Friday, February 28, 2020

Weekly Montana Hay Report

Compared to the last week: All classes of hay sold generally steady. 
Demand for squares continues to be good on mostly light to moderate
offerings. Dairy quality hay sales continue to occur at or very 
close to $1 per point. Demand for dairy quality hay is mostly good. 
Feeding quality hay to ship east or west remains good. Several large
sales of fair/good hay in squares occurred this week. Demand for feeder
hay in western states has improved and buyers were shopping for this
class of hay this week. In state hay sales were slow again this week 
as mild weather continues. Ranchers continue to buy hay on an as need 
basis. Round hay supplies remain heavy. All prices are dollars per ton 
and FOB unless otherwise noted.

Alfalfa:   Supreme:  Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, 175.00-190.00 
                     Large rounds,  NA
           Premium:  Large squares, 150.00-175.00
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 225.00-250.00
           Good:     Large squares, 130.00-150.00
                     Large rounds,  110.00-120.00
                     Small squares, 175.00-180.00
         Fair/Good:  Large squares, 110.00-125.00, 
                     Large rounds,  80.00-100.00   old crop 60.00-80.00
                     Small Squares, 125.00-150.00
           Utility   Large rounds,  40.00-60.00
                     Large squares, 70.00-110.00

Alfalfa:   Premium:  Small squares, 180.00
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA  
                     Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, 130.00-135.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 100.00-110.00
                     Large rounds,  75.00-100.00
                     Small squares, 160.00
           Utility:  Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  50.00-70.00
Grass:     Premium   Large squares  NA
                     Large rounds,  125.00
                     Small squares, NA
           Good:     large squares, 125.00
                     Large rounds,  85.00-110.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 100.00-125.00 
                     Large rounds,  70.00-85.00
                     Small squares, NA
           Utility:  Large rounds,  65.00-75.00
                     Large squares, NA
                     Small squares, NA          

Grass:     Premium:  Small squares, 240.00-270.00
           Premium:  Large rounds,  NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 160.00-180.00
Barley               Large squares, 40.00-45.00
straw:               Large rounds,  40.00-50.00
                     Small squares, NA
Wheat straw:
South central        Large squares, 35.00-45.00 
                     Large rounds,  40.00
Northern             Large squares, 35.00-45.00
                     Large rounds,  35.00-45.00


Rock Valley Hay Auction (Thur) - Rock Valley, IA


South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  Too few reported sales to offer a price
comparison.  Moderate demand for all classes of hay.  The market has
begun to feel some price pressure as hay has moved from west to east.
Supplies of high testing dairy hay remain tight, but lower qualities
have become abundant.  Area hay auctions have had large supplies on 
offer in recent weeks as well.  Warmer weather again this week has 
helped the snow to melt, except for northeast SD there is a lot of
bare ground.  All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise noted.

   Alfalfa:  Premium: Small Squares, 6.00 per bale.  Good:  Large 
Squares, 200.00.  Utility:  Large Rounds, 120.00.

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 220.00; 17 pct 225.00.  Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 230.00.

   Grass:  Premium:  Small Squares, 5.00 per bale.  Good:  Large Rounds, 120.00.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  No reported sales.

   Oat Hay:  Large Rounds, 100.00.

   Straw:  Small squares, 5.50 per bale.

   Corn Stalks:  No reported sales.


California Hay Report

  Compared to last week:  Trade activity moderate on moderate demand.  
Hay is reported FOB the stack or barn unless otherwise noted.  Regions 
are defined at bottom of report. 

Tons:  801    Last Week:  4976    Last Year:  1680                             

Region 1: North Inter-Mountain:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Good/Premium            125  210.00-210.00  210.00    Retail/Stable     

Region 2: Sacramento Valley:                                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                  25  280.00-280.00  280.00    Retail/Stable     

Region 3: Northern San Joaquin Valley:                                         
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Good                     50  220.00-220.00  220.00    Retail/Stable     

Region 4: Central San Joaquin Valley: No New Sales Confirmed.                 

Region 5: Southern California:                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 150  279.00-279.00  279.00    Retail/Stable     
  Forage Mix-Three Way                                                         
      Good                     50  260.00-260.00  260.00    Retail/Stable     

Region 6: Southeast California:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 250  230.00-230.00  230.00    Retail/Stable     
      Good                    150  180.00-180.00  180.00     New Crop          
  Alfalfa (Green Chop)                                                          
      Premium/Supreme           1  155.00-155.00  155.00     Standing          

The following are the counties included in each region:                        
Region 1: Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, and Plumas.                         
Region 2: Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Sierra, Nevada, 
Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, Solano, Sacramento, Amador, and Alpine.             
Region 3: San Joaquin, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Mono, Merced, 
Region 4: Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Inyo.                             
Region 5: Kern, Northeast Los Angeles, and Western San Bernardino.             
Region 6: Eastern San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial.                 


Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  2540    Last Week:  2275    Last Year:  1210                                                        

     Compared last Friday, All grades of Dosmetic Alfalfa weak in a light test as exporters unload export hay onto the dosmetic market due to volatile financial markets this week and port disruptions. Export Alfalfa steady in a light test. Trade remains slow this week and expected to stay slow till new crop. Demand remains light to moderate. Feed store/retail steady. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or ranch unless otherwise stated. Delivered prices include freight, commissions and other expenses. 

