Friday, August 31, 2018

South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  All classes of hay mostly steady.  Demand
remains just moderate.  A large supply of lower quality alfalfa and
grass hay remains readily available East River, supplies of higher
quality alfalfa and grass are much more limited.  Hay growers are wanting
to make their fourth cutting of alfalfa but rain this week and more in
the forecast is keeping them from doing so.  Hay that was cut this week
is having a very difficult time drying down.  Hay supplies West River
are much more more plentiful this year, as last year supplies were very
short and virtually no carryover.  All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB,
unless otherwise noted. 

East River:
   Alfalfa:  Supreme: Large Squares, 185.00-200.00, Small Squares, 210.00
(6.50 per bale).  Premium:  Large Squares, 170.00.  Good:  Large Rounds,
160.00.  Utility:  Large Rounds, 90.00.

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 185.00; 17 pct 190.00.  Alfalfa
Meal:  17 pct 195.00.  

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Premium:  Small Squares, 200.00.  Good:  Large
Rounds, 150.00.  Utility to Fair:  Large Squares, 100.00.

   Grass:  Premium:  Small Squares, 5.00-5.50 per bale; Large Rounds,
140.00.  Good:  Large Rounds, 120.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 100.00.

   Cornstalks:  Large Rounds, 50.00.

  West River:
   Alfalfa:  No Reported Sales.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  No Reported Sales. 

   Grass:  No Reported Sales.

   Straw:  No Reported Sales.

California Hay Report

  Compared to last week: All classes traded steady with moderate demand.  
According to the NASS Crop Progress report 8/27/18, Dry conditions prevailed 
across the region. As an upper level trough moved across the region, there was a 
gradual cooling trend in temperatures. Onshore flow increased and brought in 
cool marine air into interior areas. Temperatures reached to just near or below 
seasonal levels across the state. By the weekend, temperatures began to warm-up 
for some areas as the upper level trough began to move away from the region.
In the Sacramento Valley, rice progressed well, alfalfa was cut and baled, corn 
was harvested for silage, and sunflower harvest continued. In Tulare County, 
cotton and black-eyed beans continued to be irrigated and cultivated, corn and 
sorghum were harvested for silage, and alfalfa was cut and baled.  Hay is 
reported FOB the stack or barn unless otherwise noted.  Regions are defined at 
bottom of report. 

Tons:  6885    Last Week:  4075    Last Year:  6295                            

Region 1: North Inter-Mountain:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 400  200.00-200.00  200.00                       
      Fair/Good               100  140.00-140.00  140.00                       
      Good                    500  120.00-120.00  120.00                       
      Good                    300  110.00-110.00  110.00                       

Region 2: Sacramento Valley:                                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Fair/Good              1900  165.00-180.00  177.11                       
      Fair                   1000  170.00-180.00  175.00                       

Region 3: Northern San Joaquin Valley:                                         
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                 100  240.00-240.00  240.00                       
      Premium                 400  190.00-225.00  197.50     Retail/Stable     
      Good/Premium            200  210.00-210.00  210.00 Del                   
      Good                     50  190.00-190.00  190.00                       
                              250  245.00-245.00  245.00 Del                   
                               50  220.00-220.00  220.00 Del Weedy             
      Fair/Good               150  170.00-170.00  170.00                       
      Premium                 120  150.00-175.00  162.50     Export            
      Good                    315   90.00-90.00    90.00     Export   

Region 4: Central San Joaquin Valley: No New Sales Confirmed.                                     

Region 5: Southern California:                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 250  265.00-265.00  265.00     Retail/Stable     
  Forage Mix-Three Way                                                         
      Good                     50  265.00-265.00  265.00     Retail/Stable     

Region 6: Southeast California:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 400  200.00-205.00  202.50     Export            
                               50  210.00-210.00  210.00     Retail/Stable     
  Mixed Grass                                                                  
      Good                    300  150.00-150.00  150.00                       

The following are the counties included in each region:                        
Region 1: Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, and Plumas.                         
Region 2: Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Sierra, Nevada, Placer,  
          Yolo, El Dorado, Solano, Sacramento, Amador, and Alpine.             
Region 3: San Joaquin, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Mono, Merced, Mariposa.
Region 4: Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Inyo.                             
Region 5: Kern, Northeast Los Angeles, and Western San Bernardino.             
Region 6: Eastern San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial. 

Iowa Hay Summary

Week Ending  August 31, 2018
Prices continue to drift lower as the quality of hay decreases as the year progresses.
This year continues to be tough on growers as portions of Iowa have recorded record heat
whle other sections of Iowa have record rainfall. Either way, the quality of hay suffers.
Both goat and cow dairies are looking out of state for the quality of hay they need to 
stay in business.

Alfalfa/Grass  Premium  Large Squares  $225.00 - $270.00
                                 Small Squares          $235.00 - $285.00 
    Good  Large Squares  $155.00 - $175.00
            Small Squares          $125.00 - $175.00
                        Utility  Small squares  $ 85.00 - $110.00
Grass   Premium  Small squares  $200.00 - $240.00
                        Good  Large Squares          $135.00 - $150.00
                                 Large Rounds           $120.00 - $145.00
                        Utility  Large Squares  $ 60.00 - $ 85.00   
                                 Large Rounds  $ 40.00 - $ 65.00

Oat Hay                 Good     Large Squares           $135.00 - $135.00
Straw   Oat      Large Squares  $100.00 - $115.00  
                                 Large Rounds           $ 65.00 - $ 70.00
                                 Small Squares  $150.00 - $180.00
Certified Organic Hay:  Nothing to report this week.           

Weekly New Mexico Hay Summary

Week ending Sep 1, 2018

   Compared to last week, Alfalfa hay prices unchanged.  Trade and, 
demand moderate.  Eastern region beginning fourth cutting. Southern 
and southwestern areas are between fourth and fifth cuttings.  
Southeastern region are between fourth and fifth cuttings.  North-
central areas are beginning fourth cutting.

Eastern region: 

Baled Alfala:  Large square bales; Premium and Supreme; 250.00 per ton
organic delivered to Clovis; Premium and Good quality; 210.00-240.00 del 
from local producers.    

Baled wheat hay: 170.00 per ton. 

Southeastern regions:

Baled Alfalfa: Large square bales: Premium and Supreme; 240.00 del
Premium and Good quality 180.00-200.00 del to dairies.
Small bales; Premium and Supreme 275.00-300.00 per ton loaded on truck. 

Southern and Southwestern region:

Baled Alfalfa: Large square bales, Premium  200.00 per ton( 220.00 on
contracted)  Good quality; 160.00; Fair quality 140.00 per ton delivered 
to dairies.

Small bales alfalfa ; Premium and Supreme quality: 275.00 per ton; 
9.00 per bale FOB.

Sudan hay; 140.00 per ton.

North central Region: 

Baled alfalfa: Large square bales, premium and supreme; 200.00 per
ton.  Good quality 180.00 Del to Dairies. 

Small bales: Premium quality 8.00-9.00 per bale.

Weekly Montana Hay Report

Compared to last week:  Hay prices sold generally steady. 3rd cutting is in
full swing across much of the eastern half of the state. Rain showers continue
to fall in many locations making it difficult to put up high quality hay. 
Demand for hay remains light as supplies are heavy. Many producers are busy with
harvest and haven’t had time to market hay. Wheat and barley straw is going
up as harvest is in full swing. Demand for those items is mostly moderate
as ranchers are buying bedding early for calving season. All prices are dollars 
per ton and FOB unless otherwise noted.

Alfalfa:   Supreme:  Small squares, 200.00-250.00
                     Large squares, 180.00 old crop
           Premium:  Large squares, NA    
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large squares, NA    
                     Large rounds,  140.00
                     Small squares, NA
         Fair/Good:  Large squares, 100.00-120.00
                     Large rounds,  100.00-115.00
                     Small Squares, NA
           Utility   Large rounds,  80.00-90.00
                     Large squares, 100.00

Alfalfa:   Premium:  Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA   
                     Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, 135.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 115.00
                     Large rounds,  110.00
                     Small squares, 120.00-130.00
           Utility:  Large squares, 90.00-110.00

Grass:     Premium   Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 200.00
           Good:     Small squares, 185.00
                     Large rounds,  120.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 125.00
                     Large rounds,  115.00-125.00
           Utility:  Large rounds,  100.00
                     Large squares, NA
                     Small squares, 130.00

Grass:     Premium:  Small squares, 240.00, old crop; 210.00, new crop
           Premium:  Large rounds,  NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 160.00-180.00

Barley                Large squares, 40.00-45.00
straw:                Large rounds,  40.00-45.00
                      Small squares, NA

Wheat straw:

South central        Large squares, 35.00-40.00
                     Large rounds,  NA
Northern             Large squares, 35.00-40.00
                     Large rounds,  NA

Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  2100    Last Week:  17,200    Last Year:  8350 

  Compared to last Friday, there were too few sales to make a price comparison.
Most growers were busy cutting hay in the fields. All prices are dollars per 
ton and FOB the farm or ranch unless otherwise stated. 

                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Good                   2000  150.00-150.00  150.00 Del                   

  Orchard Grass                                                                
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Premium                 100  250.00-250.00  250.00 Del                   

Weekly Texas Hay Report

   Compared to last report:  Hay delivered into the Panhandle sold steady 
to 10.00 lower.  Coastal Bermuda in North and East Texas traded steady 
after previous week’s jump.  Trade activity and demand were moderate.  
Variety of hay on the market was starting to decline as most has been 
contracted.  Summer-like temperatures returned to the Panhandle which is 
more typical for late August, buyers were busy hauling purchased hay 
preparing for winter months.  Prices for hay and pellets quoted per ton 
except where noted. 

