Colorado—In the Nov. 19 report, compared to last week, trade activity moderate on moderate to good demand for feedlot and dairy hay. Trade activity moderate on good demand for stable and farm/ranch quality hay. Northeast Colorado trade activity moderate and demand good. Southeast Colorado trade activity moderate on good demand, mostly on stable quality hay. Trade inactive in the San Luis Valley and southwest Colorado. Trade activity light on good demand in the mountains and northwest Colorado areas. Next available report will be Dec. 3.
Kansas—In the Nov. 24 report, hay market prices were steady with an undertone of strength, while demand remained strong. Movement was good for those who have not been affected by illness or quarantines. Warm and dry weather seems to be the norm across the state, and all could use some rain. Next report will be issued Dec. 8.Missouri—In the Nov. 19 report, hay interest continues to slowly increase but still no major activity for the most part. Another week of warm and extremely windy weather in the state. A cold front is expected to change things a bit over the weekend but thus far producers have been thankful for a mild fall.
Montana—In the Nov. 20 report, compared to the last week, hay sold generally steady. Hay movement was light again this past week. Demand was mostly moderate to good. Supplies continue to tighten each week. Many producers state that they have less hay on hand than usual for this early in the season. Some ranchers are feeding hay depending on location. Demand for feeder hay is good as ranchers continue to absorb supplies. Many producers have slowed delivery on hay due to very muddy conditions. High testing hay bids remain unchanged, around $200 to $205 delivered to Washington. Demand for high test hay has fallen due to high supplies in Washington, Idaho, and in Oregon. Produces continue to pass bids.
Nebraska—In the Nov. 19 report, compared to last week, all reported forages sold steady. Demand was moderate to good for the local trade areas with good to very good demand for hay going out of state. The fall weather has been very favorable, warm and sunny most days with temps this week in the 70s. Several farmers decided not to bale cornstalks off their fields as corn yields suffered this year and have decided to have them grazed instead.
New Mexico—In the Nov. 19 report, compared to last week, alfalfa hay prices were steady. Trade and demand moderate. Dry conditions still persist across the state. This will be the last report published for the 2020 season. The report will resume in the spring of 2021.
Oklahoma—In the Nov. 12 report, compared to two weeks ago, hay trade remains slow, and most producers are hoping for a turnaround after the new year. Recent moisture and above average temperatures have cow-calf operators extending their pasture grazing and little need for new hay until a hard freeze hits the trade area. Demand remains light to moderate. Report is biweekly until demand increases.
South Dakota—In the Nov. 20 report, compared to last week, alfalfa and grass hay steady. Moderate to good demand for alfalfa, best demand remains on hay suitable for dairy rations. Good demand for grass hay as feedyards are receiving unweaned calves and need grass hay to start them eating at the bunk. Much warmer weather this week melted the snow and saw above normal temps across the state.
Texas—In the Nov. 13 report, compared to the last report, hay prices are mostly steady but firming up as the majority of the state remains dry. The winter storm that brought cooler temperatures and some snow and rain to the northern half of the state two weeks ago, spurred demand for producers that had yet to get their winter feed stash purchased. Additionally, south Texas has been dry for the last few weeks, which has begun to take its toll on some of the fall grazing pastures in the area. As a result, demand for hay has picked up but hay supplies in that area seem to be better than the rest of the state. Large volumes of hay that normally come in from Oklahoma and Colorado have been limited due to drought conditions in both of those regions, which has tightened supplies and increased demand all over. The next report release will be Nov. 27.
Wyoming—In the Nov. 19 report, compared to last week, all reported forages sold steady. Demand was good. Most of the sales are staying in the local production areas as many hay contacts are having a very hard time finding trucks to haul hay out of state, especially trucks heading to different areas of the eastern half of the U.S. Reports of fall tillage work continuing on the last several warm days.
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