                             Tons      Price     Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Premium                1000 185.00-185.00 185.00 Del Tarped            
      Good                    200 180.00-180.00 180.00     Export            
      Fair/Good              1025 165.00-165.00 165.00 Del Tarped            

    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                 150 240.00-240.00 240.00     Retail/Stable     

  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                          
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                 165 260.00-260.00 260.00     Retail/Stable     


Idaho Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  2100    Last Week:  1635    Last Year:  300                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Compared to last Friday, Utility Alfalfa for pellet mills steady in a light test. Trade remains very slow. Demand remains slow as volatile financial markets this week have most interests uneasy and wondering what is going to happen next. Retail/Feed store not tested this week. Prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or ranch unless otherwise stated.  
                       Tons      Price           Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Utility                 800 140.00-140.00 140.00     Rain Damage       
                              300 150.00-150.00 150.00     Tarped            

  Barley Straw                                                                 
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Fair/Good              1000   75.00-75.00    75.00                 


Weekly Texas Hay Report

   Compared to last report:  Hay trades are steady.  Hay demand is still
moderate at best, since most producers have already contracted hay for 
the winter-feeding season.  Additionally, winter weather across the state 
has been very mild compared to years past.  As a result, some early cool 
season growth in winter pastures has eased the burden of supplemental 
feeding and prevented producers from having to seek additional hay 
stores, except for producers in South Texas.  Drought conditions continue 
in this region causing livestock producers to cull deeper into their 
herds and start seeking hay from outside their normal region.   

   The Texas Department of Agriculture has Hay and Grazing phone set 
up for Buyers and sellers looking for hay or grazing; the number is 1-
512-787-9966. The website for the hotline is:

Panhandle/High Plains:
 Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Supreme: 240.00-260.00; Premium: 
210.00-230.00; Good: 175.00-200.00.              
 Small bales: Delivered: Premium: 260.00-275.00, 8.00-9.00 per bale. 
 Ground Alfalfa: Delivered to feedlots: Avg 195.00-205.00. 
                                            Calf 210.00-212.00. 
 Coastal Bermuda: Large Bales: Delivered: Premium: 160.00- 165.00
 Sorghum: Large Bales: Delivered: Good: 120.00-130.00; Fair: 100.00.
      Cotton Burrs: Delivered: limited 95.00-105.00. 
      Cotton Seed Hulls: Delivered: limited 220.00.
      CRP: Delivered: 120.00-135.00.
Far West Texas/Trans Pecos: 
 Alfalfa: Small Squares: Delivered local or FOB: Premium to Supreme:
      275.00-300.00, 9.00-11.00 per bale.
      Large Squares: FOB: Premium to Supreme: 250.00-265.00. 
      Triticale: Large Rounds: FOB: 65.00 per roll.

North, Central, and East Texas:
 Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme: 255.00-
 270.00, instances 280.00.
    Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Premium: 260.00-330.00, 8.00-
10.00 per bale; Good: 200.00-260.00, 6.00-10.00 per bale.
      Large Rounds: FOB: Good to Premium: 120.00-140.00, 60.00-70.00 per 
South Texas:
    Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium: 260.00-
330.00, 8.00-10.00 per bale; Fair to Good: 165.00-260.00, 5.00-8.00 per 
  Large Rounds: FOB and delivered locally: Good to Premium: 120.00-
 160.00, 60.00-80.00 per roll; Fair or Grass Mix: 100.00-110.00, 
50.00-55.00 per roll.


Oregon Weekly Hay Report

    Compared to February 21:  Prices trended generally steady compared to last 
report's prices.  Retail/Stable type hay remains the most demanded hay.
Some hay acreage has been changed over to grow hemp this year.  Many exporters
are sold out for the year.

Tons:  1877    Last Week:  1409    Last Year:  1991                        

Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Wasco Counties:                               
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments      
  Orchard Grass                                                            
    Small Square                                                           
      Premium                   7  250.00-250.00  250.00     Retail/Stable 

Eastern Oregon:                                                            
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments      
  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                      
    Small Square                                                           
      Good                     25  175.00-175.00  175.00     Retail/Stable 

Harney County:                                                             
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments      
    Large Square                                                           
      Supreme                 150  205.00-205.00  205.00     Export        

Klamath Basin:                                                             
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments      
    Mid Square                                                             
      Good                     25  160.00-160.00  160.00     Rain Damage   

Lake County:                                                               
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments      
    Large Square                                                           
      Premium                1000  190.00-190.00  190.00                   

  Alfalfa/Oat Mix                                                          
    Small Square                                                           
      Good/Premium             30  160.00-160.00  160.00                   

    Large Square                                                           
      Good/Premium            500  150.00-150.00  150.00                   

  Alfalfa/Triticale Mx                                                     
    Large Square                                                           
      Good                    140  165.00-165.00  165.00                   


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wyoming Hay Summary

Week ending February 28, 2020

   Compared to last week reported hay sales sold steady. Demand was 
moderate to good. Several reports of measureable snow across many areas 
of the state along with seasonal temperatures. Several reporting contacts 
have several loads of hay in the barn waiting for trucks to haul to their 
new location.  “All prices are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn 
unless otherwise noted.” 

