Friday, May 29, 2020

South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  Too few sales of any class of hay to make
market comparisons.  First reported sales of new crop alfalfa, both
dry hay and as baleage.  The sun finally came out, the temps warmed,
helping to push alfalfa growth and allow cut alfalfa to dry down.
Demand moderate to good at times.  Dry, warm weather in the forecast
for next week hopefully will make for excellent haying conditions.
All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise noted.

   Alfalfa:  Good to Premium:  Large Squares, new crop 200.00.  Balage:
New crop contract, 1.10 per RFV point.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 110.00.

   Grass:  Good:  Large Rounds, 100.00.


California Hay Report

Compared to last week:  Trade activity moderate on moderate demand.  
According to the NASS Crop Progress report May 26, 2020, in Tulare 
County, winter row crops were rapidly being chopped and harvested.  
Almost all fields have  been harvested and were being fertilized and 
tilled.  In other areas, winter small grains including wheat were being 
harvested for silage as well as cut, dried, and baled.  Many farmers were 
beginning pre-irrigation to ready the fields for summer crops.  Fields 
were being fertilized, cultivated for weeds, and tilled for corn and 
sorghum planting.  Fields were also being planted with corn and cotton.  
Alfalfa continued to be cut, dried, and baled with some delay due to the 
recent rains.  Rice crops were looking above normal condition in the 
Sacramento Valley.  Hay is reported FOB the stack or barn unless 
otherwise noted. Regions are defined at bottom of report. 

Tons:  12,930    Last Week:  12,075    Last Year:  5710                        

Region 1: North Inter-Mountain:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                 350  185.00-185.00  185.00                       

Region 2: Sacramento Valley: No New Sales Confirmed.     

Region 3: Northern San Joaquin Valley:                                         
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                 500  210.00-215.00  212.50 Del Moisture
      Premium/Supreme         250  190.00-240.00  200.00                       
      Good                     50  210.00-210.00  210.00                       
                               50  220.00-225.00  222.50 Del                   
      Fair/Good                50  165.00-165.00  165.00                       
      Fair                     75  195.00-195.00  195.00 Del                   
      Good                    800  120.00-120.00  120.00                       
  Forage Mix                                                         
      Good                     50  150.00-155.00  152.50 Del                   

Region 4: Central San Joaquin Valley:                                          
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Good                   1900  170.00-195.00  178.16                       
                              330  165.00-165.00  165.00     Moisture
      Fair/Good               425  185.00-185.00  185.00                       
      Fair                   1000  140.00-140.00  140.00                       
      Good                    600  140.00-140.00  140.00                       

Region 5: Southern California:                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium/Supreme        1500  208.00-208.00  208.00                       
      Premium                 175  275.00-275.00  275.00    Retail/Stable     
  Forage Mix-Three Way                                                         
      Good                     25  260.00-260.00  260.00    Retail/Stable     

Region 6: Southeast California:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 125  210.00-220.00  216.00    Retail/Stable     
      Good                   2300  170.00-172.00  171.30                       
                             1000  200.00-200.00  200.00  Contract Export       
      Fair/Good               600  130.00-130.00  130.00                       
  Bermuda Grass                                                                
      Premium                 150  200.00-200.00  200.00    Retail/Stable     
      Good                    350  110.00-110.00  110.00                       
      Good                    125  120.00-120.00  120.00                       
  Alfalfa Straw                                                                
      Good                    150   40.00-40.00    40.00                       

The following are the counties included in each region:                        
Region 1: Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, and Plumas.                         
Region 2: Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Sierra, Nevada, 
Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, Solano, Sacramento, Amador, and Alpine.             
Region 3: San Joaquin, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Mono, Merced, 
Region 4: Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Inyo.                             
Region 5: Kern, Northeast Los Angeles, and Western San Bernardino.             
Region 6: Eastern San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial.                     


Weekly Texas Hay Report

Compared to last report:  Hay trades are mostly steady in all regions. 
Demand has been light to moderate. Hay trades have been slow to kick off 
due to many unknowns in the markets still, such as transportation, 
weather, and effects on livestock markets.  Additionally, rainfall and 
severe storms were reported in nearly all of the regions except the 
Panhandle.  Soil moisture levels in the Panhandle are short to adequate 
with pastures in the area ranging from poor to good according to the 
Texas Crop and Weather report.  The spring has been atypical in most 
regions with cooler than normal nighttime temperatures slowing hay 
growth.  As a result, tonnages have been lighter than normal for the 
majority of the state.  

   The Texas Department of Agriculture has a Hay and Grazing online 
Hotline setup for Buyers and sellers looking for hay or grazing; The 
online service is free to use and can be found at:

Panhandle/High Plains:
 Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Supreme: 220.00-240.00; Premium: 
200.00-220.00; Good: 150.00-180.00.              
 Small bales: Delivered: Premium: 260.00-275.00, 8.00-10.00 per 
 Ground Alfalfa: Delivered to feedlots: Avg 175.00-185.00. 
                                            Calf 200.00-210.00. 
      Wheat: Large Bales: Delivered: 110.00-125.00.
      Brome: Large Bales: Delivered: 185.00.
 Sorghum: Large Bales: Delivered: Good: 125.00-130.00.
      Cotton Burrs: Delivered: limited 95.00-110.00. 
      Small Bales: Coastal: Delivered: Good: 9.00-10.00 per bale.
      Small Bales: Beardless Wheat: Premium: 10.00-11.00 per bale.
      CRP: Delivered: 80.00-125.00.
Far West Texas/Trans Pecos: 
 Alfalfa: Small Squares: Delivered local or FOB: Premium to Supreme:
      275.00-300.00, 9.00-10.00 per bale.
      Large Squares: FOB: Premium to Supreme: 250.00-265.00. 
      Triticale: Large Rounds: FOB: 65.00 per roll.
      Wheat: Large Bales: FOB: 125.00, 75.00 per roll.

