Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest

For Nebraska, alfalfa sold steady. Many are harvesting corn silage and pastures are better than earlier.
For Iowa, in a week when Iowa almost got washed away there was very little quality hay available.

Mostly large package hay is available and with rainfall very limited quality hay available at markets.
In South Dakota, all classes of hay were steady this week at the market. Demand is moderate at best.

Few reported sales as buyers are reluctant to purchase more than their current needs. There is a large supply of lower quality hay available.

For Missouri, demand is good, supply is light, and prices steady. Many have pulled out hay harvesting equipment again as rain has helped increase forage growth and many want to add to their meager hay supplies.

In Southwest Minnesota, prices were steady this week. There was a limited amount of quality hay
available and round bales are discounted.

In Wisconsin, heavy rainfall has flooded some areas and reduced drought stress in others. Once the rain stopped corn silage harvest has begun in earnest. With hope of pasture regrowth and good yields of corn silage, farmers will probably hold off hay purchasing until they take a forage inventory after silage harvest.

Straw prices were steady to stronger this past week. Small square bale straw price increased to $4.00 a bale (range of $2.00 to $6.00). Large square bale straw prices increased to $46.00 per bale (a wide range of $20.00 to $88.00). Large round bale straw increased to $38.00 per bale (range of $21.00 - $60.00).

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