Eastern Wyoming 
Alfalfa: Good large squares 165.00-175.00; Fair large square 150.00. Sun-
cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 255.00. 
Western Wyoming
Alfalfa: Premium small squares 210.00. Good large rounds 145.00-150.00. 
Fair large rounds or squares 120.00-130.00. Alfalfa/grass mix: Good large 
squares 180.00. Premium small squares 225.00-235.00. Grass hay: Good 
large rounds 145.00-150.00. Certified weed seed free alfalfa cubes bulk 
235.00-250.00; 50 lbs bags 280.00-300.00.


Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending February 28, 2020

  Compared to last week, hay prices sold steady to weak. Ground and 
delivered hay and alfalfa pellets sold steady. Best demand was for hay 
leaving the state in large squares and for dehy or sun-cured pellets.  
Several contacts stated they had a lot more calls from producers wanting 
to sell hay than from people looking to buy hay. As of today, it appears 
there are quite a few bales of hay, cornstalks, and other feed on the 
market. Especially in the central parts of the state. Some reports of 
farmers baling cornstalks the last few days between snow storms.  Note: 
“All sales are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless 
otherwise noted.” 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large squares 150.00-155.00, Fair large squares 165.00. 
Fair to good large rounds 85.00-100.00, few at 110.00. Prairie Hay: Good 
large rounds 90.00-100.00; Fair large rounds 85.00. Premium small squares 
170.00-180.00. Millet in large rounds 75.00. Cane in large rounds 65.00. 
Cornstalks large rounds 45.00-55.00 and large squares 50.00-55.00. Dehy 
alfalfa pellets 17 percent 320.00-330.00. Sun-cured pellets 15 percent 
Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Ground and delivered alfalfa 135.00-140.00. Ground and delivered 
alfalfa/cornstalk mix 120.00-130.00. Cane/stubble mix ground and 
delivered 115.00. Ground and delivered cornstalks 90.00-105.00. Dehy 
alfalfa pellets 17 percent protein 270.00-285.00; Sun-cured alfalfa 15 
percent protein 250.00-270.00.

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Supreme large squares 200.00; Good large squares 160.00-175.00. 
Good large rounds 150.00. Teff grass: Fair to Good large rounds 150.00. 
Ground and delivered alfalfa 153.00-158.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 
percent protein 255.00. 


Oklahoma Hay Market Report

Alfalfa and hay trade movement was at a standstill again this week, rain
came early in the week across the trade area.  No price changes again
this week.  All trades reported were steady from last reported prices.
Demand moderate.  All hay reported FOB Oklahoma unless otherwise noted.

Market News continues to maintain an online hay directory for both in-
state and out-of-state hay producers.  The directories are on the ODAFF 
homepage at Producers wishing to list hay are 
encouraged to call at 1-405-521-3864 or 

Central Oklahoma:  Good quality large squares 4X4X8 150.00/ton FOB.

Eastern Oklahoma:  Premium quality large round bales 190.00/ton DEL. 
Supreme quality 220.00/ton DEL.

Western Oklahoma:  Premium quality large round bales 175.00-180/ton FOB. 
Good quality grinding hay 90.00/ton.

Grass Hay 
Central Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Western Oklahoma:  Good mixed grass hay large round bales 70.00-80.00/ton 

Eastern Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Wheat Hay 
Central Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Western Oklahoma:  90.00-95.00/ton.

Eastern Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Prices are dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise noted.


Missouri Weekly Hay Summary

Week ending 2/28/20

Another dose of winter weather and some heavy rain brought the return of 
mud and frustrations as farmers try to care for livestock.  Still several 
feeding days left if not months but as March arrives thoughts of spring 
are in the air. Hay movement is slow. The supply of hay is moderate, 
demand is light to moderate, and prices are steady. The Missouri 
Department of Agriculture has a hay directory available for both buyers 
and sellers. To be listed, or to view the directory visit for listings of 
hay (All prices f.o.b. and per ton 
unless specified and on most recent reported sales.

Supreme quality Alfalfa (RFV <185) 180.00-200.00
small squares 7.00-9.00 per bale
Premium quality Alfalfa (RFV 170-180) 160.00-180.00
Good quality Alfalfa (RFV 150-170) 120.00-160.00 
small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale
Fair quality Alfalfa (RFV 130-150) 100.00-125.00 
Good quality Mixed Grass hay 80.00-120.00
Small squares 6.00-8.00 per bale (some alfalfa/grass mix)
Fair to Good quality Mixed Grass hay 60.00-80.00
small squares 3.00-6.00 per bale
Fair quality Mixed Grass hay 35.00-50.00 per large round bale 
25.00-40.00 per 4x5 round bale

Good quality Bromegrass 80.00-120.00
Fair to Good quality Bromegrass 50.00-80.00

Wheat hay 40.00-55.00 per large round bale
Wheat straw 3.00-6.00 per small square bale


Colorado Hay Report

   Compared to last week, trade activity light on light to moderate 
demand.  According to the U.S Drought Monitor’s High Plains Summary 
released February 25, 2020, much of the region was saw little or no 
precipitation with the exception of Kansas and eastern Colorado.  
Moderate precipitation (0.5-1.5 inches) in western Kansas and eastern 
Colorado (where February normally contributes to only 2-3% of the annual 
total) removed shortages out to 90-days, improving the D0-D2 by 1-
category. In central Colorado, 0.5-1 inch of precipitation was enough to 
improve most indices to the normal range, thus D0 was removed in parts of 
Pueblo and Custer Counties.  According to the USDA NRCS Colorado SNOTEL 
Snow/Precipitation Update Report for Thursday, February 27, 2020, snow 
water equivalent basin index percentages:  Gunnison 95; Upper Colorado 
118; South Platte 130; Laramie and North Platte 117; Yampa and White 119; 
Arkansas 114; Upper Rio Grande 99; San Miguel, Delores, Animas and San 
Juan 91.  The next available report will be Thursday, March 5, 2020.  All 
prices reported are FOB at the stack or barn unless otherwise noted.  
Prices reflect load lots of hay.  If you have hay for sale or need hay, 
use the services of the Colorado Department of Agriculture website:

Northeast Colorado Areas
  21-Bale Bundle: Premium/Supreme 345.00 (9.50 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   Small Squares: Premium 307.00 (8.75 per bale), Retail/Stable.
          Rounds: Premium 245.00, Retail/Stable.
   Small Squares: Premium 335.00-345.00 (9.50-10.00 per bale), 
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southeast Colorado Areas
     Mid Squares: Good 200.00, Retail/Stable.
   Small Squares: Premium 275.00-315.00 (9.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

San Luis Valley Areas
   Large Squares: Premium 250.00, Organic.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southwest Colorado Areas
  Orchard Grass
       95# 3-tie: Premium 335.00 (16.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
  Orchard/Timothy Grass Mix
   Small Squares: Premium 307.00 (10.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.

Mountains and Northwest Colorado Areas
          Rounds: Utility 125.00.
   Small Squares: Good/Premium 255.00 (7.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Northeast: Weld, Washington, Morgan, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln, Elbert, 
Adams, Sedgwick, Yuma, Larimer, Jefferson, Douglas, Kit Carson, Phillips, 
Logan, Boulder, Arapahoe, and El Paso.
Southeast: Fremont, Custer, Huerfano, Las Animas, Bent, Otero, Prowers, 
Crowley, and Pueblo.
San Luis Valley: Saguache, Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Rio Grande, and 
Southwest: Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel, Montezuma, Dolores, 
San Juan, Hinsdale, Archuleta, and La Plata.
Mountains and Northwest: Moffat, Routt, Jackson, Rio Blanco, Garfield, 
Gunnison, Teller, Grand, Chaffee, Park, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Summit, 
Lake, and Eagle.


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest

Demand and Sales Comments 
Hay prices remain steady with a strong demand for top quality dairy hay. Wisconsin markets have a strong demand for dairy quality hay with supporting prices to match. Lower quality hay is heavily discounted in some markets. If you need forage or have forage to sell, connect to the Farmer-to-Farmer webpage at You may contact your local county agriculture educator if you need help placing an ad. There is no charge for the service.

Straw prices are for oat, barley, or wheat straw. Straw prices were steady with a weaker trend this week. Small square bales averaged $4.00 a bale (range of $1.00 to $6.00). Large square bale straw averaged $49.00 per bale (a range of $26.00 to $75.00). Large round bale straw averaged $47.00 per bale (a range of $25.00 - $75.00).

In Nebraska, hay prices sold unevenly steady to weak. Demand was sporadic across the state. Best
demand is for hay leaving the state. There is concern as some hay is stored in wet areas and may not be moved once frost leaves the ground. In Iowa, hay prices for dairy quality hay are steady to firm.

In South Dakota, alfalfa prices are steady to weak. There is a very good demand for high quality dairy hay with moderate demand for lower testing hay. Hay buyers are more price conscious compared to earlier in the season and there is a supply of hay moving across the state.

In Missouri, hay movement is slow. Supply is moderate, demand is light to moderate, and prices are
steady. Many have mud in hay yards which is limiting hay movement.

In Southwest Minnesota, prices were steady, with a limited supply of hay at the market. In Kansas, hay trade is slow to moderate. Alfalfa prices remain steady. Most of the hay movement is on previously contracted hay.

In Wisconsin, prices remain strong for top quality hay with a good demand for all types of hay at the
local markets.


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Rock Valley Hay Auction (Mon) - Rock Valley, IA


Dakota Hay Auction - Corsica, SD


Kansas Hay Market Report

Ground/Grinding alfalfa movement:   Southwest/South Central 
Tonnage: 9,556/5,249    Last week: 10,704/5,171    Last year: 10,832/4,370
Hay market trade slow to moderate; alfalfa prices remain steady. There still 
seems to be lots of folks looking to sell both grass hay and grinding 
alfalfa. Southwest Kansas received between 2-4" of snow last week and the 
Drought Monitor indicated that abnormal dryness (D0) decreased slightly to 19 
pct, moderate drought (D1) decreased to 4 pct, and severe drought (D2) 
remained at 5 pct. 
The K-State University's Land Use Survey Center could use your help with the 
2020 Kansas Custom Rates Survey. Your input is crucial information for Kansas 
agricultural producers and agribusiness owners. The Land Use Survey Center is 
collecting data from folks like you about the costs of custom work, feed 
preparation, machinery rental, and livestock hauling. Completion of the 
survey should take less than 15 minutes and can be found at Response 
to this survey is voluntary, and your response will be kept confidential. 
Respondents who provide their email will be entered to win their registration 
to the 2020 Risk and Profit Conference.   
If you have any extra hay to sell and/or need hay here in Kansas, use the 
services of the Internet Hay Exchange: 

Southwest Kansas  
Dairy alfalfa, ground/delivered, grinding alfalfa steady; movement slow to 
moderate. Alfalfa: horse, premium small squares 240.00-250.00. Dairy 1.00-
1.05/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-226.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, Good 150.00-
170.00. Stock or Dry Cow 160.00-165.00. Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 100.00-
115.00, Ground and delivered locally to feed lots and dairies, 150.00-160.00. 
Sudan: large rounds 55.00-65.00. Triticale: large rounds 95.00-100.00. Wheat 
straw: large rounds 40.00-50.00, large squares 65.00-75.00 delivered. The 
week of 2/16-2/22, 9,556T of grinding alfalfa and 2,266T of dairy alfalfa was 
reported bought/sold. 

