Monday, May 3, 2021

State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the April 22 report, compared to last week, trade inactive on feedlot and dairy hay across the state. Trade activity very light on good demand for stable and retail quality hay. In northeast Colorado, all trades were on horse hay with prices steady. Mountains and northwest Colorado trades on retail and horse hay with prices steady. Trade inactive in the San Luis Valley and southeast and southwest Colorado areas.

Missouri—In the April 22 report, compared to last report, the supply of hay is moderate, demand is light to moderate and prices are steady. The weather seemed to spread across the entire spectrum this week. Farmers would really like to get back to work in the fields. Fertilizer is getting spread slowing in between fronts but planting is off to a slow start. Although much of the state has had plenty of moisture and just waiting for sun there are a few areas that are actually dry. Hay business is slowing down and about over for this feeding season. Most talk now is on what new crop prices might be given the high cost of inputs this year and the extremely high grain prices.

Nebraska—In the April 22 report, compared to last week, all reported forages sold fully steady. Demand was good, especially for grinding type forages. All grinding operator contacts are thinking they might not have enough forages to get them to new crop hay. The last week temperatures have been cold in the mornings with frost most days that has halted new growth of most perennial forages. Some rain and snow since the last released report. Now, everyone is hoping for warmer temperatures to bring on some grass and alfalfa growth. It will be interesting to see where the price of baled alfalfa is later this year. In years past when corn price goes up so does the alfalfa price.

Oklahoma—In the April 15 report, compared to the last report April 1, hay trade remains somewhat slow as spring is around the corner. Many producers are reporting that with the current cool nights alfalfa fields are in rough conditions and a very tough first cutting could be mostly grinder hay. No trades of ground alfalfa this week for a trend. Demand remains moderate as most feed yards and dairies seem to be current as of now. Demand remains light to moderate for farmers and ranchers as grass is starting to grow.

Texas—In the April 16 report, compared to the last report, hay prices remain firm in all regions. The majority of the cattle producers are still supplementing feed with grazing being tight in most regions. Hay demand is still very good, but supplies have tightened. As a result, hay prices are very firm with some hay coming into the state from Nebraska and South Dakota since many of our neighboring states are fighting drought conditions as well. Hay producers continue to do field prep to gear up for first cutting. Due to limited sales and price changes this report will be released bi-weekly until more volumes of hay is moving. Next report will be April 30.

Kansas—In the April 27 report, compared to the last report, hay market prices were steady across the state with demand light to moderate. Most hay that is moving is hay to finish out old contracts to feeders. There are small amounts of alfalfa here and there, mostly lower quality hay, that can still be found, however, the supply is dwindling. Below freezing temperatures and a late April snow last week, have hay producers holding their breath that young alfalfa does not receive freeze damage. Further new crop pricing has still not been reported. Although numerous conversations have taken place most producers are taking a “wait and see” attitude as we all know Mother Nature can be tricky. The western third of the state remains in abnormally dry to moderate drought conditions and only minor expansion has occurred over the last week.

New Mexico—In the April 23 report, the first report of the season, trade active, demand good. The southern part of the state have started and are in their first cutting. The eastern side of the state, the first cutting is underway. The northern part are still a month away from cutting. The state is extremely dry as precipitation was very light over the winter. Hay farmers in the south who have access to water from the Rio Grande are only allowed one irrigation this year.

South Dakota—In the April 23 report, compared to last week, few reported sales this week, alfalfa hay rather steady. Moderate demand for alfalfa, best demand remains from out of state dairies for large squares of higher testing alfalfa. Light demand from in state buyers as the mild winter reduced the need for supplemental hay feeding. Light demand for corn stalks and straw, again due to the mild winter as cattle did not need the bedding that they normally would. Cold temps again this week, preventing any growth of grass and alfalfa. Area hay auctions seeing much larger than normal offerings of hay for this time of year. Drought concerns are very real the entire state, but the worst is the north central and western third of the state.

Wyoming—In the April 22 report, compared to last week, compared to last week all reported hay sold steady on a thin test. Still some people looking to buy large and small squares of hay. Sporadic moisture across the area since the last report. Some contacts are trying to farm but most areas of the state have been 6 to 9 degrees below normal temperature and has delayed farming, alfalfa and pasture growth.

Montana—In the April 23 report, compared to the last week, hay sold steady to firm. Demand was mostly good to very good. Hay movement was light to moderate. Most producers are completely sold out of hay for the year. Ranchers continue to try to buy hay to ensure they have enough to make it until first cutting. Most of these sales are on an as need basis. Producers mostly have third cutting or dairy quality hay left to sale and have priced this hay at $1 per RFV point.

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