North, Central, and East Texas:
 Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme: 255.00-
 270.00, instances 280.00.
    Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Premium: 260.00-330.00, 8.00-
10.00 per bale; Good: 200.00-260.00, 6.00-10.00 per bale.
      Large Rounds: FOB: Good to Premium: 120.00-140.00, 60.00-70.00 per 
South Texas:
    Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium: 260.00-
330.00, 8.00-10.00 per bale; Fair to Good: 165.00-260.00, 5.00-8.00 per 
  Large Rounds: FOB and delivered locally: Good to Premium: 140.00-
 180.00, 80.00-95.00 per roll; Fair or Grass Mix: 100.00-130.00, 
50.00-70.00 per roll.


Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  1250    Last Week:  1700    Last Year:  5425                                                                                        

Compared last Friday, All grades of Domestic Supreme Alfalfa new crop 
steady in a light test. Exporters having trouble finding suitable supplies. 
Trade remains slow this week. Demand remains light to moderate. Rain showers 
over the trade area is slowing marketing. New Crop feeder hay is very abundant. 
Feed store/retail steady. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or 
ranch unless otherwise stated.  

                             Tons      Price     Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Supreme                1200  200.00-200.00  200.00     New Crop          

    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                  50  230.00-230.00  230.00     Retail/Stable     


Idaho Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  30,700    Last Week:  700    Last Year:  200                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Compared to last Friday, domestic New crop Premium/Supreme Alfalfa steady in 
a light test. Lower grades of alfalfa 20.00-30.00 lower. Trade turned active 
this week as producers saw the market for lower testing hay was falling. 
Exporters continue to ship product every day. Invasion of Mormon crickets are 
hurting production in some trade areas. Retail/Feed store not tested this week. 
Prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or ranch unless otherwise stated.  
                       Tons      Price           Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Supreme                 700  180.00-190.00  187.14     Tarped            
      Fair                 14,000  130.00-135.00  132.86     New Crop          
      Utility                6800  100.00-100.00  100.00     New Crop          

    Small Square                                                               
      Good                    200  155.00-155.00  155.00     New Crop          

      Good/Premium           3000   85.00-90.00    87.50     New Crop          
      Fair/Good              3000   85.00-90.00    87.50     New Crop          
      Utility/Fair           3000   85.00-90.00    87.50     New Crop   


Rock Valley Hay Auction (Thur) - Rock Valley, IA


Weekly New Mexico Hay Summary

Week ending May 30, 2020

   Compared to last week, alfalfa hay prices were steady, southeastern 
region trading 10.00 higher going to dairies.  Trade moderate to active,
demand moderate to good.  The southern and southwestern regions are done
with second cutting.  The eastern and southeastern regions are going into
their second cutting.  Spotty rain reported in a few parts of the state
but remain mostly dry.

Eastern region:
Alfalfa: Large Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: 210.00-220.00
per ton delivered to dairies.

Alfalfa: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: Bundle 300.00
per ton.

Wheat Hay: Large Square Bales: 115.00-125.00 per ton.

Beardless Wheat Hay: Large Square Bales: Good Quality: 140.00 per ton.

Southeastern regions:

Alfalfa: Large Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: 200.00-210.00
per ton delivered to dairies.

Alfalfa: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: Bundle(21 bales)
two tie 300.00-320.00 per ton loaded on truck.

Wheat Hay: Large Square Bales: 125.00-145.00 per ton.
Southern and Southwestern region:

Alfalfa: Large Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: 185.00-200.00
per ton delivered to dairies.

Alfalfa: Large Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: 3x3x8 100.00 per
bale; Good Quality: 3x3x8 80.00 per bale.

Alfalfa: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: three tie 220.00
per ton, out of state hay 230.00-240.00 per ton.

Alfalfa: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: two tie 8.00-9.00
per bale. 

Breadless Wheat Hay: Large Square Bales: Good Quality: 150.00 per ton,
3x3x8 80.00 per bale.

Organic: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: two tie 9.00
per bale or 189.00 per Bundle (21 bales).

Organic: Beardless Wheat Hay: Large Square Bales: Good Quality 135.00 per
ton. Small Bales: 7.00 per bale.

North central Region:

Alfalfa:  Large Square Bales 4x4x8: Premium and Supereme Quality: 140.00
per bale FOB. 

Organic:  Sudan/Sorghum: two tie 12.00 per bale del to dairies.

Organic:  Alfalfa: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme 9.50-11.00
per bale FOB.

Organic:  Alfalfa/Johnson Mix: Small Square Bales: Good Quality: 8.50 per
bale FOB.          


Oregon Weekly Hay Report

Compared to May 22:  Prices trended generally steady compared to last 
report's prices in a very limited test.  Growers are reporting that due to 
dairies having to dump milk, demand for dairy hay is down significantly.  
Many growers are sold out for the year.                                       

Tons:  25    Last Week:  338    Last Year:  341                        

Lake County:                                                           
                        Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments  
  Alfalfa/Oat Mix                                                 
    Mid Square                                                    
      Good                25  150.00-150.00  150.00               

Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Wasco Counties: No New Sales Confirmed.   
Eastern Oregon: No New Sales Confirmed.                                
Harney County: No New Sales Confirmed.                                 
Klamath Basin: No New Sales Confirmed.                                 


