Thursday, March 26, 2020

Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending March 27, 2020

  Compared to last week, alfalfa, grass hay, ground and delivered hay and 
alfalfa pellets sold steady. Demand is mostly light for instate usage 
with moderate to good demand for large squares going out of state. Demand 
is good for dehy and sun-cured alfalfa pellets. These type of pellets are 
usually ground and used as “binder” and pressed back into a pellet for 
horses, cattle, goats, rabbits and for a lot of other specialty feeds. 
They are also fed as a pellet to a large variety of animals.  Note: “All 
sales are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless otherwise 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Fair large squares 100.00. Fair to mostly good large rounds 
80.00-95.00. Prairie Hay: Good large rounds 80.00-90.00. Premium small 
squares 170.00-180.00. Cane large rounds 60.00-65.00. Cornstalks large 
rounds 40.00. Dehy alfalfa pellets 17 percent 320.00-330.00. Sun-cured 
pellets 15 percent 300.00.
Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large rounds 90.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 130.00-
135.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa/cornstalk mix 105.00-120.00. 
Ground and delivered cornstalks 75.00-90.00. Dehy alfalfa pellets 17 
percent protein 270.00-285.00; Sun-cured alfalfa 15 percent protein 

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Fair large squares 155.00. Millet in large squares 85.00. Millet 
in large rounds 100.00 delivered. Cornstalks large squares 75.00 
delivered. Ground and delivered alfalfa 153.00-158.00. 


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