Monday, February 15, 2021

State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the Feb. 4 report, compared to last week, trade activity moderate on good demand for feedlot and dairy hay. Trade activity light on good demand for stable and farm/ranch quality hay. Northeast Colorado feedlot/dairy hay prices firm due to supply. Southeast Colorado trade activity moderate on good demand for feedlot and farm/ranch hay with prices steady on horse hay. Trade inactive in the San Luis Valley. Mountains and Northwest Colorado trade light on good demand with the bulk of trades on horse hay. Southwest Colorado trade activity light on good demand for horse hay.

Kansas—In the Feb. 9 report, compared to last report, hay market prices were steady for all classes of hay. Demand remains strong for alfalfa, as alfalfa hay is getting fed up, and steady for grass hay. Although some folks say that getting to new crop alfalfa may be tight, there are still some hay out there that sellers have been holding on to.

Missouri—In the Feb. 4 report, compared to last report, The supply of hay is moderate, demand is moderate and prices are mostly steady. Several new listings of hay around this week. Even though there is still a lot of feeding days left several are confidant in their hay supplies and willing to move some inventory. Another week of muddy feeding conditions around the state as temperatures have yet to really freeze things up. That is going to change over the coming week however as much of the state isn’t expected to see above freezing temperatures for several days

Montana—In the Feb. 5 report, compared to the last week, hay sold steady to firm. Demand for hay was mostly moderate to good. Supplies remain light in the southern portions of the state especially of feeder quality hay. Winter has arrived for much of the state this week as snow and bitter cold temperatures are expected for the next 5 to 10 days. Large quantities of hay continue to ship south on a weekly basis. Hay continues to deliver into Wyoming for $175-$210 per ton. Dairy quality hay supplies are moderate as many producers were able to put up really high quality hay last year as ideal growing conditions were seen late summer. Many producers are holding on to high quality hay. Dairy hay continues to sell steady.

Nebraska—In the Feb. 4 report, compared to last week, reported hay sales in most area sold fully steady. Buyer inquiry and demand was good, especially for big squares going to of state buyers. Snow and arctic like temperatures are on the horizon for state through next weekend. Livestock owners will have to supplement their livestock so they can stay warm through the harsh weather. Many livestock owners are hopeful with this being February, that they have enough hay bought to get to summer grass. However, calving season is right around the corner and if the cold stays livestock owners will go through a lot of hay in a short amount of time.

New Mexico—This report will resume in the spring of 2021.

Oklahoma—In the Feb. 4 report, compared to the Jan. 21 report, hay trade remains slow, however alfalfa trade seems to be improving. Wheat pastures remain in good shape after the recent moisture and semi-warm weather. Colder temperatures are expected for later in the week and staying below freezing for the next several days. No trades of ground alfalfa yet demand remains moderate to good as most feed yards and dairies seem to be current as of now. Demand remains moderate to good.

South Dakota—In the Feb. 5 report, compared to last week, alfalfa and grass hay steady. Few reported sales this week. Demand only moderate currently, best demand is coming from out of state areas looking for high testing alfalfa, much less demand from in state/region buyers. The lack of a hard winter has substantially lessened the need for supplemental feeding of beef cows and also lessened the need for bedding. Very large offerings in the regional hay markets has added pressure to the market, especially on the lower quality hay. More seasonal weather this week as some snow fell East River and temps moved to normal levels with some below zero weather in the forecast for the weekend and all of next week.

Texas—In the Feb. 5 report, compared to the last report, hay prices are firm to $10 higher in the Panhandle, west, north, and central Texas. Hay prices in the east and south are mostly steady to firm. Forages in the majority of the state are becoming more scarce as a lot of the hay that normally comes into the state from Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma has been limited due to drought conditions in those areas as well. Next report will be released Feb. 19.

Wyoming—In the Feb. 4 report, compared to last week, large and small squares of alfalfa sold fully steady. Demand and buyer inquiry was very good. Some contacts still have a few loads of small and large squares of hay left to sell. On the most part, most of Wyoming has had light to no snow at lower elevations. This is a good/bad thing. Good part livestock can still graze on short winter pastures. Bad part zero moisture for the spring growing season in about 6 weeks from today.

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