South Central Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, alfalfa pellets steady; 
movement slow to moderate. Alfalfa: horse, small squares 255.00-275.00. 
Dairy, 1.00-1.05/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-225.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, 
Good 150.00-178.00. Stock cow, 130.00-150.00. Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 
90.00-105.00, new crop contracted at 120.00-130.00 delivered. Ground and 
delivered locally to feedlots 135.00-145.00; Alfalfa pellets: Sun cured 15 
pct protein 200.00-205.00, 17 pct protein 205.00-210.00, Dehydrated 17 pct 
300.00-310.00. Grass Hay: Bluestem, good small squares 7.00-8.00/bale, large 
rounds 60.00-70.00, large squares 75.00-85.00. Brome, small squares 7.00-
8.00/bale, large rounds 100.00-110.00, lesser quality 70.00-80.00. Sudan: 
large rounds 55.00-65.00. Wheat Straw: small squares 5.50-6.50/bale, large 
squares 70.00-75.00, large rounds 55.00-65.00. The week of 2/16-2/22, 5,249T 
of grinding alfalfa and 768T of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold. 

Southeast Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, grass hay steady; movement 
slow to moderate.  Alfalfa: horse or goat, 230.00-250.00. Dairy 1.00-
1.05/point RFV. Stock cow 155.00-165.00. Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 115.00-
125.00. Ground and delivered, none reported; Grass hay: Bluestem, small 
squares 125.00-140.00, good, mid squares 110.00-125.00, large squares, 95.00-
110.00, large rounds 60.00-65.00. Brome, good, small squares 125.00-150.00, 
mid to large squares 120.00-130.00, large rounds 70.00-80.00. Wheat Straw: 
mid and large squares 60.00-75.00, large rounds 55.00-65.00. The week of 
2/16-2/22, 1,990T of grass hay was reported bought/sold.

Northwest Kansas  
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered steady; movement slow. 
Alfalfa: Horse or goat, 205.00-215.00. Dairy, Premium/Supreme 1.00-1.05/point 
RFV. Stock cow, fair/good 150.00-160.00. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, 100.00-
110.00. Ground and delivered locally to feedlots and dairies, 125.00-135.00.

North Central-Northeast Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa steady, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, grass hay steady to 
5.00 lower; movement slow. Alfalfa: horse, premium small squares 9.50-
10.50/bale. Dairy 1.00-1.05/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-225.00, Premium 170.00-
195.00, Good 150.00-170.00. Stock Cow, 150.00-160.00. Fair/good, grinding 
alfalfa, 100.00-110.00. Ground and delivered 130.00-140.00. Grass hay: 
Bluestem, small squares 6.00-7.00/bale, mid squares 90.00-100.00, large 
squares 85.00-100.00, large rounds 70.00-80.00. Brome, small squares 7.00-
8.00/bale, mid squares 140.00-150.00, large squares 110.00-125.00, large 
rounds 75.00-85.00; Sudan, large rounds 55.00-65.00. Wheat Straw: small 
squares 5.00-6.00/bale delivered, large squares 100.00-110.00 delivered, 
large rounds 60.00-70.00.  The week of 2/16-2/22, 926T of grinding alfalfa and 
253T of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold.  


Friday, February 21, 2020

Weekly Montana Hay Report

Compared to the last week: All classes of hay sold fully steady. 
Demand for squares continues to be good on mostly light to moderate
offerings, with higher quality offerings in lighter supply and heavier
supplies seen on fair and utility quality hay. Supplies of hay in rounds
remains moderate to heavy as a mostly open, mild winter allowed for lighter
hay usage. Ranchers continue to buy hay on an as need basis. Straw sales 
lightened over the last week to two weeks as milder weather and lighter 
snowfall has slowed demand for straw. All prices are dollars per ton and 
FOB unless otherwise noted.

Alfalfa:   Supreme:  Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, 175.00-190.00 
                     Large rounds,  NA
           Premium:  Large squares, 150.00-175.00
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 225.00-250.00
           Good:     Large squares, 125.00-150.00
                     Large rounds,  110.00-120.00
                     Small squares, 175.00-180.00
         Fair/Good:  Large squares, 110.00-125.00, 
                     Large rounds,  80.00-100.00   old crop 60.00-80.00
                     Small Squares, 125.00-150.00
           Utility   Large rounds,  40.00-60.00
                     Large squares, 70.00-110.00

