Week ending April 17, 2020
Compared to last week baled hay, alfalfa cubes and sun-cured pellets
steady on a light test. Some cattlemen getting hay shipped in from out of
state. Snow in many areas of the state with some reports around Lander of
15 inches in the last blast. Some producers are done planting barley and
some are discourage as many of their contracts have been cut in half.
Some farmers are searching other types of feed that can be planted this
spring in the empty barley acres. “All prices are dollars per ton FOB
the field or hay barn unless otherwise noted.”
Eastern Wyoming
Alfalfa: Good large rounds 160.00-170.00 delivered. Sun-cured alfalfa
pellets 15 percent protein 255.00.
Western Wyoming
Alfalfa: Premium small squares 190.00-210.00. Certified weed seed free
alfalfa cubes bulk 260.00, 50 lbs bags 300.00.
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