Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending Aug 30, 2019

  Compared to last week all reported forages sold steady on a thin test. 
Demand was light throughout the state. Some contacts have priced hay to 
potential buyers and for the time being the buyers have passed. Appears 
many buyers are taking a look and see approach on what hay or forages 
could cost this fall. There has been some tonnage sold and the prices 
below reflect the current sales. Some of the prairie hay getting shipped 
is old and new crop. Some areas of the state from west to east have 
received rain this week with some hail that has completely wiped out 
crops and grass in its path. Some areas of Northeastern part of the state 
remains fairly dry. Most areas of the state will only get three cutting 
of alfalfa and some areas that are a tick dry or have been hailed might 
only get two cuttings. High humidity continues to plaque most of the 
state as it takes a long time for hay to dry down to be baled. Note: “All 
sales are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless otherwise 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large rounds 90.00-95.00; Fair large rounds 85.00. Prairie 
Hay: Premium large rounds 125.00; Good large rounds 100.00-110.00.  
Premium small squares 165.00-170.00. Brome mix hay: Good large rounds 
90.00-100.00.  Straw large rounds 55.00-60.00. Dehy alfalfa pellets 17 
percent 320.00. 
Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large rounds 110.00. Oat hay in large round bales 80.00.  
Ground and delivered alfalfa 140.00-145.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa-
stubble mix 125.00-135.00. Oat/cane mix ground and delivered 115.00. 
Ground and delivered corn stalks 100.00-110.00. Dehy alfalfa pellets 17 
percent protein 275.00. 

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large squares 140.00-160.00. Straw large squares 65.00-
80.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 153.00-158.00. Sun-cured alfalfa 
pellets 15 percent protein 255.00. 


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