Alfalfa:   Premium:  Small squares, 180.00
           Good:     Large rounds,  125.00-135.00  
                     Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, 130.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 100.00-110.00
                     Large rounds,  75.00-100.00, old crop 60.00
                     Small squares, 160.00
           Utility:  Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  50.00-70.00
Grass:     Premium   Large squares  150.00 export
                     Large rounds,  125.00
                     Small squares, NA
           Good:     large squares, 130.00 export
                     Large rounds,  85.00-110.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 100.00-125.00 
                     Large rounds,  70.00-85.00
                     Small squares, NA
           Utility:  Large rounds,  65.00-75.00
                     Large squares, NA
                     Small squares, NA          

Grass:     Premium:  Small squares, 240.00-270.00
           Premium:  Large rounds,  NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 160.00-180.00
Barley               Large squares, 40.00-45.00
straw:               Large rounds,  40.00-50.00
                     Small squares, NA
Wheat straw:
South central        Large squares, 35.00-45.00 
                     Large rounds,  40.00
Northern             Large squares, 35.00-45.00
                     Large rounds,  35.00-45.00


Rock Valley Hay Auction (Thur) - Rock Valley, IA


South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  Alfalfa steady to weak.  Very good demand
for high quality, high feed value tested hay, only moderate demand
for lower quality hay.  Very good demand remains for corn stalks
and straw as supplies of bedding are rather limited.  Hay buyers are
being more price conscious currently than they were earlier in the
winter.  Western SD hay has come east helping to meet hay needs which
has added some pressure to the market for hay sellers.  Cold temps
and a large amount of snow on the ground in north/northeast SD is keeping
the need for hay high for beef cattle operators in this part of the
state.  All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise noted.

   Alfalfa:  Supreme:  Large Squares, 250.00-300.00.  Premium:  Large
Squares, 300.00 del.; Small Squares, 6.00 per bale.  Good:  Large 
Squares, 200.00.  Fair:  Large Squares, 150.00-175.00; Large Rounds,
130.00.  Utility:  Large Rounds and Squares, 110.00-130.00, 65.00 per

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 220.00; 17 pct 225.00.  Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 230.00.

   Grass:  Premium:  Small Squares, 5.00 per bale; Large Squares, 170.00,
85.00 per bale.  Good:  Large Squares, 110.00 Western SD.  Utility:
Large Rounds, 60.00 Western SD.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Premium:  Small Squares, 7.00 per bale, 252.50 per
ton.  Good:  Large Squares, 175.00; Large Rounds, 140.00.  Fair:  Large
Rounds, 120.00.

   Straw:  Large Rounds, 60.00 per bale, 40.00 Western SD.

   Corn Stalks:  No reported sales.


California Hay Report

  Compared to last week:  Trade activity moderate on moderate demand.  
Hay is reported FOB the stack or barn unless otherwise noted.  Regions 
are defined at bottom of report. 

Tons:  4976    Last Week:  4275    Last Year:  1801                            

Region 1: North Inter-Mountain:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 200  200.00-200.00  200.00    Retail/Stable     

Region 2: Sacramento Valley: No New Sales Confirmed.                           

Region 3: Northern San Joaquin Valley:                                         
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                  50  230.00-230.00  230.00                       
                              700  285.00-285.00  285.00 Del                   
                              300  285.00-285.00  285.00 Del High Testing 
      Premium                  50  290.00-290.00  290.00 Del Stable     
      Fair/Good              1000  200.00-225.00  212.50 Del                   
      Fair                    750  220.00-235.00  223.00 Del                   
      Good                    126  165.00-175.00  170.00 Del                   
      Good                    100  135.00-135.00  135.00                       

Region 4: Central San Joaquin Valley: No New Sales Confirmed.    

Region 5: Southern California:                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 150  279.00-279.00  279.00    Retail/Stable     
  Forage Mix-Three Way                                                         
      Good                     50  260.00-260.00  260.00    Retail/Stable     

Region 6: Southeast California:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium/Supreme        1200  205.00-205.00  205.00                       
      Premium                 300  210.00-230.00  220.00    Retail/Stable     

The following are the counties included in each region:                        
Region 1: Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, and Plumas.                         
Region 2: Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Sierra, Nevada, 
Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, Solano, Sacramento, Amador, and Alpine.             
Region 3: San Joaquin, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Mono, Merced, 
Region 4: Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Inyo.                             
Region 5: Kern, Northeast Los Angeles, and Western San Bernardino.             
Region 6: Eastern San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial.                     


Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  2275    Last Week:  2300    Last Year:  1800                   

   Compared last Friday, All grades of Alfalfa and Timothy steady in a light 
test. Trade slow this week and expected to stay slow till new crop. Demand remains 
moderate. Feed store/retail steady. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm 
or ranch unless otherwise stated. Delivered prices include freight, commissions and 
other expenses. Forage Products leaving the Seattle-Tacoma port for 2019 totaled 
148,744 containers. Cereal straw & husks for the same period totaled 18,920 

                             Tons      Price     Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                            
      Premium                 300 200.00-200.00 200.00     Tarped         
      Fair/Good               300 160.00-170.00 165.00     Tarped         
      Fair                    125 185.00-185.00 185.00 Del Bottom Bales   

    Small Square                                                          
      Premium                 225 240.00-240.00 240.00     Retail/Stable  

  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                     
    Small Square                                                          
      Premium                 125 260.00-260.00 260.00     Retail/Stable  

  Timothy Grass                                                           
    Mid Square                                                            
      Good/Premium            700 150.00-150.00 150.00     Export         
      Fair/Good               500 130.00-130.00 130.00     Export 