   The Texas Department of Agriculture has Hay and Grazing phone set 
up for Buyers and sellers looking for hay or grazing; the number is 1-
512-787-9966. The website for the hotline is:

Panhandle/High Plains:
Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 260.00-300.00;
               Good to Premium 250.00-260.00; Fair to Good 220.00-250.00.
               Small bales: FOB: 264.00, 8.00-per bale 
Ground Alfalfa: Delivered to feedlots: Avg 225.00-240.00. 
                                       Calf 240.00-245.00.
Wheat Hay: Large Bales: Delivered: 170.00.
  Small Bales: Delivered: 6.00 per bale. 
Coastal Bermuda: Large Bales: Delivered: Good to Premium 180.00-200.00. 
Sudan grass: Large Bales: Delivered: 170.00-180.00.
Rye: Large Bales: Delivered: 180.00.
Bluestem: Large Bales: Delivered: 90.00.
Cotton Burrs: Ground and Delivered: 85.00-90.00.
Far West Texas/Trans Pecos: 
   Alfalfa: Small Squares: Delivered local or FOB: Premium to Supreme
       290.00-360.00, 8.75-11.00 per bale.
   Large Squares: FOB: Premium to Supreme 275.00-280.00; Fair to 
  Good 220.00-250.00.
North, Central, and East Texas:
   Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 290.00-310.00;
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 297.00-330.00, 
  9.00-10.00 per bale.
     Large Rounds: FOB: Good to Premium 140.00-190.00, 70.00-95.00 
  per roll; Fair to Good 120.00-140.00, 60.00-70.00 per bale.
South Texas:
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 231.00-264.00, 
  7.00-8.00 per bale; Fair to Good 165.00-198.00, 5.00-6.00 per 
   Large Rounds: FOB and delivered locally: Good to Premium 
  120.00-170.00, 60.00-85.00 per roll; Fair to Good 70.00- 
  120.00, 35.00-60.00 per roll.  

Rock Valley Hay Auction

For Thursday, Aug 30, 2018

Receipts:  109 loads    Last Week:  95 loads    Last Year:  95 loads    

   All sales FOB Rock Valley, Iowa, vicinity.  One load Small Squares
equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and Large Rounds range from
10-25 tons per load.

   Alfalfa:  Good:  Large Squares, 3 loads 145.00-155.00.  Fair:  Large
Rounds, 10 loads 110.00-122.50; Large Squares, 4 loads 110.00-120.00.
Utility: Large Squares, 2 loads 90.00-95.00; Large Rounds, 20 loads

   Grass:  Premium:  Large Rounds, 1 loads 132.50.  Good:  Large
Rounds, 17 loads 105.00-122.50.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 30 loads 82.50
-102.50.  Utility: Large Rounds, 4 loads 50.00-77.50.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mixed:  Fair: Large Rounds, 2 loads 95.00-120.00; Large
Squares, 3 loads 90.00-95.00.

   Straw:  Large Squares, 3 loads 90.00-105.00; Large Rounds, 4 loads

   Cornstalks:  Large Rounds, 5 loads 52.50-67.50; 4 loads poor 30.00-

Idaho Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  35,450    Last Week:  25,300    Last Year:  5470  

   Compared to last Friday, Alfalfa for export and domestic use was mostly
steady. Trade active with good demand.  Prices are dollars per ton and FOB 
the farm or ranch unless otherwise stated. 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
    Large Square                                                               
      Good                    600  140.00-140.00  140.00                       
      Fair                   2000  110.00-110.00  110.00                       
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Supreme                 550  160.00-160.00  160.00                       
      Premium                 500  158.00-158.00  158.00                       
      Good                 23,000  140.00-160.00  145.22                       
                             1300  145.00-145.00  145.00     Export            
                              200  170.00-170.00  170.00     Organic, Export           
                             1400  150.00-150.00  150.00     Tarped            
      Fair/Good               400  130.00-130.00  130.00                       
      Fair                    300  110.00-110.00  110.00                       

  Timothy Grass                                                                
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Premium                2000  225.00-225.00  225.00                       

    Mid Square                                                                 
      Good                    450   80.00-80.00    80.00                       

  Wheat Straw                                                                  
    Mid Square                                                                 
      Utility                2750   60.00-60.00    60.00      

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Oklahoma Hay Market Report

Alfalfa trade moderate to fairly active this week. Demand was very good for 
all offerings. Movement was fairly active. Prices steady to firm. Supplies 
and offerings lighter this week even though third cutting is wrapping up and 
fourth cutting well underway. Grass hay baling activities also remain active 
in central and eastern counties. Grass hay demand is good and trading mostly 
moderate. Dry, hot and windy conditions were the rule this week and drought 
conditions remain moderate to exceptional over 32 percent of the state with 6 
percent still in severe to exceptional drought.  

Market News continues to maintain an online hay directory for both in-state
and out-of-state hay producers.  The directories are on the ODAFF homepage
at Producers wishing to list hay are encouraged to call
at 1-405-522-3753 or email 

Central Oklahoma: Supreme quality large square bales 210.00-230.00. Premium 
quality 190.00-200.00. Good quality large square and large round bales 
170.00-190.00. Fair quality 150.00-160.00.  

Eastern Oklahoma: No sales reported.

Western Oklahoma: Supreme quality large square bales 220.00-230.00. Premium 
quality large square bales 190.00-200.00. Good quality large round and large 
square bales 170.00-190.00. Grinding hay 140.00.

Grass Hay 
Central Oklahoma: Good quality Bermuda grass in 4 X 6 through 5 X 6 bales 
mostly 100.00-120.00 per ton. Good quality mixed grass hay 4 X 5 and 5 X 5 
bales 35.00-50.00 per bale. Mixed grass 80.00-90.00 per ton, mostly 85.00. 
Western Oklahoma:  Good quality mixed grass round bales 90.00-110.00 per 
ton. Mixed grass 5 X 5 1/2 to 5 X 6 bales 60.00-70.00 per bale.

Eastern Oklahoma:  Mixed grass hay in 4 x 5 bales 35.00-45.00 per bale. 

Prices are dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise noted.

Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending August 31, 2018

  Compared to last week alfalfa, grass hay, ground and delivered and dehy 
pellets sold mostly steady.  Moisture across the state various a lot from 
east to west and north to south. Some areas of SE Nebraska continue to be 
very dry with areas in the Central and NE and some areas in the West are 
above normal on participation. Some reports from native grass producers 
the meadows are very wet and about ˝ of the acres are getting mowed and 
baled. Some concern from ranchers that they may not have enough hay to 
get through the winter. Alfalfa hay producers are struggling as high 
humidity, low sunshine and very little wind makes hay dry down very slow. 
Appears there is quite a lot of fair tonnage available and the non-rain 
on hay in short supply in most areas. All sales are dollars per ton FOB 
the field or hay barn, unless otherwise noted. 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Premium large squares 200.00; Good large squares 160.00-180.00 
Fair large squares 150.00. Premium large rounds 120.00-130.00; Good large 
rounds 80.00-100.00.  Grass Hay: Good large rounds 100.00-105.00. Premium 
small square bales 160.00-170.00. Cane in large rounds 70.00. Straw large 
round bales 60.00. Dehy Alfalfa pellets 17 percent protein 230.00-240.00.

Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Premium round bales 110.00; Good round bales mostly 100.00 to 
105.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 125.00-135.00. Ground and delivered 
alfalfa-cornstalk mix 125.00-130.00. Ground and delivered cornstalks 
85.00-100.00. Dehy Alfalfa pellets 17 percent protein 215.00-220.00. Sun-
cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 200.00. 

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large squares 150.00-165.00. Good large rounds 130.00-
150.00. Straw in large square bales 80.00-85.00.  Ground and delivered 
alfalfa 150.00-185.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 

Colorado Hay Report

   Compared to last week, trade activity and demand moderate.  As the haying 
season enters its final stretch, meadow hay producers in drought-stricken areas 
of the state are reporting that yields are averaging 20 percent or less of what 
they produced last year.  These factors have driven the above normal hay prices 
for the retail/stable markets seen this summer.  Drought has increased prices in 
the dairy and feedlot markets as well, but to a lesser extreme.  End users have 
been forced to use alternative feedstuffs this year increasing demand for oat 
hay, wheat hay, rye hay, and CRP grass hay.  According to the U.S. Drought 
Monitor’s High Plains Drought Summary for August 28, 2018, in eastern Colorado, 
D3 was improved to D2 in Crowley County and northern Otero County, where there 
were a few isolated thunderstorms in the area over the past week. D2 improved to 
D1 in southeast Las Animas County and western Baca County, where up to 2 inches 
of rain fell. Eastern Baca and Prowers Counties also received up to 2 inches of 
rain, allowing for improvement from D1 to D0.  According to the NASS Colorado 
Crop Progress report for week ending August 26, 2018, stored feed supplies were 
rated 4 percent very short, 21 percent short, 71 percent adequate, and 4 percent 
surplus.  3rd cutting alfalfa progress is at 56 percent, 4th cutting 1 percent.  
Pasture and range conditions percentages are 26 percent Very Poor, 24 percent 
Poor, 23 percent Fair, 24 percent Good, and 3 percent Excellent.  The next 
available report will be Thursday, September 6, 2018.  All prices reported are 
FOB at the stack or barn unless otherwise noted.  Prices reflect load lots of 
hay.  If you have hay for sale or need hay, use the services of the Colorado 
Department of Agriculture website:

Northeast Colorado Areas
   Large Squares: Utility 160.00, DEL.
   Small Squares: Supreme 310.00 (10.00 per bale), Retail/Stable; Supreme 245.00 
(8.00 per bale), Weedy.
   Rounds: Premium/Supreme 200.00, Retail/Stable.
   Rounds: Premium 200.00-225.00, Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southeast Colorado Areas
   Large Squares: Supreme 235.00; Good 190.00-230.00, DEL; Fair/Good 175.00, 
Rain Damaged.
   Mid Squares: Premium 250.00.
   Small Squares: Supreme 260.00-295.00 (8.50-9.50 per bale).
   Small Squares: Premium 350.00 (10.50 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

San Luis Valley Area
   Large Squares: Premium 280.00.
   Large Squares: 90.00.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southwest Colorado Areas
  Timothy Grass
   Small Squares: Premium 430.00 (14.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.

