Monday, June 29, 2020

State By State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the June 18 report, compared to last week, trade activity and demand light. Northeast Colorado first cutting haylage complete and growers wrapping up baling in dry, windy conditions. Producers in southwest Colorado are wrapping up first cutting grass and alfalfa hay while battling dry, windy conditions. Southeast Colorado is battling D3 drought conditions.

Iowa—In the June 9 report, for the reporting period May 25 to June 5, compared to last report, prices on all classes of hay steady to weak.

Kansas—In the June 23 report, the hay market trade was slow and demand light, prices remain fairly steady but with an undertone of strength. A few more trades and inquiries were reported and likely due to the pressure of the worsening drought.

Missouri—In the June 17 report, hay prices are mostly steady. The supply of hay is moderate, and demand is light. Weather has allowed a lot of hay to be baled, and some have already finished and are on to hauling. As normal a lot of hay coming to the market now but movement is slow.

Montana—In the June 12 report, compared to the last report alfalfa hay sold fully steady on very light movement. Mixed hay in rounds sold $10 to $15 lower as some producers sell heavy volumes of hay to make room for this years crop. Demand for new crop hay is mostly moderate to good. However no established prices have been made as producers wait to see what quality will look like once its in the stack. Due to very light sales receipts this report will be released bi-monthly until early August when heavier receipts can be confirmed. Next report release will be June 26.

Nebraska—In the June 18 report, compared to last week, new crop dairy alfalfa sold steady to firm, rounds and old crop alfalfa and grass hay steady. Dehydrated pellets and ground and delivered hay steady. Demand was good for new crop dairy quality hay with mostly light demand on all other classes. Hot, try, windy weather has hindered dryland hay and crops, but native prairie grass producers have been able to bale for the first time in 3 years in places.

New Mexico—In the June 19 report, compared to last week, alfalfa hay prices were steady to $10 higher, with north central region trading $15-$30 higher going to dairies. Trade moderate to active, demand moderate to good. The southern and southwestern regions are in their third cutting. The eastern and southeastern regions are finished with the second cutting. Rain reported in parts of the state but some areas still remain mostly dry.

Oklahoma—In the June 18 report, alfalfa and hay trade movement has increased over the week, mostly cow hay and small squares. Wheat hay across the state is and or has been harvested. However as of now no true price has been established. Heat and no rain is in the forecast and many producers are expecting prices to get higher if rain doesn’t come soon. Producers are reporting that finding a true value is difficult for new crop as many continue to clean out their barns from last season and those prices continue to fall. Small square bales of grass hay continues to move at a rapid pace.

South Dakota—In the June 19 report, compared to last week, alfalfa and grass hay fully steady. Good to very good demand from dairies looking for high testing alfalfa, more moderate for other qualities and types of hay. The weather was ideal for first cutting of alfalfa and grass which allowed for some very high quality hay to be put up without any rain on it. Rain fell this week across a good portion of the state, bringing much needed relief to some dry areas. The temps have cooled and the high winds have calmed making for good growing conditions now for regrowth of cut fields.

Texas—In the June 19 report, compared to last report, hay trades are mostly steady in all regions. All regions reported hot and dry conditions, most accompanied by extreme winds. Weather conditions have diminished topsoil conditions across much of the state. The silver lining in the hot and dry weather is it has allowed producers to get second cutting up.

Wyoming—In the June 18 report, compared to last week, old crop small squares and hay cubes steady. No comparison for new crop hay. Most of first cutting is wrapped up in the eastern side of the state and most reported tonnage is 30% to 50% less than last year. Western parts of the state are just getting to cut hay. Several factors hurting the tons is dry weather and having a hard time keeping enough water on the fields. Late frost in April slowed the plant up a lot and weevils have moved in several fields across the state.


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