Idaho Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  1635    Last Week:  1700    Last Year:  7700       

   Compared to last Friday, Utility/Fair Alfalfa steady in a light test. Trade 
remains very slow. Demand remains slow to moderate as most interests are busy 
shipping previously bought supplies. Trade sources indicate their might be more 
carryover supplies than previously thought. New crop contracts offered for 2020 
export Alfalfa are 1.00/point FOB with tests of 150 RFV or higher. Retail/Feed 
store not tested this week. Prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or ranch 
unless otherwise stated.  
                       Tons      Price    Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                 
      Utility/Fair      910 145.00-150.00 147.61     Tarped    

  Barley Straw                                                 
    Mid Square                                                 
      Fair              725   60.00-60.00    60.00             


Weekly Texas Hay Report

   Compared to last report:  Hay trades are steady.  Hay demand is 
moderate at best, with most producers feeding less than in years past due 
to mild winter weather.  North, Central, and East Texas continue to deal 
with mud which has slowed fieldwork.  Cooler temperatures and flurries 
moved across the Panhandle midweek, but very little moisture accompanied 
this system.  West and South Texas are still very dry.  According to the 
Texas Crop and Weather report, rainfall in South Texas has been below 
average since November.  

   The Texas Department of Agriculture has Hay and Grazing phone set 
up for Buyers and sellers looking for hay or grazing; the number is 1-
512-787-9966. The website for the hotline is:

Panhandle/High Plains:
 Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Supreme: 275.00-300.00; Premium: 
230.00-260.00; Good: 175.00-190.00; Utility 130.00.              
 Small bales: Delivered: Premium: 260.00-275.00, 8.00-9.00 per bale. 
 Ground Alfalfa: Delivered to feedlots: Avg 190.00-196.00. 
                                            Calf 205.00-210.00. 
 Coastal Bermuda: Large Bales: Delivered: Premium: 160.00- 180.00
 Sorghum: Large Bales: Delivered: Good: 95.00-125.00.
      Oat: Large Bales: Delivered: 160.00.
      Cotton Burrs: Delivered: 92.00-105.00. 
Far West Texas/Trans Pecos: 
 Alfalfa: Small Squares: Delivered local or FOB: Premium to Supreme:
      290.00-330.00, 10.00-11.00 per bale.
      Large Squares: FOB: Premium to Supreme: 250.00-265.00. 
      Triticale: Large Rounds: FOB: 65.00 per roll.

North, Central, and East Texas:
 Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme: 255.00-
 270.00, instances 280.00.
    Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Premium: 260.00-330.00, 8.00-
10.00 per bale; Good: 200.00-260.00, 6.00-10.00 per bale.
      Large Rounds: FOB: Good to Premium: 120.00-140.00, 60.00-70.00 per 
South Texas:
    Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium: 260.00-
330.00, 8.00-10.00 per bale; Fair to Good: 165.00-260.00, 5.00-8.00 per 
  Large Rounds: FOB and delivered locally: Good to Premium: 120.00-
 160.00, 60.00-80.00 per roll; Fair or Grass Mix: 100.00-110.00, 
50.00-55.00 per roll.


Oregon Weekly Hay Report

    Compared to February 14:  Prices trended generally steady compared to last 
report's prices.  Retail/Stable type hay remains the most demanded hay.
Some hay acreage has been changed over to grow hemp this year.  Many exporters
are sold out for the year.                                                                            

Tons:  1409    Last Week:  6131    Last Year:  647                         

Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Wasco Counties:                               
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments      
    Small Square                                                           
      Premium                  20  250.00-250.00  250.00     Retail/Stable 

  Orchard Grass                                                            
    Small Square                                                           
      Premium                  15  250.00-250.00  250.00     Retail/Stable 

  Meadow Grass                                                            
    Large Square                                                           
      Premium                  25  205.00-205.00  205.00     Retail/Stable 

  Oat/Prairie Grass Mix
    Large Square                                                           
      Good                     25  195.00-195.00  195.00                   

Klamath Basin:                                                             
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments      
    Large Square                                                           
      Supreme                 250  200.00-200.00  200.00     Rain Damage   
    Small Square                                                           
      Premium                  15  195.00-195.00  195.00     Retail/Stable 

  Orchard Grass                                                            
    Small Square                                                           
      Premium                   9  195.00-195.00  195.00     Retail/Stable 
      Good                    100  260.00-260.00  260.00     Retail/Stable 

Lake County:                                                               
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments      
    Large Square                                                           
      Fair/Good               310  210.00-210.00  210.00     Organic, Rain Damage
                              500  170.00-170.00  170.00     Rain Damage   
    Small Square                                                           
      Premium                  30  200.00-200.00  200.00     Retail/Stable 
      Good                     30  185.00-185.00  185.00                   

  Timothy Grass                                                            
    Large Square                                                           
      Good                     30  150.00-150.00  150.00                   
    Small Square                                                           
      Premium                  25  220.00-220.00  220.00     Retail/Stable 

    Large Square                                                           
      Good                     25  110.00-110.00  110.00                   

Eastern Oregon: No New Sales Confirmed.                                    
Harney County: No New Sales Confirmed.                