Mountains and Northwest Colorado Areas
   Large Squares: Good/Premium 200.00-230.00.
   Mid Squares: Premium 285.00, Retail/Stable.
   Small Squares: Premium 290.00-300.00 (8.00-9.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Northeast: Weld, Washington, Morgan, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln, Elbert, 
Adams, Sedgwick, Yuma, Larimer, Jefferson, Douglas, Kit Carson, Phillips, 
Logan, Boulder, Arapahoe, and El Paso.
Southeast: Fremont, Custer, Huerfano, Las Animas, Bent, Otero, Prowers, 
Crowley, and Pueblo.
San Luis Valley: Saguache, Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Rio Grande, and 
Southwest: Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel, Montezuma, Dolores, 
San Juan, Hinsdale, Archuleta, and La Plata.
Mountains and Northwest: Moffat, Routt, Jackson, Rio Blanco, Garfield, 
Gunnison, Teller, Grand, Chaffee, Park, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Summit, 
Lake, and Eagle.

Wyoming Hay Summary

Week ending August 31, 2018

   Compared to last week baled hay sold steady and sun-cured pellets 
sold 5.00 higher.  Some areas of the state are getting fall like 
temperatures and are getting dry. While other areas are adequate for 
moisture and temperatures are seasonal.  Most sellers continue to price 
“RFV” tested alfalfa hay at 1.00-1.05 per point.  All prices are dollars 
per ton FOB the field or hay barn unless otherwise noted. 

Eastern Wyoming 
Alfalfa: Good large squares 172.00-175.00; Fair to Good round bales 
150.00-160.00 delivered. Alfalfa/Grass: Premium large squares 185.00-
200.00; Good large squares 140.00-150.00. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 
percent protein 245.00.  
Central and Western Wyoming
Alfalfa: Good large squares 150.00-160.00; Premium small squares 200.00; 
Good small squares 160.00. Alfalfa/Orchard Grass: Premium large squares 
190.00; Premium small squares 220.00. Timothy: Premium small squares 
200.00.  Certified weed seed free alfalfa cubes 230.00-260.00.

Missouri Weekly Hay Summary

Week ending 08/31/2018

Drought conditions showed slight improvement from last week on the official 
drought monitor. Heavy rains fell in many areas over the last two days which 
came after the cut off period for the current publication. This should assure 
a bit more improvement next week. With about a month and half until average
first frost dates, many farmers have turned very optimistic that they will 
have at least some fall pasture now. This optimism has resulted in at least 
a temporary decrease in the amount of calls from folks looking for hay. Demand 
is good, supply is light and hay prices are steady to firm. The Missouri 
Department of Agriculture has a hay directory available for both buyers and 
sellers. To be listed, or for a directory visit for listings of hay (All prices f.o.b. and per ton unless 
specified and on most recent reported sales price listed as round bales 
based generally on 5x6 bales with weights of approximately 1200-1500 lbs).

Supreme quality Alfalfa (RFV <185) 180.00-250.00
small squares 7.00-9.00 per bale
Premium quality Alfalfa (RFV 170-180) 160.00-200.00
Good quality Alfalfa (RFV 150-170) 120.00-160.00 
small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale
Fair quality Alfalfa (RFV 130-150) 100.00-120.00 
Good quality Mixed Grass hay 100.00-200.00
Small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale (some alfalfa/grass mix)
Fair to Good quality Mixed Grass hay 80.00-150.00
small squares 4.00-5.50 per bale
Fair quality Mixed Grass hay 40.00-75.00 per large round bale 

Good quality Bromegrass 120.00-150.00
Fair to Good quality Bromegrass 60.00-100.00

Wheat straw 2.00-6.00 per small square bale

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Alfalfa hay trading mixed in recent weeks

In the past two weeks, just over 96,000 tons of alfalfa hay have been traded in Idaho to both dairy and export buyers, with a larger amount going for export. This is by far the most alfalfa hay sales reported in any of the seven Western states. It verifies USDA’s alfalfa hay production report on August 10, which showed that Idaho’s alfalfa hay production was up 10 percent, a higher percentage increase than most states in the West.
Alfalfa hay production in California was forecast to be up 4 percent from 2017. Alfalfa hay trading in some Western states the past two weeks was very slow, such as in Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. Alfalfa hay sales in these three states were impacted by lackluster demand from export and dairy hay buyers. Low milk prices and tariffs on alfalfa hay shipping to China continue to be the two main reasons affecting alfalfa hay trading in the West. Although rain in Arizona and Utah has also impacted trading.

Corsica, SD Hay and Straw Auction

For Monday, Aug 27, 2018

Receipts:  18 Loads    Last Week:  16 Loads    Last Year:  28 Loads

All prices dollars per ton FOB Corsica, SD.

One load Small Squares equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and
Large Rounds range from 10-25 tons per load.

  Alfalfa:  Good: Large Rounds, 7 loads 82.50-95.00.

  Grass:  Good: Large Rounds, 5 loads 75.00-100.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds,
4 loads 50.00-62.50.

   Straw:  Large Rounds, 3 loads 60.00-65.00.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest

For Nebraska, alfalfa sold steady with higher undertones. Market and movement appears strong with hay moving to drought areas in surrounding states. For Iowa, the lower market prices this week reflect the quality of hay at the auction. Wet weather this summer has resulted in a larger supply of lower quality hay. Top of the line dairy quality hay was being brought in from out of state.

In South Dakota, all classes of hay were steady this week at the market. Demand is moderate at best currently; demand is improving in areas to the south with drought conditions. High dew points and rain has prevented hay drying down to be baled. Some markets have limited supply of quality hay because of persistent rains this summer.

For Missouri, drought may be continuing, but moods have been improved as most of the state has received favorable rainfall this past week and favorable temperatures, pastures are greener with hope of some fall pasture. Hay is in short supply, but some corn fields are being chopped as yields were too low to be harvested for grain. Hay supplies are light, demand is good, and prices are steady.

In Southwest Minnesota, prices were steady in these markets this week. There was a limited amount of quality hay available.

In Wisconsin, fourth cutting is beginning across the state, but widespread rainfall is slowing down harvest. This week there was a stronger market for hay in areas affected by dry weather. There has been support for all classes of hay at local auctions as livestock farmers take inventory of winter feed early and are being forced to either feed or move livestock as pastures dried up in isolated areas of the state.

Straw prices were steady the past week. Small square bale straw price increased to $3.90 a bale (range of $2.00 to $6.00). Large square bale straw prices increased to $44.00 per bale (a wide range of $18.00 to $77.00). Large round bale straw decreased to $34.00 per bale (range of $15.00 - $53.00).

Feedstuff Situation: Corn, Soybean Meal and Hay

USDA-NASS raised their expected corn and soybean yield forecasts in the latest Crop Production report (released August 10th). Their latest estimate is for a U.S. corn yield this year to be record large at over 178 bushels per acre. The latest estimate for soybean yield is 51.6 bushels per acre, the second highest ever. Recent rains in the Midwest could pull the soybean yield to a new record.
Turning to hay, the alfalfa yield per acre will be well above 2017’s (up about 12%), but shy of prior record levels. Alfalfa production was pegged at about 5% above 2017’s. The other hay category (grass hay, etc.) NASS expects the U.S. yield to drop 11% from 2017’s and to be the lowest since the drought of 2012. Other hay production in 2018 is projected to be down 7% year-over-year. The lower other hay output is attributable to the Southern Plains, especially Texas, due to drought. Though recent precipitation in the Southern Plains states and elsewhere may boost hay production compared the latest NASS estimate, the amount of all hay may be only slightly above 2017’s. Importantly, the 2017 national hay crop was the smallest since the devastating drought of 2012
Corn prices are forecast to remain near year ago levels well into 2019. Soybean meal prices are likely to come under increased price pressure as the large 2018 crop materializes. Increased supplies, and hence competitive prices, of cottonseed meal should be available this year, too. In contrast, hay prices, which increased in much of the U.S. compared to a year ago, are likely to remain above a year ago.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Weekly Utah Hay Market Report

Utah Hay prices prices mostly firm, with trading slow on all Quality's.
Majority of  movement on  previous  contracts. Lower quality hay demand
is light with good supplies.  Confirmed sales 2,500 tons.

Northern Area: Alfalfa: Supreme No I dairy: 160.00-180.00; Premium:
130.00—155.00; Good  Feeder:  100.00-130.00.  Fair: 60.00-90.00;
Low: No Quote.
Premium retail horse sales 165.00—200.00.

Central Area:  Alfalfa:  Supreme # 1  Dairy 160.00—180.00; Premium
Dairy: 130.00—150.00; Good Feeder: 80.00-100.00; Fair: 60.00-90.00
Low: scarce.  Oat Hay: No Quotes.  
Premium retail horse sales: 175.00—200.00.

Southern  Area: Alfalfa: Supreme #1 Dairy: 160.00—185.00; Premium
135.00—155.00;  Good  Feeder:  100.00—130.00;  Fair: 60.00—90.00;
Low: no quotes.