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Missouri Weekly Hay Summary

Week ending 5/29/20

Despite some talk in other states there is no shortage of moisture in 
Missouri currently. Rains continue to come down preventing hay season 
from really getting going. According to the latest crop progress report 
about 20 percent of the 1st cutting of alfalfa is complete and about 7 
percent of other hay. Farmers are itching to get into fields as quality, 
especially fescue, declines each day now. The supply of hay is moderate, 
demand is light, and prices are mostly steady. The Missouri Department of 
Agriculture has a hay directory visit 
for listings of hay (All prices f.o.b. 
and per ton unless specified and on most recent reported sales.

Supreme quality Alfalfa (RFV <185) 180.00-200.00
small squares 7.00-9.00 per bale
Premium quality Alfalfa (RFV 170-180) 160.00-180.00
Good quality Alfalfa (RFV 150-170) 120.00-160.00 
small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale
Fair quality Alfalfa (RFV 130-150) 100.00-125.00 
Good quality Mixed Grass hay 80.00-120.00
Small squares 6.00-8.00 per bale (some alfalfa/grass mix)
Fair to Good quality Mixed Grass hay 60.00-80.00
small squares 3.00-6.00 per bale
Fair quality Mixed Grass hay 30.00-50.00 per large round bale 
20.00-40.00 per 4x5 round bale

Good quality Bromegrass 80.00-120.00
Fair to Good quality Bromegrass 50.00-80.00

Wheat hay 40.00-55.00 per large round bale
Wheat straw 3.00-6.00 per small square bale


Oklahoma Hay Market Report

Alfalfa and hay trade movement not tested this week.  Rainfall has swept
across the trade area keeping producers out of the field this week.  
Producers are reporting that finding a true value is difficult.  Most
everyone has their first cutting of Alfalfa done.  Dairy hay is extremely
slow as cutbacks are taking place in that industry as well.  With warmer
weather, Bermuda grass is ready for first cutting as soon as conditions
are ready. 

Market News continues to maintain an online hay directory for both in-
state and out-of-state hay producers.  The directories are on the ODAFF 
homepage at Producers wishing to list hay are 
encouraged to call at 1-405-521-3864 or 

Central Oklahoma:  No reported trades.
Eastern Oklahoma:  No reported trades.  

Western Oklahoma:  

Grass Hay 
Central Oklahoma:  No trades reported.
Western Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Eastern Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Wheat Hay 
Central Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Western Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Eastern Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Prices are dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise noted.


Wyoming Hay Summary

Week ending May 29, 2020

   Compared to last week baled hay, alfalfa cubes and sun-cured pellets 
steady on a light test. Most of the state has been irrigating this past 
week as dry conditions have been prevailing. “All prices are 
dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn unless otherwise noted.” 

Eastern Wyoming 
Alfalfa: Good large squares 135.00-150.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 
percent protein 255.00. 
Western Wyoming
Alfalfa: Premium small squares 170.00-190.00. Alfalfa/Orchard grass: 
Premium small squares 170.00-185.00. Certified weed seed free alfalfa 
cubes bulk 260.00, 50 lbs bags 300.00. 


Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending May 29, 2020

  Compared to last week, all reported forages sold steady. Demand was 
light for alfalfa, grass hay and ground hay going to feedlots. Good 
demand for small squares bales. Some producers started to cut alfalfa 
this week. Some contacts in the Panhandle are spraying for weevils and 
aphids. Reports of a lot of damage to the first cutting from these pesky 
insects in this area. Some areas of the panhandle are a tick dry but as 
you go east across the state many areas received ample moisture over the 
Memorial day weekend. The common question on calls is, what my hay will 
be worth?  That is a good question, only time will tell where the market 
will trade at.  Several factors go into the price of a commodity and it’s 
too early for a good feel of that market. Note: “All sales are dollars 
per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless otherwise noted.” 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Fair to mostly good large rounds 85.00-95.00. Prairie Hay: Good 
large rounds 70.00-90.00. Large rounds of brome hay 100.00 per bale, 
small squares of brome grass 5.00-6.50 per bale. Dehy alfalfa pellets 17 
percent 310.00. Sun-cured pellets 15 percent 285.00.
Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large rounds 85.00-90.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 
115.00-120.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa/cornstalk mix 95.00-110.00. 
Ground and delivered cornstalks 60.00. Dehy alfalfa pellets 17 percent 
protein 280.00-285.00.  

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large squares 135.00-150.00. Good large rounds 115.00. 
Ground and delivered alfalfa 153.00. 


Colorado Hay Report

Compared to last week, trade activity and demand light.  Spot market 
activity on feedlot and dairy hay inactive as they continue receiving 
previously contracted hay.  Northeast Colorado began harvesting alfalfa 
for haylage.  Drought conditions continue in southwest Colorado.  
Southeast Colorado is currently harvesting 1st cutting alfalfa and 
triticale for hay.  Drought conditions in that region persist with some 
relief this past week.  Hay movement in the San Luis Valley continues to 
be on previously contracted hay.  Conditions very dry and windy.  
Producers in the Mountains and Northwest Colorado regions concerned how 
the recent lack of moisture will impact yields on meadow grass.  
According to the U.S Drought Monitor’s High Plains Summary released May 
26, 2020, as several slow-moving low pressure systems crossed the region 
this week and weekend, areas of rain and thunderstorms were common, 
excluding northeast South Dakota, eastern North Dakota, and parts of the 
southeast Colorado high plains.   Rain from a cluster of thunderstorms on 
Thursday in southwest Kansas prevented conditions from worsening there, 
though southwest Kansas and adjacent eastern Colorado remain very dry, 
and moderate, severe, and extreme drought persisted across parts of these 
areas. Extreme drought lessened in coverage in part of eastern Colorado 
due to recent rainfall and lessened short-term precipitation deficits.  
According to the NASS Colorado Crop Progress Report for week ending May 
24, 2020, 1st cutting harvested alfalfa hay is at 11 percent with crop 
condition percentages for alfalfa hay rated 5 percent Very Poor, 10 
percent Poor, 26 percent Fair, 50 percent Good and 9 percent Excellent.  
Stored feed supplies were rated 5 percent very short, 18 percent short, 
75 percent adequate, and 2 percent surplus.  The next available report 
will be Thursday, June 4, 2020.  All prices reported are FOB at the stack 
or barn unless otherwise noted.  Prices reflect load lots of hay.  If you 
have hay for sale or need hay, use the services of the Colorado 
Department of Agriculture website:

Northeast Colorado Areas
          Rounds: Premium 220.00, Retail/Stable.
   Small Squares: Premium 335.00 (10.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southeast Colorado Areas
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

San Luis Valley Areas
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southwest Colorado Areas
   Small Squares
       3-tie 90#: Premium 310.00 (14.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.

Mountains and Northwest Colorado Areas
   Small Squares: Premium 270.00 (7.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Northeast: Weld, Washington, Morgan, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln, Elbert, 
Adams, Sedgwick, Yuma, Larimer, Jefferson, Douglas, Kit Carson, Phillips, 
Logan, Boulder, Arapahoe, and El Paso.
Southeast: Fremont, Custer, Huerfano, Las Animas, Bent, Otero, Prowers, 
Crowley, and Pueblo.
San Luis Valley: Saguache, Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Rio Grande, and 
Southwest: Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel, Montezuma, Dolores, 
San Juan, Hinsdale, Archuleta, and La Plata.
Mountains and Northwest: Moffat, Routt, Jackson, Rio Blanco, Garfield, 
Gunnison, Teller, Grand, Chaffee, Park, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Summit, 
Lake, and Eagle.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest

Demand and Sales Comments
Be safe. Hay prices are steady. Quality hay has demand and a good price lower quality is discounted. Some farmers have harvested some first cutting in Wisconsin as feed inventories are almost exhausted. If you need forage or have forage to sell, connect to the Farmer-to-Farmer webpage at You may contact your local county agriculture educator if you need help placing an ad. There is no charge for the service.

Straw prices are for oat, barley, or wheat straw. Straw was limited at many sales this week. Small square bales averaged $4.40 a bale (range of $3.00 to $6.00). Large square bale straw averaged $49.00 per bale (a range of $15.00 to $86.00). Large round bale straw averaged $64.00 per bale (a range of $45.00 - $80.00).

In Nebraska, all types of hay sold steady with a moderate demand. Most alfalfa producers hope to begin harvest in near future. In Iowa, prices on all types of hay were steady.

In South Dakota, limited sales prevent a determination of a market. Price determined on demand. With cool weather many report alfalfa not ready to begin first cut.

In Missouri, demand is light, prices are steady. Weather is delaying first cut as wet weather has fields soft and lack of sunshine for drying hay.

In Southwest Minnesota, prices were steady with a limited supply of quality hay at the market. In Kansas, hay trade is slow, with light demand. Most of the hay activity is for contracted hay. New crop is available to the market. Yields are lower than anticipated.

In Wisconsin, prices are steady for quality hay. There is demand for quality hay, lower quality hay is discounted.


Kansas Hay Market Report

Ground/Grinding alfalfa movement:   Southwest/South Central 
Tonnage: 7,107/4,485     Last week: 7,113/4,879  Last year: 7,719/5,140           
Hay market trade slow; demand light; Most of the activity is on previously 
contracted hay. Reports are coming in that alfalfa hay is hitting the ground, 
but tonnages are lower due to freeze damage, insects, and dry conditions. 
Under the circumstances we currently find ourselves in, most producers are 
still trying to figure out where the new crop pricing should be. Hit and miss 
showers occurred across western Kansas and, although gratefully received, did 
not provide much relief from the drought conditions. Rain continues to fall, 
however, in the eastern half of the state making haying and field work next 
to impossible. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, Abnormal dryness (D0) 
decreased to 25 pct, moderate drought (D1) held steady at 16 pct, severe 
drought (D2) was steady at 9 pct and extreme drought (D3) was steady at 2.5 
pct. If you have any extra hay to sell and/or need hay here in Kansas, use the 
services of the Internet Hay Exchange: 

Southwest Kansas  
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground and delivered steady; movement slow. 
Alfalfa: horse, premium small squares 230.00-240.00. Dairy 1.00/point RFV, 
Supreme 185.00-226.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, Good 150.00-170.00. Stock or 
Dry Cow 160.00-165.00. Old crop, Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 110.00-125.00, 
new crop grinding alfalfa 115.00-125.00 delivered, with an instance of new 
crop grinder hay in the bale at 120.00 at the edge. Ground and delivered 
locally to feed lots and dairies, 145.00-155.00, with a few instances at 
165.00. Grass Hay: Bluestem, good small squares none reported, large squares 
100.00-110.00. Sudan: large rounds 60.00-70.00. Corn stalks ground and 
delivered, 65.00-75.00. Wheat straw: none reported. The week of 5/17-5/23, 
7,107T of grinding alfalfa and 1,235T of dairy alfalfa was reported 

South Central Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, alfalfa pellets, steady; 
movement slow. Alfalfa: horse, small squares 255.00-275.00. Dairy, 1.00/point 
RFV, Supreme 185.00-225.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, Good 150.00-178.00. Stock 
cow, 140.00-150.00. Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 85.00-100.00, Ground and 
delivered locally to feedlots 140.00-150.00; Alfalfa pellets: Sun cured 15 
pct protein 190.00-200.00, 17 pct protein 195.00-210.00, Dehydrated 17 pct 
300.00-310.00. Grass Hay: Bluestem, none reported. Sudan: large rounds 55.00-
65.00. Wheat Straw: none reported.  The week of 5/17-5/23, 4,485 of grinding 
alfalfa and 637.5T of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold. 

