Friday, June 12, 2020

Weekly Montana Hay Report

***Next report release will be June 26th***

Compared to the last report: Alfalfa hay sold fully steady on very light movement. 
Mixed hay in rounds sold 10.00-15.00 lower as some producers sell heavy volumes of 
hay to make room for this years crop. The south west corner of the state has been 
the hardest hit by drought conditions as many produces express concerns over how dry
it is and how badly its affecting dryland hay. According to the drought monitor 4.64% 
of the state is in a moderate drought, while 50.19% is abnormally dry. Demand for new 
crop hay is mostly moderate to good with many loads already spoken for. However no 
established prices have been made as producers wait to see what quality will look like
once its in the stack. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise noted.

Alfalfa:   Supreme:  Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA
           Premium:  Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA  
                     Small squares, NA
         Fair/Good:  Large squares, 115.00-120.00
                     Large rounds,  90.00-100.00 
                     Small Squares, NA
           Utility   Large rounds,  NA
                     Large squares, NA

Alfalfa:   Premium:  Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA  
                     Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, NA
           Fair:     Large squares, 100.00
                     Large rounds,  60.00-90.00
                     Small squares, NA
           Utility:  Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA
Grass:     Premium   Large squares  NA
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, NA
           Good:     large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA
           Fair:     Large squares, NA 
                     Large rounds,  75.00-85.00
                     Small squares, NA
           Utility:  Large rounds,  65.00-75.00
                     Large squares, NA
                     Small squares, NA          

Grass:     Premium:  Small squares, 210.00-240.00
           Premium:  Large rounds,  NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 150.00-180.00
Barley               Large squares, NA
straw:               Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, NA
Wheat straw:
South central        Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA
Northern             Large squares, NA
                     Large rounds,  NA


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