Uintah  Basin:  Alfalfa:  Supreme  Dairy: 150.00—180.00; Premium
Dairy:  120.00—140.00;  Good Feeder: 80.00-110.00; Fair: scarce;
Low: scarce.  Premium retail horse sales: 170.00-190.00.

Note:  Low quality hay can be weedy, or weather damaged or all.
Detailed Quotations Utah:(Bales large and small in stack), last 
Quoted sales are sales more than two weeks old.

Alfalfa Small and Large Square Bales last quoted sales
 Retail Horse (small lots) 150.00-200.00
 Supreme Dairy            160.00-190.00  last quote
 Premium Dairy             130.00-155.00  last quote 
      Good                        100.00-120.00  last quote
      Fair                           n/q
      Low                             n/q 

Alfalfa Standing:
Northern Utah:                     65.00-75.00    

Friday, August 24, 2018

Rock Valley Hay Auction

For Thursday, Aug 23, 2018

Receipts:  95 loads    Last Week:  84 loads    Last Year:  82 loads    

   All sales FOB Rock Valley, Iowa, vicinity.  One load Small Squares
equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and Large Rounds range from
10-25 tons per load.

   Alfalfa:  Premium:  Large Squares, 2 loads 165.00-170.00.  Good:
Large Squares, 2 loads 145.00-150.00; Large Rounds, 3 loads 145.00-
152.50.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 11 loads 120.00-135.00.  Utility: Large 
Squares, 2 loads 100.00-112.50; Large Rounds, 13 loads 62.50-115.00.

   Grass:  Premium:  Large Rounds, 3 loads 140.00-150.00.  Good:  Large
Rounds, 6 loads 120.00-137.50; Small Squares, 1 load 142.50.  Fair:
Large Rounds, 29 loads 90.00-117.50.  Utility: Large Rounds, 9 loads

   Alfalfa/Grass Mixed:  Fair: Large Squares, 1 load 120.00; Large
Squares, 1 load 122.50.  Utility to Fair:  Large Rounds, 3 loads 82.50
-87.50; Small Squares, 1 load 80.00.

   Straw:  Large Squares, 1 load 105.00; Large Rounds, 2 loads 102.50-

   Cornstalks:  Large Rounds, 3 loads 57.50-60.00.

Iowa Hay Summary

Week Ending  August 24, 2018
This weeks lower prices were reflective of the poorer quality hay and straw that was
being sold.  Iowa producers could not catch a break and again most of the hay was wet
when it was baled.  Top of the line dairy hay, both cow and goat, was being brought in
from out of state.  Small square bales were scarce as this size of packaging appeared 
to be bought straight out of the field rather than hauled to a public sale. 

Alfalfa/Grass  Premium  Large Squares  $205.00 - $270.00
                                 Small Squares          $200.00 - $285.00 
    Good  Large Squares  $155.00 - $175.00
            Small Squares          $125.00 - $175.00
                        Utility  Small squares  $ 85.00 - $110.00
Grass   Premium  Small squares  $200.00 - $240.00
                        Good  Large Squares          $125.00 - $160.00
                                 Large Rounds           $105.00 - $170.00
                        Fair     Large Rounds  $ 90.00 - $120.00
   Utility  Large Squares  $ 45.00 - $ 85.00   
                                 Large Rounds  $ 50.00 - $105.00

Oat Hay                 Good     Large Squares           $135.00 - $135.00
Straw   Oat      Large Squares  $110.00 - $150.00  
                                 Large Rounds           $ 85.00 - $90.00
Certified Organic Hay:  Nothing to report this week.    

South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  All classes of hay steady.  Demand moderate
at best currently, demand improving from areas to the south that are
gripped in terrible drought conditions.  Rain early in the week and
high dew points making for poor curing conditions East River.  The
morning dews are very heavy and keeping hay from drying down.  4th
cutting of alfalfa reported to start next week.  Supplies of high
quality hay are more limited East River due to the persistent rain
and poor drying weather.  Hay supplies West River are more plentiful
this year, as last year supplies were very short and virtually no 
carryover.  All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise

East River:
   Alfalfa:  Supreme: Large Squares, 185.00; Small Squares, 210.00 (6.50
per bale).  Good to Premium:  Large Squares, 170.00.  Good:  Large
Squares, 150.00-160.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 120.00.  Utility:  Large
Rounds and Squares, 115.00.

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 185.00; 17 pct 190.00.  Alfalfa
Meal:  17 pct 195.00.  

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Premium:  Small Squares, 200.00.  Good:  Large
Rounds, 150.00. 

   Grass:  Premium:  Small Squares, 5.00-5.50 per bale.  Good:  Large
Rounds, 140.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 120.00.  Utility:  Large Rounds,

   Cornstalks:  Large Rounds, 50.00.

  West River:
   Alfalfa:  No Reported Sales.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  No Reported Sales. 

   Grass:  No Reported Sales.

   Straw:  No Reported Sales.

California Hay Report

  Compared to last week: All classes traded steady with moderate demand.  
According to the NASS Crop Progress report 8/19/18, mostly seasonal conditions 
were felt across California during the early part of the week. The northern 
central valleys experienced a minor cool down as a shortwave traveled through 
early in the week. Showers and thunderstorms were reported for areas along the 
Sierras before high pressure aloft began making its way towards the coast from 
the east. With the arrival of the high pressure, areas began to see a gradual 
warming trend leading into the weekend. Temperatures reached into the above 
normal range mainly along the interior areas. Coastal areas were just below 
normal levels over the weekend.  Temperature highs ranged from the mid 60s to 
lower 100s in the mountains, low 70s to upper 90s along the coast, low 80s to 
mid 90s in the sierras, upper 90s to low 100s in the central valley, and upper 
70s to lower 110s in the desert.  Temperature lows ranged from upper 30s to mid 
60s in the sierras, upper 40s to lower 50s in the mountains, low 50s to upper 
60s along the coast, upper 50s to mid 60s in the central valley, and upper 50s 
to lower 80s in the desert.  Onions and corn continued to be harvested in San 
Joaquin County. Rice continued to progress well in the Sacramento Valley. In 
Tulare County, alfalfa was cut and baled, corn and sorghum were harvested, and 
cotton and black-eyed beans were irrigated and cultivated.  Hay is reported FOB 
the stack or barn unless otherwise noted.  Regions are defined at bottom of 

Tons:  4075    Last Week:  9740    Last Year:  8841                            

Region 1: North Inter-Mountain: No New Sales Confirmed.

Region 2: Sacramento Valley:                                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 275  200.00-240.00  203.64     Retail/Stable     
  Orchard Grass                                                                
      Premium                  50  220.00-220.00  220.00     Retail/Stable     
      Good                     75  108.00-108.00  108.00     Retail/Stable     
  Rice Straw                                                                   
      Good                    100   87.50-87.50    87.50     Retail/Stable     

Region 3: Northern San Joaquin Valley:                                         
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                 250  290.00-290.00  290.00 Del                   
      Premium/Supreme          75  215.00-215.00  215.00                       
                              500  221.00-230.00  225.50 Del                   
      Premium                 400  180.00-180.00  180.00                       
      Good                     75  235.00-235.00  235.00 Del                   
      Fair/Good                50  180.00-180.00  180.00                       
      Fair                     75  160.00-160.00  160.00                       
      Good                    300  115.00-115.00  115.00                       
                              175  145.00-145.00  145.00 Del                   

Region 4: Central San Joaquin Valley: No New Sales Confirmed.                            

Region 5: Southern California:                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 150  265.00-265.00  265.00     Retail/Stable     
  Forage Mix-Three Way                                                         
      Good                     50  265.00-265.00  265.00     Retail/Stable     

Region 6: Southeast California:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 200  220.00-220.00  220.00     Retail/Stable     
      Good/Premium            200  190.00-190.00  190.00     Export            
                               75  205.00-205.00  205.00     Retail/Stable     
      Fair/Good               200  165.00-165.00  165.00                       
  Bermuda Grass                                                                
      Premium                 200  165.00-165.00  165.00     Export            
      Good/Premium            300  135.00-135.00  135.00     Export            
      Premium                 300  280.00-280.00  280.00     Export            

The following are the counties included in each region:                        
Region 1: Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, and Plumas.                         
Region 2: Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Sierra, Nevada, Placer,  
          Yolo, El Dorado, Solano, Sacramento, Amador, and Alpine.             
Region 3: San Joaquin, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Mono, Merced, Mariposa.
Region 4: Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Inyo.                             
Region 5: Kern, Northeast Los Angeles, and Western San Bernardino.             
Region 6: Eastern San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial.                     

Weekly Montana Hay Report

Compared to last week:  Hay prices sold mostly weak. 3rd cutting is being
put up in much of the eastern half of the state. With heavy hay supplies
seen throughout the state producers looking to move hay have lowered prices
almost weekly in order to do so. Demand for hay remains light as heavy
supplies have ranchers in no rush to buy. However, hay sales this week were 
moderate to heavy with many large orders seen across the state. Late summer
rains were seen in many locations this week adding to the already excessive
supply of rained on hay. However, many producers were not too upset as it
was beginning to get dry in many locations. Straw is beginning to be put up
in central and northern Montana as harvest is in full swing. Demand for 
straw is mostly light to moderate. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB 
unless otherwise noted.

