide spread drought remain West River.

Wyoming—In the Aug. 18 report, compared to last week, bales of forages sold fully steady. Demand was mostly good for all products on the market. Mostly dry conditions prevailed across the state. Irrigation has been in full swing as some producers are down with their second cutting of hay in the east and producers in the west are just getting started on second cutting. Tonnage near normal in most areas of the state.

Montana—In the Aug. 19 report, compared to two weeks ago, hay sold generally steady. Demand for hay was mostly moderate this week. Hay prices are beginning to establish themselves as ranchers are actively buying hay for winter needs. Hay prices are highest in the central and western portions of the state as these have a freight advantage to Washington and Idaho. Demand from western states continues to keep hay prices higher in western Montana. Hay from the Dakotas is starting to be sold into Montana as many ranchers report hay is $150-$175 fob the western Dakotas and is being delivered into Montana for $190-$205. Most hay reported this week was from southern and eastern Montana. Straw demand remains good.