Thursday, August 23, 2018

Missouri Weekly Hay Summary

Week ending 08/24/2018

The drought might still be continuing but moods were extremely better this 
Week. Although the drought monitor showed only slight improvement, rains 
from last week have continued and it seems as most everyone has 
gotten at least an inch or two of rain now.  Combined with some cooler 
temperatures, many producers were surprised at how much green has appeared in 
fields.  There is a possibility for some fall pasture but a lot will depend 
on if farmers have any way to relieve some grazing pressure to give the 
stressed grass a chance to grow a little, as it is unlikely to pace grazing 
pressure. This sure doesn’t change the fact hay is in short supply but it 
might mean a few less or lighter days feeding before any snow falls. There is a 
lot of corn that is being chopped or baled as grain yields are too low to 
shell. This will provide some extra forage to the market but along with any 
CRP or late baled hay, anyone feeding needs to be at least mindful of the 
possibility of high nitrate levels.  Many may have heard of the hay auction 
that was held last weekend in Southwest Missouri, as there was a lot of talk 
leading up to it because that is just not something that this state is used to 
seeing, unlike neighboring states where there are several weekly hay auctions. 
Attendance was good with both spectators and buyers as many showed up with 
trailers hooked to their pick up hoping to have the winning bid. Over 1000 
large round and large square bales and over 400 small square bales sold in the 
truest form of price discovery possible, a live auction and price levels were right 
in line with those in this report this last few weeks. Hay supplies are light. 
Demand is very good Hay prices are steady to firm. The Missouri Department of 
Agriculture has a hay directory available for both buyers and sellers. To be 
listed, or for a directory visit for 
listings of hay (All prices f.o.b. and per 
ton unless specified and on most recent reported sales price listed as round 
bales based generally on 5x6 bales with weights of approximately 1200-1500 lbs).

Supreme quality Alfalfa (RFV <185) 180.00-250.00
small squares 7.00-9.00 per bale
Premium quality Alfalfa (RFV 170-180) 160.00-200.00
Good quality Alfalfa (RFV 150-170) 120.00-160.00 
small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale
Fair quality Alfalfa (RFV 130-150) 100.00-120.00 
Good quality Mixed Grass hay 100.00-200.00
Small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale (some alfalfa/grass mix)
Fair to Good quality Mixed Grass hay 80.00-150.00
small squares 4.00-5.50 per bale
Fair quality Mixed Grass hay 40.00-75.00 per large round bale 

Good quality Bromegrass 120.00-150.00
Fair to Good quality Bromegrass 60.00-100.00

Wheat straw 2.00-6.00 per small square bale

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