Thursday, May 25, 2017

Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending May 26, 2017

    Compared to last week alfalfa, grass hay, ground and delivered hay 
and dehy alfalfa pellets sold steady. Very little new crop alfalfa has 
been baled. Some hay producers have said on the acres of alfalfa they 
have cut tonnage is lower than normal. Some have noted that the cold 
weather had limited the growth on the first cutting. Some early reports 
on irrigated alfalfa tonnage around 1.5-1.7 tons and dryland at .75 tons 
per acre. Also, some areas of the state are fighting the alfalfa weevil 
and those fields that have been cut have shown severe loss in tonnage.  
Dehy operators have been busy running plants with some of the plants 
running through the night (24 hrs). Standing alfalfa hay price has been 
set at 45.00 per ton in the Platte Valley area of the state.  Per NASS:  
 Corn planted was 87 percent, near 88 last year and 91 for the five-year 
average. Emerged was 52 percent, near 48 last year, but behind 57 
average. Soybeans planted was 52 percent, near 50 last year, but behind 
61 average. Emerged was 13 percent, near 12 last year, but behind 21 
average.  Alfalfa first cutting was 8 percent, near 12 last year, and 
behind 17 average.  All sales are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay 
barn, unless otherwise noted. 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Supreme large square bales 150.00. Good large square bales from 
120.00-125.00. Good round bales 65.00-70.00. Grass Hay: Good large round 
bales 60.00-70.00 with some at 80.00, fair large round bales 40.00-50.00. 
Premium small square bales of grass hay 120.00, 2nd cutting brome grass 
7.50 per bale delivered.   
Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Old crop good round bales 60.00 to 70.00, with some new crop at 
70.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 90.00-100.00. Ground and delivered 
cornstalks 70.00-75.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 

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