Alfalfa:   Supreme:  Small squares, 200.00-250.00
                     Large squares, 180.00 old crop
           Premium:  Large squares, NA    
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large squares, NA    
                     Large rounds,  140.00
                     Small squares, NA
         Fair/Good:  Large squares, 100.00-120.00
                     Large rounds,  100.00-115.00
                     Small Squares, NA
           Utility   Large rounds,  80.00-90.00
                     Large squares, 100.00

Alfalfa:   Premium:  Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA   
                     Small squares, NA
                     Large squares, 135.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 115.00
                     Large rounds,  110.00
                     Small squares, 120.00-130.00
           Utility:  Large squares, 90.00-110.00

Grass:     Premium   Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 200.00
           Good:     Small squares, 185.00
                     Large rounds,  120.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 125.00
                     Large rounds,  115.00-125.00
           Utility:  Large rounds,  100.00
                     Large squares, NA
                     Small squares, 130.00

Grass:     Premium:  Small squares, 240.00, old crop; 210.00, new crop
           Premium:  Large rounds,  NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 160.00-180.00

Barley                Large squares, 40.00-45.00
straw:                Large rounds,  40.00-45.00
                      Small squares, NA

Wheat straw:

South central        Large squares, 35.00-40.00
                     Large rounds,  NA
Northern             Large squares, 35.00-40.00
                     Large rounds,  NA

Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  17,200    Last Week:  4580    Last Year:  6860  

   Compared to last Friday, export and domestic Alfalfa steady. Timothy for 
export steady. Trade moderate with moderate demand as dairies and exporters 
remain cautious. High testing Alfalfa is in short supply. Most producers are 
planning on chopping 4th cutting Alfalfa. Retail/Feed store steady.   All 
prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or ranch unless otherwise stated. 

                       Tons      Price     Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                           
      Supreme           800  200.00-200.00  200.00                       
      Good/Premium     1000  205.00-205.00  205.00     Contracted        
                       4500  170.00-170.00  170.00     Export            
      Good             3000  170.00-170.00  170.00     Export            

    Small Square                                                         
      Premium           200  210.00-210.00  210.00     Export            
                        200  200.00-200.00  200.00     Retail/Stable     
      Good              100  170.00-170.00  170.00                       

  Timothy Grass                                                          
    Mid Square                                                           
      Good             2000  245.00-245.00  245.00     Export            
      Fair             3500  170.00-170.00  170.00     Export            

  Timothy Grass                                                          
    Small Square                                                         
      Good             1900  225.00-240.00  228.95     Export   

Idaho Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  25,300    Last Week:  7500    Last Year:  22,050 

   Compared to last Friday, Alfalfa for export and domestic use steady. 
Trade active with good demand especially for non-rained on dairy hay for 
immediate take out. Dairies are offering 90 cents/RFV point FOB. Exporters 
buying mostly fair to good testing Alfalfa for cubing and pressing. Retail/Feed 
store not tested this week.   Prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or 
ranch unless otherwise stated. 
                         Tons      Price      Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                       
      Premium/Supreme    2500  150.00-175.00  162.70                 
      Good               7900  145.00-160.00  153.99                 
                          600  145.00-145.00  145.00     Export      
      Fair/Good          6000  130.00-135.00  131.67                 
      Fair               3000  120.00-120.00  120.00                 
      Utility             550  110.00-110.00  110.00                 
                         2300   90.00-107.00  100.87     Rain Damage 
                         2000  110.00-110.00  110.00     Weedy       

    Mid Square                                                       

Weekly New Mexico Hay Summary

Week ending Aug 25, 2018

   Compared to last week, Alfalfa hay prices steady.  Trade and, 
demand moderate.  Eastern region beginning fourth cutting. Southern 
and southwestern areas are between fourth and fifth cuttings.  
Southeastern region are between fourth and fifth cuttings.  North-
central areas are beginning fourth cutting.

Eastern region: 

Baled Alfala:  Large square bales; Premium and Supreme; 250.00 per ton
organic delivered to Clovis; Premium and Good quality; 210.00-240.00 del 
from local producers.    

Baled wheat hay: 170.00 per ton. 

Southeastern regions:

Baled Alfalfa: Large square bales: Premium and Supreme; 240.00 del
Premium and Good quality 180.00-200.00 del to dairies.
Small bales; Premium and Supreme 275.00-300.00 per ton loaded on truck. 

Southern and Southwestern region:

Baled Alfalfa: Large square bales, Premium  200.00 per ton( 220.00 on
contracted)  Good quality; 160.00; Fair quality 140.00 per ton delivered 
to dairies.

Small bales alfalfa ; Premium and Supreme quality: 275.00 per ton; 
9.00 per bale FOB.

Sudan hay; 140.00 per ton.

North central Region: 

Baled alfalfa: Large square bales, premium and supreme; 200.00 per
ton.  Good quality 180.00 Del to Dairies. 

Small bales: Premium quality 8.00-9.00 per bale.

Oregon Weekly Hay Report

   Compared to Aug 17:  Prices trended generally steady compared to last 
week prices.  Retail/Stable type hay remains the most demanded hay.  
Demand for export hay has slowed since last report.  Rains in the growing 
areas created a large supply rain damaged hay. All sales in this report are 
2018 crop year hay, unless noted by Old Crop. 

Tons:  10,744    Last Week:  7078    Last Year:  7123                       

Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Wasco Counties:                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments       
    Small Square                                                            
      Premium                  25  215.00-215.00  215.00     Retail/Stable  

  Orchard Grass                                                             
    Small Square                                                            
      Premium                  75  225.00-225.00  225.00     Retail/Stable  

  Meadow Grass                                                             
    Small Square                                                            
      Premium                  50  215.00-215.00  215.00     Retail/Stable  

  Mixed Grass Five-Way
    Small Square                                                            
      Premium                  10  260.00-260.00  260.00     Retail/Stable  

Eastern Oregon:                                                             
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments       
    Large Square                                                            
      Premium                 220  200.00-200.00  200.00                    
                              500  130.00-130.00  130.00     Contracted     

  Timothy Grass                                                             
    Large Square                                                            
      Premium                 350  280.00-280.00  280.00 Del                

Harney County:                                                              
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments       
    Large Square                                                            
      Premium/Supreme        4000  220.00-220.00  220.00     Organic        

  Orchard Grass                                                             
    Large Square                                                            
      Premium                3000  190.00-190.00  190.00     Organic        

    Large Square                                                            
      Good/Premium           2000  180.00-180.00  180.00     Organic        

Klamath Basin:                                                              
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments       
  Orchard Grass                                                             
    Small Square                                                            
      Premium                 400  260.00-260.00  260.00 Del Retail/Stable  

Lake County:                                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments       
    Small Square                                                            
      Supreme                  54  250.00-250.00  250.00     Organic        
      Premium                  30  200.00-200.00  200.00                    
      Good                     30  175.00-175.00  175.00        

Weekly Texas Hay Report

   Compared to last report:  Most hay classes remained steady; Coastal 
Bermuda coming out of the fields in North and East Texas sold 5.00 to 
10.00 higher per roll.  A short supply of hay and good demand keeps hay 
moving as soon as it comes on the market.  Freight is also playing a 
factor as dairies and feedyards are having to pay to get hay hauled in 
over long distances.  Most of state needs rain to produce a third cutting 
of Coastal Bermuda as farmers are finishing up their second cutting. 
Prices for hay and pellets quoted per ton except where noted. 

   The Texas Department of Agriculture has Hay and Grazing phone set 
up for Buyers and sellers looking for hay or grazing; the number is 1-
512-787-9966. The website for the hotline is:

Panhandle/High Plains:
Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 270.00-300.00;
               Good to Premium 250.00-275.00; Fair to Good 225.00-250.00.
               Small bales: FOB: 264.00, 8.00-per bale 
Ground Alfalfa: Delivered to feedlots: Avg 235.00-240.00. 
                                       Calf 245.00.
Wheat Hay: Small Bales: Delivered: 6.00 per bale. 
Coastal Bermuda: Large Bales: Delivered: Good to Premium 180.00-200.00; 
Fair to Good 165.00-180.00.
Sudan grass: Large Bales: Delivered: 170.00-180.00.
Rye: Large Bales: Delivered: 180.00.
Bluestem: Large Bales: Delivered: 90.00-120.00.
Cotton Burrs: Ground and Delivered: 70.00-90.00.
Far West Texas/Trans Pecos: 
   Alfalfa: Small Squares: Delivered local or FOB: Premium to Supreme
       290.00-360.00, 8.75-11.00 per bale.
   Large Squares: FOB: Premium to Supreme 250.00-290.00; Fair to 
  Good 220.00.
   Wheat: Large Bales: FOB: Premium 90.00-100.00 per bale. 
North, Central, and East Texas:
   Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 290.00-310.00;
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 297.00-330.00, 
  9.00-10.00 per bale.
     Large Rounds: FOB: Good to Premium 140.00-190.00, 70.00-95.00 
  per roll; Fair to Good 120.00-140.00, 60.00-70.00 per bale.
South Texas:
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 231.00-264.00, 
  7.00-8.00 per bale; Fair to Good 165.00-198.00, 5.00-6.00 per 
   Large Rounds: FOB and delivered locally: Good to Premium 
  120.00-170.00, 60.00-85.00 per roll; Fair to Good 70.00- 
  120.00, 35.00-60.00 per roll.  

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Wyoming Hay Summary

Week ending August 24, 2018

   Compared to last week baled hay and pellets sold unevenly steady.  Demand was 
moderate to good with steady movement.  Most of the state continues to look 
green for this time of year and many producers aren’t concerned right now about 
procuring hay for their winter needs, although rangelands are starting to get 
dry which presents a fire hazard.  According to the NASS Wyoming Crop Progress 
and Condition report, 2nd cutting alfalfa is 84% harvested across the state.  
Smoky conditions are presenting a concern for producers with livestock.  All 
prices are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn unless otherwise noted. 

