Friday, August 4, 2017

Weekly East River South Dakota Hay Market

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:   Alfalfa and grass hay sold steady to 10.00 higher.
Demand good for higher quality alfalfa with better demand noted for lower quality
cow hay and high quality grass hay suitable for starting calves in the feed yard.
Interest has picked up especially from end-users that are in the hard hit drought
areas of the state.  Many areas of the state have received varying amounts of rain
over the past week, however for most cattle producers it is too late to save pastures
for this year.  Yearling cattle run on summer pastures have started to be marketed as the
grass is very short in many areas.  The Drought Monitor released on August 3rd, improved
overall with 97 percent of the state in some degree of moisture deficit and just over 13
percent of the state expericing Extreme Drought (D3).  Many hay producers on the eastern
half of the state have either just started or will be starting their 3rd cutting of alfalfa.  
All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise noted.

   Alfalfa:  Supreme:  Large Squares, 200.00 Delivered to WI; Small Squares, 230.00.
Premium:  Large Squares, 150.00.  Good:  Large Rounds, 120.00 Delivered Short Haul.
Fair:  Large Squares, 125.00; Large Rounds, 100.00. Utility to Fair:  Large Squares, 115.00.

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 160.00; 17 pct 165.00.  Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 170.00.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Good to Premium:  Large Rounds, 120.00 Delivered Short Haul.

   Grass:  Premium:  Large Rounds, 130.00; Small Squares, 150.00, part load 5.00 per bale.
Good to Premium:  Large Rounds, 120.00 Delivered Short Haul.  Fair:  Large Rounds,

   Straw:  Large Rounds, 75.00 out of the field; Large Squares 80.00 out of the
field.  Large Squares and Rounds, 100.00 FOB the yard.

   Cornstalks:  Large Rounds, Old Crop 55.00 Delivered Short Haul. 

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