Thursday, February 20, 2020

Wyoming Hay Summary

Week ending February 21, 2020

   Compared to last week reported hay sales sold steady. Demand was 
moderate to good. Several reports of measureable snow across many areas 
of the state along with cold temperatures. Many reporting contacts have 
several loads of hay in the barn waiting for trucks to haul to their new 
location. Trucking has been slow in several areas due to I-25 and I-80 
have been closed several times this winter. “All prices are dollars per 
ton FOB the field or hay barn unless otherwise noted.” 

Eastern Wyoming 
Alfalfa: Good large squares 165.00-175.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 
percent protein 255.00. 
Western Wyoming
Alfalfa: Premium small squares 210.00. Good large rounds 145.00-150.00. 
Fair large rounds or squares 120.00-130.00. Alfalfa/grass mix: Good large 
squares 180.00. Premium small squares 225.00-235.00. Grass hay: Good 
large rounds 145.00-150.00. Certified weed seed free alfalfa cubes bulk 
235.00-250.00; 50 lbs bags 280.00-300.00.


Oklahoma Hay Market Report

Alfalfa and hay trade movement was at a standstill again this week rain
is expected over the weekend across the trade area and there was no price
changes again this week.  All trades reported were steady from last
reported prices. Demand moderate.  All hay reported FOB Oklahoma unless otherwise noted.

Market News continues to maintain an online hay directory for both in-
state and out-of-state hay producers.  The directories are on the ODAFF 
homepage at Producers wishing to list hay are 
encouraged to call at 1-405-521-3864 or 

Central Oklahoma:  Good quality large squares 4X4X8 150.00/ton FOB.

Eastern Oklahoma:  Premium quality large round bales 190.00/ton DEL. 
Supreme quality 220.00/ton DEL.

Western Oklahoma:  Premium quality large round bales 175.00-180/ton FOB. 
Good quality grinding hay 90.00/ton.

Grass Hay 
Central Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Western Oklahoma:  Good mixed grass hay large round bales 70.00-80.00/ton 

Eastern Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Wheat Hay 
Central Oklahoma:  No trades reported.

Western Oklahoma:  90.00-95.00/ton.

Eastern Oklahoma:  No trades reported.


Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending February 21, 2020

  Compared to last week, baled hay prices sold unevenly steady to weak. 
Ground and delivered hay 5.00 lower and alfalfa pellets steady. Demand 
was sporadic across the state. Best demand is for hay leaving the 
state in large square bales. Quite a variety of hay hitting the market. 
Some grass hay is sitting in potentially wet places and needs to be sold 
and moved before the frost leaves the ground. When the frost goes out it 
will make hauling loads of hay difficult in many areas of the state. Some 
reports of farmers baling cornstalks the last few days before the snow on 
Wednesday. There are a lot of cornstalks bales that have yet to be sold 
and adding negative pressure to that market. Note: “All sales are dollars 
per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless otherwise noted.” 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large squares 155.00; Fair to good large rounds 85.00-
100.00, few at 110.00. Prairie Hay: Good large rounds 90.00-100.00; Fair 
large rounds 85.00. Premium small squares 170.00-180.00. Cane in large 
rounds 65.00. Cornstalks large rounds 45.00-55.00 and large squares 
50.00-55.00. Dehy alfalfa pellets 17 percent 320.00-330.00. Sun-cured 
pellets 15 percent 300.00.
Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Ground and delivered alfalfa 135.00-140.00. Ground and delivered 
alfalfa/cornstalk mix 120.00-130.00. Cane/stubble mix ground and 
delivered 115.00. Ground and delivered cornstalks 90.00-105.00. Dehy 
alfalfa pellets 17 percent protein 270.00-285.00; Sun-cured alfalfa 15 
percent protein 250.00-270.00.

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Supreme large squares 200.00; Good large squares 160.00-175.00. 
Good large rounds 150.00.  Teff grass: Fair to Good large rounds 150.00. 
Ground and delivered alfalfa 153.00-158.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 
percent protein 255.00. 


Missouri Weekly Hay Summary

Week ending 2/21/20

Although there was still some left-over snow in the north early week for 
the first week in quite a while there was no new winter weather this 
week. Mud is still a problem especially in the afternoons. With February 
quickly passing many are now taking counts of inventory on hand and 
starting to make plans for fertilizer and spring work for the upcoming 
growing season. Hay movement is slow. The supply of hay is moderate, 
demand is light to moderate, and prices are steady. The Missouri 
Department of Agriculture has a hay directory available for both buyers 
and sellers. To be listed, or to view the directory visit for listings of 
hay (All prices f.o.b. and per ton 
unless specified and on most recent reported sales.

Supreme quality Alfalfa (RFV <185) 180.00-200.00
small squares 7.00-9.00 per bale
Premium quality Alfalfa (RFV 170-180) 160.00-180.00
Good quality Alfalfa (RFV 150-170) 120.00-160.00 
small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale
Fair quality Alfalfa (RFV 130-150) 100.00-125.00 
Good quality Mixed Grass hay 80.00-120.00
Small squares 6.00-8.00 per bale (some alfalfa/grass mix)
Fair to Good quality Mixed Grass hay 60.00-80.00
small squares 3.00-6.00 per bale
Fair quality Mixed Grass hay 35.00-50.00 per large round bale 
25.00-40.00 per 4x5 round bale

Good quality Bromegrass 80.00-120.00
Fair to Good quality Bromegrass 50.00-80.00

Wheat hay 40.00-55.00 per large round bale
Wheat straw 3.00-6.00 per small square bale