Eastern Wyoming 
Alfalfa: Good/Premium large squares 175.00; Good large squares 160.00; Fair 
large squares 150.00. Alfalfa/Grass: Premium large squares 185.00-200.00; Good 
large squares 140.00-150.00; Fair large squares 130.00.  Good round bales 
150.00. Grass: Good round bales 150.00. Good small squares 175.00.  Oat: Good 
large squares 125.00.  Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 240.00.  
Central and Western Wyoming
Alfalfa: Premium large squares 190.00; Good large squares 150.00-160.00; Fair 
large squares 130.00; Premium small squares 200.00. Alfalfa/Orchard Grass: 
Premium large squares 190.00; Premium small squares 220.00. Timothy: Premium 
small squares 200.00.  Barley straw large squares 50.00.  Certified weed seed 
free alfalfa cubes 230.00-260.00.

Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending August 24, 2018

  Compared to last week alfalfa, grass hay, ground and delivered and dehy 
pellets sold steady with a higher undertone.  Market and movement appears strong 
with lots of movement to drought stricken surrounding states.  Most producers 
have started on third cutting and are hoping they can get it put up without 
additional moisture after cutting.  According to the NASS Nebraska Crop Progress 
and Condition report, pasture and range conditions rated 3 percent very poor, 4 
percent poor, 18 percent fair, 58 percent good, and 17 percent excellent.  All 
sales are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless otherwise noted. 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Fair large squares 140.00. Premium large rounds 150.00 delivered; Good 
large rounds 80.00, 100.00-120.00 delivered.  Grass Hay: Good large squares 
150.00 delivered; Good large rounds 90.00-120.00. Premium small square bales 
160.00-170.00. Cornstalk bales 45.00 delivered. Dehy Alfalfa pellets 17 percent 
protein 230.00-240.00

Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Premium round bales 110.00; Good round bales 100.00-105.00. Ground and 
delivered alfalfa 140.00-145.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa-cornstalk mix 
125.00-130.00. Ground and delivered cornstalks 90.00-115.00. Dehy Alfalfa 
pellets 17 percent protein 210.00-220.00.

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large squares 150.00-160.00; Fair to good large squares 130.00-
140.00; Utility large squares 95.00.  Good round bales 150.00. Straw in large 
square bales 80.00-85.00.  Ground and delivered alfalfa 150.00-185.00. Sun-cured 
alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 235.00. 

Oklahoma Hay Market Report

Alfalfa trade fairly active this week. Demand was very good for dairy and 
beef cow hay. Prices firm to 10.00 higher in both central and western 
Oklahoma. Last week's rains brought moisture to virtually all counties with 
amounts mostly from 1.75 to 5.08 inches. The exception was the panhandle area 
where 0.93 inches was reported. The much needed moisture increased optimism 
about fourth cutting possibilities. Grass hay prospects likewise improved 
with the additional rains.

Market News continues to maintain an online hay directory for both in-state
and out-of-state hay producers.  The directories are on the ODAFF homepage
at Producers wishing to list hay are encouraged to call
at 1-405-522-3753 or email 

Central Oklahoma: Supreme quality large square bales 210.00-230.00. Premium 
quality 190.00-200.00. Good quality large square and large round bales 
170.00-190.00. Fair quality 150.00-160.00.  

Eastern Oklahoma: No sales reported.

Western Oklahoma: Supreme quality large square bales 220.00-230.00. Premium 
quality large square bales 190.00-200.00. Good quality large round and large 
square bales 170.00-190.00. Grinding hay 140.00.

Grass Hay 
Central Oklahoma: Good quality Bermuda grass in 4 X 6 through 5 X 6 bales 
mostly 100.00-120.00 per ton. Good quality mixed grass hay 4 X 5 and 5 X 5 
bales 35.00-50.00 per bale. Mixed grass 80.00-90.00 per ton, mostly 85.00. 
Western Oklahoma:  Good quality mixed grass round bales 90.00-110.00 per 
ton. Mixed grass 5 X 5 1/2 to 5 X 6 bales 60.00-70.00 per bale.

Eastern Oklahoma:  Mixed grass hay in 4 x 5 bales 35.00-45.00 per bale. 

Missouri Weekly Hay Summary

Week ending 08/24/2018

The drought might still be continuing but moods were extremely better this 
Week. Although the drought monitor showed only slight improvement, rains 
from last week have continued and it seems as most everyone has 
gotten at least an inch or two of rain now.  Combined with some cooler 
temperatures, many producers were surprised at how much green has appeared in 
fields.  There is a possibility for some fall pasture but a lot will depend 
on if farmers have any way to relieve some grazing pressure to give the 
stressed grass a chance to grow a little, as it is unlikely to pace grazing 
pressure. This sure doesn’t change the fact hay is in short supply but it 
might mean a few less or lighter days feeding before any snow falls. There is a 
lot of corn that is being chopped or baled as grain yields are too low to 
shell. This will provide some extra forage to the market but along with any 
CRP or late baled hay, anyone feeding needs to be at least mindful of the 
possibility of high nitrate levels.  Many may have heard of the hay auction 
that was held last weekend in Southwest Missouri, as there was a lot of talk 
leading up to it because that is just not something that this state is used to 
seeing, unlike neighboring states where there are several weekly hay auctions. 
Attendance was good with both spectators and buyers as many showed up with 
trailers hooked to their pick up hoping to have the winning bid. Over 1000 
large round and large square bales and over 400 small square bales sold in the 
truest form of price discovery possible, a live auction and price levels were right 
in line with those in this report this last few weeks. Hay supplies are light. 
Demand is very good Hay prices are steady to firm. The Missouri Department of 
Agriculture has a hay directory available for both buyers and sellers. To be 
listed, or for a directory visit for 
listings of hay (All prices f.o.b. and per 
ton unless specified and on most recent reported sales price listed as round 
bales based generally on 5x6 bales with weights of approximately 1200-1500 lbs).

Supreme quality Alfalfa (RFV <185) 180.00-250.00
small squares 7.00-9.00 per bale
Premium quality Alfalfa (RFV 170-180) 160.00-200.00
Good quality Alfalfa (RFV 150-170) 120.00-160.00 
small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale
Fair quality Alfalfa (RFV 130-150) 100.00-120.00 
Good quality Mixed Grass hay 100.00-200.00
Small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale (some alfalfa/grass mix)
Fair to Good quality Mixed Grass hay 80.00-150.00
small squares 4.00-5.50 per bale
Fair quality Mixed Grass hay 40.00-75.00 per large round bale 

Good quality Bromegrass 120.00-150.00
Fair to Good quality Bromegrass 60.00-100.00

Wheat straw 2.00-6.00 per small square bale

Colorado Hay Report

   Compared to last week, trade activity and demand moderate.  According to the 
U.S. Drought Monitor’s National Drought Summary for August 21, 2018, In 
Colorado, D1 was reduced in El Paso and Douglas Counties, which received 1 to 4 
inches of rain over the past few weeks, improving conditions there.  The NASS 
Colorado Crop progress report for week ending August 19, 2018, stored feed 
supplies were rated 3 percent very short, 19 percent short, 74 percent adequate, 
and 4 percent surplus.  2nd cutting alfalfa progress is at 96 percent, 3rd 
cutting 41 percent.  Pasture and range conditions percentages are 28 percent 
Very Poor, 24 percent Poor, 27 percent Fair, 19 percent Good, and 2 percent 
Excellent.  The next available report will be Thursday, August 30, 2018.  All 
prices reported are FOB at the stack or barn unless otherwise noted.  Prices 
reflect load lots of hay.  If you have hay for sale or need hay, use the 
services of the Colorado Department of Agriculture website:

Northeast Colorado Areas
   Mid Squares: Premium 245.00, Retail/Stable.
   Small Squares: Supreme 290.00-310.00 (8.75-10.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   Rounds: Supreme 210.00, Retail/Stable.
   Rounds: Premium 210.00, Retail/Stable.
   Small Squares: Premium 310.00-350.00 (8.50-10.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
  Orchard/Brome Grass Mix
   Small Squares: Premium 370.00 (12.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
  Oat Hay
   Large Squares: Good 140.00.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southeast Colorado Areas
   Large Squares: Supreme 250.00-260.00.
   Mid Squares: Premium 250.00.
   Small Squares: Premium 245.00-275.00 (8.00-9.00 per bale).
   Small Squares: Premium 350.00 (10.50 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

San Luis Valley Area
   Large Squares: Supreme 240.00.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southwest Colorado Areas
  Alfalfa/Grass Mix
   Small Squares: Premium 275.00-300.00 (9.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix
   Small Squares: Premium 335.00 (16.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
  Alfalfa/Grass/Clover Mix
   Small Squares: Premium 215.00-235.00 (7.00 per bale), Old Crop.
   No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.

Mountains and Northwest Colorado Areas
   Small Squares: Premium 290.00 (8.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Northeast: Weld, Washington, Morgan, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln, Elbert, 
Adams, Sedgwick, Yuma, Larimer, Jefferson, Douglas, Kit Carson, Phillips, 
Logan, Boulder, Arapahoe, and El Paso.
Southeast: Fremont, Custer, Huerfano, Las Animas, Bent, Otero, Prowers, 
Crowley, and Pueblo.
San Luis Valley: Saguache, Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Rio Grande, and 
Southwest: Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel, Montezuma, Dolores, 
San Juan, Hinsdale, Archuleta, and La Plata.
Mountains and Northwest: Moffat, Routt, Jackson, Rio Blanco, Garfield, 
Gunnison, Teller, Grand, Chaffee, Park, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Summit, 
Lake, and Eagle.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Corsica, SD Hay and Straw Auction

For Monday, Aug 20, 2018

Receipts:  16 Loads    Last Week:  13 Loads    Last Year:  32 Loads

All prices dollars per ton FOB Corsica, SD.

