All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.
Compared to last week: Alfalfa and grass mostly steady, reported
sales still rather limited. Good demand for high quality alfalfa
hay, especially from out of state buyers, demand only moderate for lower
quality hay as this supply is more plentiful due to the persistent summer
rains. All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise noted.
East River:
Alfalfa: Premium: Large Squares, 230.00; Small Squares, 6.50 per
bale. Fair to Good: Large Squares, 165.00. Fair: Large Rounds,
120.00-130.00. Utility: Large Rounds and Squares, 100.00.
Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets: 15 pct 245.00; 17 pct 250.00. Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 255.00.
Grass: Good: Large Rounds, 120.00. Fair: Large Rounds, 80.00-
110.00. Utility: Large Rounds, 65.00.
Alfalfa/Grass Mix: Premium: Large Squares, 225.00. Fair: Large
Squares, 135.00.
Sudan Grass: Large Rounds, baleage 100.00 delivered.
Straw: Large Rounds, 90.00-100.00. Large Squares, 110.00-120.00.
West River:
Alfalfa: No Reported Sales.
Grass: No Reported Sales.
Alfalfa/Grass Mix: No Reported Sales.
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