Southeast Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, grass hay steady; movement 
slow.  Alfalfa: horse or goat, 230.00-240.00. Dairy 1.00/point RFV. Stock cow 
140.00-150.00. Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 115.00-125.00. Ground and 
delivered, none reported; Grass hay: Bluestem, small squares 125.00-135.00, 
good, mid squares 105.00-120.00, large squares, 90.00-110.00, large rounds 
60.00-65.00. Brome, good, small squares 125.00-150.00, mid to large squares 
100.00-110.00, large rounds 70.00-80.00. Wheat Straw: mid and large squares 
60.00-70.00, large rounds 55.00-65.00. The week of 5/17-5/23, 1,335T of grass 
hay was reported bought/sold.

Northwest Kansas  
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered steady; movement slow. 
Alfalfa: Horse or goat, 205.00-215.00. Dairy, Premium/Supreme 1.00/point RFV. 
Stock cow, fair/good none reported. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, 95.00-105.00. 
Ground and delivered locally to feedlots and dairies, 125.00-135.00. Sudan, 
large rounds 55.00-65.00. 

North Central-Northeast Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, grass hay steady; movement 
slow. Alfalfa: horse, premium small squares none reported. Old crop dairy 
1.00/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-225.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, Good 150.00-
170.00. New crop dairy 1.00-1.05/pt. Stock Cow, none reported. Fair/good, 
grinding alfalfa, 100.00-110.00. Ground and delivered 120.00-130.00. Grass 
hay: Bluestem, small squares 6.00-7.00/bale, mid to large squares 80.00-
90.00, large rounds 55.00-65.00. Brome, small squares none reported, large 
squares 90.00-100.00, large rounds 55.00-65.00; Sudan, large rounds 55.00-
65.00. Wheat Straw: small squares 5.00-6.00/bale delivered, large squares 
70.00-80.00, large rounds 55.00-65.00. The week of 5/17-5/23, 778T of grinding 
alfalfa and 775T of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold. 


Iowa Hay Summary

Reporting Period:  May 11, 2020 to May 22, 2020

Compared to last report:  Prices on Premium Alfalfa steady while all 
other classes of hay were steady.    

Alfalfa                Premium    Large Squares         $200.00 - $290.00
                                  Small Squares         $250.00 - $300.00

Alfalfa/Grass          Premium    Large Squares         $190.00 - $230.00
                                  Small Squares         $220.00-  $250.00  
                       Good       Large Squares         $120.00 - $150.00
                                  Large Rounds          $100.00 - $120.00

Grass                  Premium    Large Squares         $170.00 - $175.00
                       Good       Large Rounds          $130.00 - $145.00
                       Fair       Large Rounds           $75.00 - $100.00  

Straw           Wheat             Small Squares         $200.00
                                  Large Squares         $155.00


Friday, May 22, 2020

California Hay Report

Compared to last week:  Trade activity moderate on moderate demand.  
According to the NASS Crop Progress report May 18, 2020, in Tulare 
County, winter grains such as wheat, oats, and barley were maturing.  In 
other areas, winter small grains including wheat were being harvested for 
silage.  Winter wheat was being cut, dried, and baled.  Alfalfa continued 
to be cut, dried, and baled.  First cut alfalfa was completed in Sutter 
County and rice planting continued with some rice growers leaving fields 
fallow due to water shortage.  Corn was progressing well.  Hay is 
reported FOB the stack or barn unless otherwise noted. Regions are 
defined at bottom of report. 

Tons:  12,075    Last Week:  9525    Last Year:  3605                          

Region 1: North Inter-Mountain:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Good                    100  170.00-170.00  170.00    Retail/Stable     

Region 2: Sacramento Valley:                                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                 750  210.00-220.00  213.33                       
      Premium/Supreme         400  200.00-200.00  200.00                       
      Fair/Good               500  150.00-150.00  150.00                       
      Good                    200  140.00-140.00  140.00                       

Region 3: Northern San Joaquin Valley:                                         
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                 600  210.00-215.00  212.50                       
                             1050  270.00-280.00  277.62 Del                   
      Premium/Supreme         400  225.00-225.00  225.00                       
      Premium                 500  240.00-240.00  240.00 Del                   
      Good/Premium            200  180.00-180.00  180.00                       
      Good                    600  190.00-190.00  190.00                       
      Fair/Good               175  155.00-155.00  155.00                       
      Fair                    400  150.00-150.00  150.00                       
                              700  160.00-160.00  160.00 Del                   
  Alfalfa/Grass Mix                                                            
      Good                    175  145.00-145.00  145.00                       
  Rye Grass                                                                    
      Good                    200  110.00-110.00  110.00                       
      Good                   1000  120.00-125.00  121.00                       
                              400  135.00-135.00  135.00    Retail/Stable     

Region 4: Central San Joaquin Valley: No New Sales Confirmed.
Region 5: Southern California:                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 125  279.00-279.00  279.00    Retail/Stable     
  Forage Mix-Three Way                                                         
      Good                     50  240.00-265.00  252.50    Retail/Stable     

Region 6: Southeast California:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                1300  195.00-195.00  195.00                       
                              175  180.00-200.00  191.43    Retail/Stable     
      Good/Premium            200  185.00-185.00  185.00                       
      Good                   2000  170.00-180.00  177.50                       
                               50  160.00-160.00  160.00     Rain Damage       

The following are the counties included in each region:                        
Region 1: Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, and Plumas.                         
Region 2: Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Sierra, Nevada, 
Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, Solano, Sacramento, Amador, and Alpine.             
Region 3: San Joaquin, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Mono, Merced, 
Region 4: Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Inyo.                             
Region 5: Kern, Northeast Los Angeles, and Western San Bernardino.             
Region 6: Eastern San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial.      


Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  1700    Last Week:  1100    Last Year:  2800                                                            

     Compared last Friday, All grades of Domestic Alfalfa new crop steady in a 
light test. Exporters still have old crop Alfalfa and Timothy to work thru. 
Trade remains slow this week. Demand remains light to moderate. Rain showers 
over the trade area is slowing marketing. 1st cutting new crop in windrows has 
received a lot of moisture. Some interests report having hay in windrows now for 
2 weeks due to high moisture levels. Feed store/retail steady. All prices 
are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or ranch unless otherwise stated.  

                             Tons      Price     Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Premium/Supreme         500  200.00-200.00  200.00     Tarped            
      Good/Premium            300  175.00-175.00  175.00     Tarped            

    Small Square                                                               
      Good/Premium            100  230.00-230.00  230.00     Retail/Stable     

  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                          
    Small Square                                                               
      Good/Premium            100  230.00-230.00  230.00     Retail/Stable     

  Timothy Grass                                                                
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Fair                    500  110.00-110.00  110.00     Old Crop          

  Timothy Grass                                                                
    Small Square                                                               
      Good/Premium            100  220.00-220.00  220.00     Retail/Stable     
      Good                    100  200.00-200.00  200.00     Retail/Stable     


South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  Too few sales of any class of hay to make
market comparisons.  Demand moderate currently.  Cool, cloudy weather
this week is hampering the growth of alfalfa.  Producers that have 
normally begun their first cutting on Memorial Day weekend report that
alfalfa is not yet ready.  Rain in the forecast the next several days
before a warm up next week.  Area hay auctions continue to see large
offerings of lower quality hay.  All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB,
unless otherwise noted.

   Alfalfa:  Good:  Large Rounds, 120.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds,

   Grass:  Premium:  Large Squares, 100.00 per bale.

   Corn Stalks:  Large Rounds, 55.00.


Idaho Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  700    Last Week:  1970    Last Year:  1650                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    Compared to last Friday, domestic and Export New crop Alfalfa steady in a 
light test. Trade remains slow. Demand remains slow with producers and exporters 
facing more than normal of last year’s winter kill on new seeding forcing them 
to replant. Exporters continue to ship product every day. Most interests expect 
a lot of growers to start cutting new crop next week in western ID. Retail/Feed 
store not tested this week. Prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or ranch 
unless otherwise stated.  
                       Tons      Price           Wt. Avg    Comments
      Premium/Supreme         150  120.00-120.00  120.00     New Crop          
      Good/Premium            175  120.00-120.00  120.00     New Crop          
      Fair/Good               185  120.00-120.00  120.00     New Crop          
      Utility/Fair            190  120.00-120.00  120.00     New Crop  


Weekly Montana Hay Report

***Due to very light sales receipts this report will be released 
bi-monthly until early August when heavier receipts can be confirmed*** 

***Next report release will be June 12th***

Compared to the last week: Alfalfa and Mixed hay sold fully steady on very light 
movement. Many ranchers have turned out cows for the summer and demand as a result
is very light. Producers seem content with holding on to hay supplies as abnormally
dry conditions continue. Rain continues to be light and spotty across much of the 
southern tier of the state. According to the drought monitor as 35.4% of the state 
is abnormally dry, a 2.58% increase from last week. All prices are dollars per ton 
and FOB unless otherwise noted.

Alfalfa:   Supreme:  Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, 180.00 
                     Large rounds,  NA
           Premium:  Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large squares, 130.00-150.00
                     Large rounds,  100.00-120.00  old crop 95.00
                     Small squares, NA
         Fair/Good:  Large squares, 115.00-120.00, 
                     Large rounds,  90.00-100.00   old crop 60.00-80.00
                     Small Squares, NA
           Utility   Large rounds,  50.00-70.00
                     Large squares, 60.00-115.00

Alfalfa:   Premium:  Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA  
                     Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, 130.00-135.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 100.00-125.00
                     Large rounds,  85.00-120.00
                     Small squares, NA
           Utility:  Large squares, 90.00
                     Large rounds,  70.00-80.00
Grass:     Premium   Large squares  NA
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, NA
           Good:     large squares, 125.00
                     Large rounds,  85.00-110.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 90.00-125.00 
                     Large rounds,  75.00-85.00
                     Small squares, NA
           Utility:  Large rounds,  65.00-75.00
                     Large squares, NA
                     Small squares, NA          

Grass:     Premium:  Small squares, 210.00-240.00
           Premium:  Large rounds,  NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 150.00-180.00
Barley               Large squares, NA
straw:               Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, NA
hay:                 Large rounds,  40.00-55.00
Wheat straw:
South central        Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA
Northern             Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA


Weekly Texas Hay Report

Compared to last report:  Hay trades are mostly steady in all regions.  
Texas’ hay season has been a mixed bag for producers with results heavily 
dependent on Mother Nature and timing, said Texas A&M AgriLife Extension 
Service experts.  According to Vanessa Corriher-Olson, Ph.D., AgriLife 
Extension forage specialist conditions in Central and East Texas have 
been good.  Overton said, most producers have made their first cutting to 
clear off cool season grasses for warm season forages.  However, rain has 
caught many producers working between storms to try and get hay put up 
right.  The spring has been atypical in most regions with cooler than 
normal nighttime temperatures slowing hay growth.  As a result, tonnages 
have been lighter than normal for the majority of the state.  
delayed to closer to the first of June instead of the end of May.