One load Small Squares equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and
Large Rounds range from 10-25 tons per load.

  Alfalfa:  Good: Large Rounds, 2 loads 95.00.  Fair: Large Rounds,
5 loads 87.50.  Utility:  Large Rounds, 1 load 65.00.

  Grass:  Good: Large Rounds, 2 loads 95.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 
5 loads 75.00-87.50.

   Straw:  Large Rounds, 1 load 62.50.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Kansas Hay Market Report

Ground alfalfa movement:   Southwest/South Central 
Tonnage: 10,423/5,149 Last week: 10,382/4,756  Last year: 10,239/4,083
Hay market trade activity is light to moderate. Prices mostly steady. Demand is 
fairly good. Producers in western Kansas are finding themselves in a unique 
position. They are having trouble getting hay put up due to too much moisture. 
Eastern Kansas continues to struggle with drought, although spotty rain fell 
over the week and into the weekend. Rain totals were anywhere from an inch to 
five inches and should help green pastures up. According to the U.S. Drought 
Monitor, abnormally dry to severe drought conditions were reduced in central and 
southern Kansas, while severe to exceptional drought was expanded in the 
northeast. Thirty-Five percent of the pasture and rangeland was in poor to very 
poor condition. The abnormally dry (D0) category is at 13 pct, moderate drought 
(D1) is at 24.5 pct, severe drought (D2) is at 13 pct, extreme drought (D3) is 
at 9 pct and exceptional drought (D4) is at 2.5 pct. If you have hay for sale, 
and/or need hay here in Kansas, use the services of the Internet Hay Exchange: 
Southwest Kansas  
Dairy alfalfa, grass hay, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered steady; movement 
slow. Alfalfa: horse, premium small squares 280.00-300.00. Dairy, 1.00-
1.05/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-210.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, Good 160.00-
170.00. Stock or Dry Cow alfalfa, 190.00-200.00.  Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 
170.00-180.00. Ground and delivered locally to feedlots and dairies, 200.00-
215.00. Grass hay: pasture mix small squares 8.00-9.00/bale. Cornstalks: Large 
rounds 70.00-80.00, ground and delivered 95.00-105.00. Wheat hay: large squares, 
110.00-120.00. Wheat Straw: large rounds, 65.00-75.00. Rye hay, large squares 
100.00-110.00. The week of 8/12-8/18, 10,423T of grinding alfalfa and 850T of 
dairy alfalfa were delivered. The average paid by feedlots on August 1 for 
alfalfa ground and delivered was 177.21, up 3.79 from last month, usage was 
495T/day, down 17.5 pct, and total usage was 15,340.5T.  

South Central Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grass hay, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, alfalfa pellets 
steady; movement slow. Alfalfa: horse, small squares 190.00-200.00. Dairy, 1.00-
1.05/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-210.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, Good 160.00-
170.00. Stock cow alfalfa, 155.00-165.00 delivered. Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 
150.00-160.00 with an instance at 180.00. Ground and delivered locally to 
feedlots 175.00-185.00 with an instance at 195.00. Alfalfa pellets: Sun Cured 15 
pct protein 200.00-220.00, 17 pct protein 210.00-225.00, Dehydrated 17 pct 
245.00-255.00. Grass hay: Bluestem small squares 8.00/bale, mid squares 110.00-
120.00, large squares 140.00-145.00, Brome large squares 75.00-85.00/bale, large 
rounds 130.00-135.00. Oat hay, large squares 85.00-95.00. Sudan, large rounds 
70.00-80.00. Wheat hay, large squares 145.00-155.00 delivered, large rounds 
125.00-135.00. Rye hay, large rounds, 95.00-105.00.  Cornstalks: none reported. 
Straw: large rounds 65.00-75.00. The week of 8/12-8/18, 5,149T of grinding 
alfalfa and 393T of dairy alfalfa were delivered. The average paid by feedlots 
on August 1 for alfalfa ground and delivered was 162.21, down 8.88 from last 
month, usage was 306T/day, up 22.4 pct, and total usage was 9,496.5T. 

Southeast Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, ground/delivered, grass hay, grinding alfalfa steady; movement 
slow.  Alfalfa: horse or goat, 220.00-245.00.  Dairy 1.00-1.05/point RFV. Stock 
cow alfalfa 170.00-180.00. Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 170.00-180.00. Ground and 
delivered, none reported. Grass hay: bluestem, premium small squares 125.00-
145.00. Good, mid to large squares 120.00-140.00, large rounds 100.00-110.00 
with an instance at 120.00; Brome: Good, mid squares 140.00-150.00, large 
squares 125.00-135.00, large rounds 120.00-130.00. Oat hay, mid squares 150.00-
160.00. Straw, mid and large squares 70.00-80.00. Mulch, large rounds 50.00-
60.00. The week of 7/12-8/18, 1,757T of grass hay were delivered.

Northwest Kansas  
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa and ground/delivered steady; movement slow. 
Alfalfa: Horse or goat, 220.00-230.00. Dairy, Premium/Supreme 1.00-1.05/point 
RFV. Stock cow, fair/good none reported. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, 135.00-
145.00.  Ground and delivered locally to feedlots and dairies, 150.00-165.00. 
Alfalfa/oat mix, large rounds 100.00-120.00.

North Central-Northeast Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grass hay, ground/delivered, grinding alfalfa steady; movement 
slow.  Alfalfa: horse, premium small squares 9.00-10.00/bale. Dairy 1.00-
1.05/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-200.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, Good 160.00-
170.00. Stock Cow, good 120.00-125.00. Fair/Good, grinding alfalfa, 160.00-
170.00. Ground and delivered 175.00-185.00. Grass hay: bluestem, small squares 
7.50/bale, large squares 105.00-115.00, large rounds 95.00-105.00; Brome: small 
squares 8.50/bale, mid to large squares 140.00-150.00 delivered, large rounds 
115.00-125.00, or 150.00 delivered. Straw: small squares 6.00-7.00/bale, large 
squares 100.00-110.00, and large rounds 85.00-95.00.  

Monday, August 20, 2018

Most hay classes sold steady

In Nebraska, alfalfa, grass hay, ground and delivered and dehydrated pellets sold steady. Demand for dehydrated pellets and grinding type hay was good with light demand for other types of hay, according to the USDA Market News Service, Aug. 10. Prices given on per-ton basis, unless otherwise noted.
Eastern/central—Premium alfalfa, large squares, $140; good, large rounds, 100-$120 delivered. Good grass hay, large squares, $150 delivered, $90-$110; premium, small squares, $160-$170. Cornstalk bales, $45 delivered. Dehydrated alfalfa pellets, 17% protein, $230-$240.
Platte Valley—Premium alfalfa, rounds, $110; good, rounds, $100-$105. Ground and delivered alfalfa, $130-$140. Grounds and delivered alfalfa-cornstalk mix, $125-$130; cornstalk mix, $125-$130. Ground and delivered cornstalks, $90-$115. Dehydrated pellets, 17% protein, $210-$220.
Western—Good alfalfa, large squares, $150-$160, rounds, $150; fair/good, large squares, $130-$140; utility, large squares, $95. Straw, large squares, $80-$85. Ground and delivered alfalfa, $155-$185. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $230.
In South Dakota, East River and West River areas, on a light reported volume, all classes of hay were steady. Demand just moderate, good at times for higher feed value alfalfa suitable for dairies.
East River—Premium alfalfa, large squares, $200, small squares, $210; good/premium, large squares, $170; good, large squares, $170; good, large squares, $150-$160; fair, large rounds, $130. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $185, 17% protein $190. Alfalfa meal, 17% protein, $195. Premium alfalfa grass mix, small squares, $200; good, large rounds, $150. Premium grass, small squares, $5-$5.50/bale; good, large rounds, $140; fair, large rounds, $120; utility, large rounds, $100. Cornstalks, no reported sales. Straw, small squares, $4/bale, new crop.
West River—Alfalfa, no reported sales. Alfalfa grass mix, no reported sales. Grass, no reported sales. Straw, no reported sales.
In Iowa, all hay classes traded steady.
Rock Valley—Good alfalfa, large squares, $137.50-$145; fair, large squares, $117.50-$125, large rounds $115-$130; utility, large rounds, $75-$107.50. Good grass, small squares, $145, large rounds, $117.50-$137.50; fair, large rounds, $87.50-$110; utility, large rounds, $60-$80. Good alfalfa grass mixed, large rounds, $130. Straw, large squares, $87.50-$100, large rounds, $100-$105. Cornstalks, large rounds, $35-$50.
In Minnesota, prices were generally steady.
Fair alfalfa, small squares, $125, large rounds, $110-$120; utility, large rounds, $75. Good alfalfa grass mix, large rounds, $125; fair, large rounds, $85-$105; utility, large rounds, $40. Good grass, large rounds, $105-$110; fair, large rounds, $80-$100.; utility, large rounds, $30-$75. Straw, large rounds, $75.
In Montana, hay prices sold fully steady. Hay sales are light to moderate this week.
Supreme alfalfa, small squares, $200 old crop, large squares, $180 old crop; premium, large squares, NA, large rounds, NA, small squares, NA; good, large squares, NA, large rounds, $140, small squares, NA; fair/good, large squares, $125-$130, large rounds, $125-$130, small squares, NA; utility, large rounds, $120, large squares, $100-$120. Premium grass alfalfa, small squares, NA; good, large rounds, NA, small squares, NA, large squares, $135; fair, large squares, $115, large rounds, NA; utility, large squares, $100-$115. Premium grass, large rounds, NA; good, small squares, $185, large rounds, NA; fair, large squares, $125, large rounds, $115-$125; utility, large rounds, $100, large squares, NA, small squares, $130. Premium timothy grass, small squares, $240, old crop; $210, new crop, large rounds, NA; good, large rounds, NA. Barley straw, large squares, NA, large rounds, NA, small squares, NA. Wheat straw, SCMT, large squares, NA, large rounds, NA; NMT, large squares, $35-$40, large rounds, NA.
In Wyoming, baled hay sold unevenly steady. Demand was good for small square bales going to horse owners in several states, moderate demand from feedlots, dairies and from producers that had been hit by hail.
Eastern Wyoming—Good/premium alfalfa, large squares, $175; good, large squares, $160; fair large squares, $150. Premium alfalfa grass, large squares, $185-$190, or $85/bale; good, large squares, $145-$150, rounds, $150; fair, large squares, $130. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $230.
Central/western Wyoming—Premium alfalfa, large squares, $190, small squares, $200; good, large squares, $150-$160. Premium alfalfa orchard grass, large squares, $190, small squares, $200. Premium timothy, small squares, $200. Certified weed seed free alfalfa cubes, $230-$260.
In Colorado, hay trade activity light on good demand.
Northeast­—Premium alfalfa, rounds, $210, retail/stable; supreme, small squares, $300, retail/stable; good/premium, large squares, $170. Premium alfalfa/grass mix, large squares, $10, retail/stable. Premium grass, medium squares, $305, retail/stable, small squares, $340, retail/stable. Good oat hay, large squares, $140 delivered. No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.
Southeast—Premium alfalfa, small squares, $240. Premium grass, small squares, $350, retail/stable. Wheat straw, small squares, $175. No reported quotes for other classes.
San Luis Valley—Supreme alfalfa, large squares, $240; fair/good, large squares, $185. Supreme organic alfalfa, large squares, $350. No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.
Southwest—Premium alfalfa grass mix, small squares, $335, retail/stable. No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.
Mountains/northwest—Premium grass, medium squares, $285, retail/stable, small squares, $300, retail/stable. No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.
In Missouri, hay supplies are light. Demand is very good. Hay prices are steady to firm.
Supreme alfalfa, RFV 185 $180-$250, small squares, $6.50-$9/bale; premium, RFV 170-180, $160-$200; good, RFV 150-170 $120-$160, small squares $5-$7/bale; fair, RFV 130-150, $100-$120. Good mixed grass hay, $100-$200, small squares, $5-$7/bale, (some alfalfa/grass mix). Fair/good mixed grass hay, $80-$150, small squares, $4-$5.50; fair, large rounds, $30-$60/bale. Good bromegrass, $100-$150; fair/good, $60-$100. Wheat straw, small squares, $3-$6/bale.
In Oklahoma, alfalfa trade mostly moderate. Demand was fairly good, inquiry remains very high but sales remain moderate.
Central—Supreme alfalfa, large squares, $210-$230; premium, large squares bales, $185-$200; good, large squares and rounds, $160-$180; fair, $150-$160. Grinding hay mostly $140. Good bermuda grass in 4 x 6 and 5 x 6 bales, $60-$75. Good mixed grass hay, 4 x 5 and 5 x 5 bales, $35-$50/bale. Mixed grass $80-$100/ton.
Eastern—Good alfalfa, $160-$180. Mixed grass hay, 4 x 5 bales $30-$45/bale, mostly $35/bale.
Western—Supreme alfalfa, large squares, $220-$230; premium, large square bales, $180-$190. Good bunk hay, $150-$165. Grinding hay mostly $140. Good mixed grass, rounds, $90-$110/ton. Mixed grass, 5 x 5 1/2 to 5 x 6 bales, $60-$70/bale.
In Texas, hay prices continue mostly steady, instances of $5 higher. Many areas reporting good demand for hay but supplies are limited and due to this prices are expected to move higher.
Panhandle/High Plains—Premium/supreme alfalfa, large squares, delivered $275-$300; good/premium, large squares, $250-$275; fair/good, large squares, $225-$250, small bales delivered, $264, $8/bale. Ground and delivered to feedlots, average $225-$240, calf, $245-$250. Wheat hay, large bales, delivered, $177, small bales, delivered, $6/bale. Good/premium coastal bermuda, large bales, delivered, $260-$280, small bales, FOB $8/bale. Hay grazer, large bales, delivered $170. Rye, large bales, delivered, $180. Bluestem, large bales, delivered, $105-$120/bale. Cotton burrs, ground and delivered, $75-$90.
Far west Texas/Trans Pecos—Premium/supreme alfalfa, small squares, delivered local or FOB, $290-$360, large squares, FOB, $250-$275; fair/good, $195-$220. Premium wheat, large bales, FOB, $90-$100/bale.
North/central/east—Premium/supreme alfalfa, large squares, delivered, $290-$310; good/premium coastal bermuda, small squares, FOB, $231-$297, large rounds, FOB $120-$180; fair/good, small squares, FOB, $198, large rounds, FOB, $100-$120.
South—Good/premium coastal bermuda, small squares, FOB, $231-$264, large rounds, FOB and delivered locally, $120-$170; fair/good, small squares FOB, $165-$198, large rounds, FOB and delivered locally, $70-$120.
In New Mexico, alfalfa hay prices firm. Trade and demand was moderate.
Eastern—Premium/supreme bales alfalfa, large squares, $250/ton organic delivered to Clovis; premium/good, $210-$240 delivered from local producers. Calf hay ground, $225. Baled wheat hay, $170/ton.
Southeast—Premium/supreme baled alfalfa, large squares, $240 delivered, small bales, $275-$300/ton loaded on truck; premium/good, large squares, $180-$200 delivered to dairies.
South/southwest—Premium/supreme baled alfalfa, large squares, $200/ton delivered to dairies, small bales, $275/ton, $9/bale FOB; good, large squares, $160; fair, large squares, $140/ton delivered to dairies. Sudan hay, $140/ton.
North central—Premium/supreme baled alfalfa, large squares, $200; premium, small bales, $8-$9/bale.

Weekly Utah Hay Market Report

Utah Hay prices prices mostly firm, with trading slow on all Quality's.
Majority of  movement on  previous  contracts. Lower quality hay demand
is light with good supplies.  Confirmed sales 2,000 tons. 

Northern Area: Alfalfa: Supreme No I dairy: 160.00-180.00; Premium:
130.00—155.00; Good  Feeder:  100.00-130.00.  Fair: 60.00-90.00;
Low: No Quote.
Premium retail horse sales 130.00—180.00.

Central Area:  Alfalfa:  Supreme # 1  Dairy 160.00—180.00; Premium
Dairy: 130.00—150.00; Good Feeder: 80.00-100.00; Fair: 60.00-90.00
Low: scarce.  Oat Hay: No Quotes.  
Premium retail horse sales: 140.00—180.00.

Southern  Area: Alfalfa: Supreme #1 Dairy: 160.00—185.00; Premium
135.00—155.00;  Good  Feeder:  100.00—130.00;  Fair: 60.00—90.00;
Low: no quotes.

Uintah  Basin:  Alfalfa:  Supreme  Dairy: 150.00—180.00; Premium
Dairy:  120.00—140.00;  Good Feeder: 80.00-110.00; Fair: scarce;
Low: scarce.  Premium retail horse sales: 150.00-180.00.

Note:  Low quality hay can be weedy, or weather damaged or all.
Detailed Quotations Utah:(Bales large and small in stack), last 
Quoted sales are sales more than two weeks old.

Alfalfa Small and Large Square Bales last quoted sales
 Retail Horse (small lots) 150.00-200.00
 Supreme Dairy            160.00-190.00  last quote
 Premium Dairy             130.00-155.00  last quote 
      Good                        100.00-120.00 
      Fair                        60.00-80.00
      Low                             n/q 

Alfalfa Standing:
Northern Utah:                     65.00-75.00    

Saturday, August 18, 2018

South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  On a light reported volume, all classes of
hay remain steady.  Good demand for high feed value alfalfa, only
moderate for lower quality alfalfa.  Dairies are in need of this high
quality hay but low milk prices are causing them to balk at buying
hay at these price levels.  Very good demand for high quality grass hay
as supplies, East River, are more limited.  The very high humidity, East
River, along with rains at the wrong time are making it very difficult
again to make high quality alfalfa or grass hay.  With the dew points
in the 60s and 70s the dews are very heavy in the morning, along with
pockets of fog and are slow to burn off.  Hay is unable to dry down and
cure quickly because of these very moist conditions.  Rain in the
southeast part of the state again this week as many hay growers made
their third cutting.  Drought conditions in central SD, with the worst
of it being from the Huron area and intensifying to the north beyond
Aberdeen.  Very hot weather last week saw this area expand quickly.
All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise noted. 

East River:
   Alfalfa:  Premium: Large Squares, 200.00; Small Squares, 210.00 (6.50
per bale).  Good to Premium:  Large Squares, 170.00.  Good:  Large
Squares, 150.00-160.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 120.00.  Utility:  Large
Rounds and Squares, 100.00.

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 185.00; 17 pct 190.00.  Alfalfa
Meal:  17 pct 195.00.  

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Premium:  Small Squares, 200.00.  Good:  Large
Rounds, 150.00. 

   Grass:  Premium:  Small Squares, 5.00-5.50 per bale.  Good:  Large
Rounds, 140.00.  Fair:  Large Rounds, 120.00.  Utility:  Large Rounds,

   Cornstalks:  No Reported Sales.

   Straw:  Small Squares, 4.00 per bale. 

West River:
   Alfalfa:  No Reported Sales.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  No Reported Sales. 

   Grass:  No Reported Sales.

   Straw:  No Reported Sales.