   The Texas Department of Agriculture has a Hay and Grazing online 
Hotline setup for Buyers and sellers looking for hay or grazing; The 
online service is free to use and can be found at:

Panhandle/High Plains:
 Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Supreme: 220.00-240.00; Premium: 
200.00-220.00; Good: 150.00-180.00.              
 Small bales: Delivered: Premium: 260.00-275.00, 8.00-10.00 per 
 Ground Alfalfa: Delivered to feedlots: Avg 175.00-185.00. 
                                            Calf 200.00-210.00. 
      Wheat: Large Bales: Delivered: 110.00-125.00.
      Brome: Large Bales: Delivered: 185.00.
 Sorghum: Large Bales: Delivered: Good: 125.00-130.00.
      Cotton Burrs: Delivered: limited 95.00-110.00. 
      Small Bales: Coastal: Delivered: Good: 9.00-10.00 per bale.
      Small Bales: Beardless Wheat: Premium: 10.00-11.00 per bale.
      CRP: Delivered: 80.00-125.00.
Far West Texas/Trans Pecos: 
 Alfalfa: Small Squares: Delivered local or FOB: Premium to Supreme:
      275.00-300.00, 9.00-10.00 per bale.
      Large Squares: FOB: Premium to Supreme: 250.00-265.00. 
      Triticale: Large Rounds: FOB: 65.00 per roll.
      Wheat: Large Bales: FOB: 125.00, 75.00 per roll.

North, Central, and East Texas:
 Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme: 255.00-
 270.00, instances 280.00.
    Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Premium: 260.00-330.00, 8.00-
10.00 per bale; Good: 200.00-260.00, 6.00-10.00 per bale.
      Large Rounds: FOB: Good to Premium: 120.00-140.00, 60.00-70.00 per 
South Texas:
    Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium: 260.00-
330.00, 8.00-10.00 per bale; Fair to Good: 165.00-260.00, 5.00-8.00 per 
  Large Rounds: FOB and delivered locally: Good to Premium: 140.00-
 180.00, 80.00-95.00 per roll; Fair or Grass Mix: 100.00-130.00, 
50.00-70.00 per roll.


Rock Valley Hay Auction (Thur) - Rock Valley, IA


Weekly New Mexico Hay Summary

Week ending November 23, 2020

   Compared to last week, alfalfa hay prices were steady to 10.00 higher.
 Trade moderate to active, demand moderate to good.  The southern and
southwestern regions are in the second cutting.  The eastern region are
almost done with their first cutting.  Rain reported in the eastern part
of the state.

Eastern region:
Alfalfa: Large Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: 210.00-220.00
per ton delivered to dairies.

Alfalfa: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: Bundle 300.00
per ton.

Wheat Hay: Large Square Bales: 125.00 per ton.

Beardless Wheat Hay: Large Square Bales: Good Quality: 140.00 per ton.

Southeastern regions:

Alfalfa: Large Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: 180.00-200.00,
few 210.00 per ton delivered to dairies.

Alfalfa: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: Bundle(21 bales)
two tie 300.00-320.00 per ton loaded on truck.

Wheat Hay: Large Square Bales: 125.00-145.00 per ton.
Southern and Southwestern region:

Alfalfa: Large Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: 185.00-200.00
per ton delivered to dairies.

Alfalfa: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme Quality: three tie 220.00
per ton, out of state hay 230.00-240.00 per ton.

Breadless Wheat hay: Large Square Bales: Good Quality: 150.00 per ton.

North central Region:

Alfalfa:  Large Square Bales 4x4x8: Premium and Supereme Quality: 140.00
per bale FOB. 

Organic:  Sudan/Sorghum: two tie 12.00 per bale del to dairies.

Organic:  Alfalfa: Small Square Bales: Premium and Supreme 9.50-11.00
per bale FOB.

Organic:  Alfalfa/Johnson Mix: Small Square Bales: Good Quality: 8.50 per
bale FOB.          


Oregon Weekly Hay Report

Compared to May 15:  Prices trended generally steady compared to last 
report's prices in a very limited test.  Growers are reporting that due to 
dairies having to dump milk, demand for dairy hay is down significantly.  
Many growers are sold out for the year.                                       

Tons:  338    Last Week:  42    Last Year:  310                            

Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Wasco Counties:                               
                         Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
  Orchard Grass                                                            
    Small Square                                                           
      Premium               4  275.00-275.00  275.00                       
      Good                  3  250.00-250.00  250.00     Certified Weed    

Eastern Oregon:                                                            
                         Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
    Small Square                                                           
      Good                150  220.00-220.00  220.00                       

Klamath Basin:                                                             
                         Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
    Small Square                                                           
      Good                 25  190.00-190.00  190.00                       

  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                      
    Small Square                                                           
      Good                 50  190.00-190.00  190.00                       

    Small Square                                                           
      Good                  6  140.00-140.00  140.00                       

Lake County:                                                               
                         Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
  Forage Mix-Two Way                                                       
    Large Square                                                           
      Fair                100  130.00-130.00  130.00                       

Harney County: No New Sales Confirmed.     


Wyoming Hay Summary

Week ending May 22, 2020

   Compared to last week baled hay, alfalfa cubes and sun-cured pellets 
steady on a light test. Some areas in the East and West have been 
irrigating this past week with more dry areas popping up each week. Some 
producers that own cattle have stopped selling hay as they are going to 
keep it just in case it continues to be abnormally dry this year. 
forage growth in the upcoming days. Some areas of Wyoming are in the 
abnormally dry category by the US drought monitor. “All prices are 
dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn unless otherwise noted.” 

Eastern Wyoming 
Alfalfa: Good large squares 135.00-150.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 
percent protein 255.00. 
Western Wyoming
Alfalfa: Premium small squares 170.00-190.00. Alfalfa/Orchard grass: 
Premium small squares 170.00-185.00. Certified weed seed free alfalfa 
cubes bulk 260.00, 50 lbs bags 300.00.


Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending May 22, 2020

  Compared to last week, all reported forages sold steady. Demand was 
moderate for alfalfa and ground hay going to feedlots. Most alfalfa 
producers are hoping they can start cutting alfalfa in the very near 
future. However, there has been a few fields cut in the eastern side of 
the state that will be made into pellets.  Light rain across some of the 
reporting areas this week. Per NASS, crop corn planted was 91 percent, 
well ahead of 63 last year, and ahead of 78 for the five-year average. 
Emerged was 54 percent, well ahead of 22 last year, and ahead of 39 
average.  Soybeans planted was 78 percent, well ahead of 34 last year and 
42 average. Emerged was 29 percent, well ahead of 5 last year and 8 
average. Oats planted was 92 percent, near 88 last year and 94 average. 
Emerged was 82 percent, well ahead of 62 last year, but near 84 average.   
Note: “All sales are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless 
otherwise noted.” 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Fair to mostly good large rounds 85.00-95.00. Prairie Hay: Good 
large rounds 70.00-90.00. Dehy alfalfa pellets 17 percent 310.00. Sun-
cured pellets 15 percent 285.00.
Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large rounds 85.00-90.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 
115.00-120.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa/cornstalk mix 95.00-110.00. 
Ground and delivered cornstalks 60.00. Dehy alfalfa pellets 17 percent 
protein 270.00-285.00; Sun-cured alfalfa 15 percent protein 270.00. 

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large squares 135.00-150.00. Good large rounds 120.00. 
Ground and delivered alfalfa 153.00. 


Missouri Weekly Hay Summary

Week ending 5/22/20

Another week with very little sunshine in the state made it hard for 
farmers to get much progress made. Historically there would be a lot of 
hay getting baled this weekend but that doesn’t look to be likely this 
year. The southern half of the state saw more rains this week making it 
hard to even wrap hay. Most fields are too wet to get into and lack of 
sun would make any curing nearly impossible. For the mean time it’s just 
a game of watching and waiting. The supply of hay is moderate, demand is 
light, and prices are mostly steady. The Missouri Department of 
Agriculture has a hay directory visit 
for listings of hay (All prices f.o.b. 
and per ton unless specified and on most recent reported sales.

Supreme quality Alfalfa (RFV <185) 180.00-200.00
small squares 7.00-9.00 per bale
Premium quality Alfalfa (RFV 170-180) 160.00-180.00
Good quality Alfalfa (RFV 150-170) 120.00-160.00 
small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale
Fair quality Alfalfa (RFV 130-150) 100.00-125.00 
Good quality Mixed Grass hay 80.00-120.00
Small squares 6.00-8.00 per bale (some alfalfa/grass mix)
Fair to Good quality Mixed Grass hay 60.00-80.00
small squares 3.00-6.00 per bale
Fair quality Mixed Grass hay 30.00-50.00 per large round bale 
20.00-40.00 per 4x5 round bale

Good quality Bromegrass 80.00-120.00
Fair to Good quality Bromegrass 50.00-80.00

Wheat hay 40.00-55.00 per large round bale
Wheat straw 3.00-6.00 per small square bale


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Oklahoma Hay Market Report

Alfalfa and hay trade movement remains slow but is beginning to move.  
few early prices are reportedly lower but producers are reporting that
finding a true value is difficult.  Most everyone has their first cutting
of Alfalfa done.  Dairy hay is extremely slow as cutbacks are taking
place in that industry as well.  With warmer weather, Bermuda grass is
just starting to show and producers expecting a first cutting of that hay
come June but has most very uneasy about the late start.  Some areas of
the state are reportedly dry once again but rains storms are expected to
move thru the trade areas over the end of the week and weekend. 

Market News continues to maintain an online hay directory for both in-
state and out-of-state hay producers.  The directories are on the ODAFF 
homepage at Producers wishing to list hay are 
encouraged to call at 1-405-521-3864 or 

Central Oklahoma:  Premium quality large squares 130.00-150.00/ton FOB. 

Eastern Oklahoma:  No reported trades.  

Western Oklahoma:  Premium quality large round bales 115.00-130.00/ton 
FOB, few 140.00/ton FOB.  Premium quality small squares 11.00/bale FOB
sold in a 21 bale bundle.  Good quality grinding hay 75.00-90.00/ton FOB 

Grass Hay 
Central Oklahoma:  Mixed grass hay 100.00/ton FOB 135.00/ton DEL to TX.   

Western Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Eastern Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Wheat Hay 
Central Oklahoma:  60.00-70.00/ton.

Western Oklahoma:  70.00/ton.

Eastern Oklahoma:  No trades reported.
