Friday, November 30, 2018

Weekly Montana Hay Report

Compared to two weeks ago: Alfalfa hay sold fully steady.
Demand for hay was mostly light to moderate on heavy offerings.
Demand for hay continues to be consistent week after week as
buyers continue to buy hay steady. Sales to out of state markets
were good again this week as drier conditions in western and
southern neighboring states have added to demand. Warm weather
continued through this past week in many parts of the state.
This continues to curb demand as many ranchers have yet to 
start to feed. A winter storm is expected this weekend, however
warm conditions return by mid next week for much of southern
Montana. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise 

Alfalfa:   Supreme:  Small squares, 200.00-250.00
                     Large squares, 150.00 
           Premium:  Large squares, NA    
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 200.00
           Good:     Large squares, 120.00-140.00   
                     Large rounds,  110.00-130.00
                     Small squares, NA
         Fair/Good:  Large squares, 90.00-120.00
                     Large rounds,  80.00-105.00
                     Small Squares, 125.00-140.00
           Utility   Large rounds,  75.00-80.00
                     Large squares, 70.00-100.00

Alfalfa:   Premium:  Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA   
                     Small squares, 180.00
                     Large squares, 125.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 110.00-115.00
                     Large rounds,  105.00-110.00
                     Small squares, 120.00-130.00
           Utility:  Large squares, 70.00-90.00

Grass:     Premium   Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 200.00
           Good:     Small squares, 185.00
                     Large rounds,  120.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 125.00
                     Large rounds,  100.00-110.00
                     Small squares, 130.00
           Utility:  Large rounds,  80.00
                     Large squares, NA
                     Small squares, 130.00           

Grass:     Premium:  Small squares, 225.00-240.00
           Premium:  Large rounds,  NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 160.00-180.00

Barley                Large squares, 40.00-50.00
straw:                Large rounds,  40.00-50.00
                      Small squares, NA

Wheat straw:

South central        Large squares, 35.00-40.00
                     Large rounds,  NA
Northern             Large squares, 35.00-40.00
                     Large rounds,  NA


South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:  Alfalfa steady on all grades.  Grass hay no
sales reported this week.  Very good demand for all qualities of alfalfa
and grass hay, as well as all forms of bedding.  High quality hay in
light supply due to wet field conditions this summer. Making it difficult
to acquire for dairies who continue to have poor margins. Feedyards
continued to move calves and need high quality grass hay which is
influencing this active market. The South Dakota crop harvest is at 90%
of corn and 100% of soybeans harvested the USDA reported on November
26th. A large area of the state had freezing rain which ended corn stalk
bailing as growers were trying to move bales out of the fields. Cold
weather and snow is predicted this weekend for much of southern South
Dakota which may influence the demand for bedding hay and straw.  All hay
and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise noted.

East River:
   Alfalfa:  Supreme: Small Squares, 240.00; Large Squares, 
200.00-230.00.  Good: Large Rounds, 155.00.  Fair: Large Squares, 

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 185.00; 17 pct 190.00.  Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 195.00.  

   Grass:  No Reported Sales.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Premium: Large Squares, 190.00.

   Straw:  No Reported Sales.

   Cornstalks:  No Reported Sales.

  West River:
   Alfalfa:  No Reported Sales.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  No Reported Sales. 

   Grass:  No Reported Sales.

   Straw:  No Reported Sales.


California Hay Report

  Compared to last week: All classes traded steady with moderate demand.  
According to the Crop Progress report 11/25/18, dry, hazy, and stagnant 
conditions prevailed for most of early part of the week. By midweek, a series of 
upper level troughs brought cooler and wetter conditions to most of the state. 
The higher elevations saw a mixture of rain and snow, making for difficult 
holiday travel conditions. Some areas reported 6 to 15 inches of snowfall along 
the Sierras. By the weekend, a quieter weather pattern in which dry conditions 
with some scattered showers over the higher elevations became established.  
Temperature highs ranged from upper 50s to mid 60s in the Sierras, low 60s to 
low 70s in the mountains, mid 60s to mid 70s in the Central Valley, upper 60s to 
upper 70s along the coast, and upper 60s to low 80s in the desert.  Temperature 
lows ranged from upper single digits to low 30s in the Sierras, low 30s to low 
50s along the coast, upper 20s to low 40s in the Central Valley, low 20s to mid 
40s in the desert, and mid 20s to upper 30s in the mountains.  Beans continued 
to be harvested in Sutter County. In Tulare cotton harvest concluded, alfalfa 
was cut and baled, and barley was planted. Corn and sorghum were harvested for 
silage in Fresno County.  Hay is reported FOB the stack or barn unless otherwise 
noted.  Regions are defined at bottom of report. 

Tons:  1805    Last Week:  0    Last Year:  3125                               

Region 1: North Inter-Mountain:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                 170  225.00-225.00  225.00                       
      Premium/Supreme         110  180.00-180.00  180.00                       
      Premium                 500  170.00-170.00  170.00     Retail/Stable     

Region 3: Northern San Joaquin Valley: No New Sales Confirmed.                             

Region 4: Central San Joaquin Valley: No New Sales Confirmed.                            

Region 2: Sacramento Valley:                                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Supreme                  50  230.00-230.00  230.00                       
      Premium                  25  280.00-280.00  280.00     Retail/Stable     
  Alfalfa/Rye Mix                                                              
      Good                     15  200.00-200.00  200.00     Organic           
  Rye Grass                                                                    
      Good                     85  180.00-180.00  180.00     Organic           

Region 5: Southern California:                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 175  275.00-275.00  275.00     Retail/Stable     
  Forage Mix-Three Way                                                         
      Good                     25  175.00-175.00  175.00     Retail/Stable     

Region 6: Southeast California:                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
      Premium                 500  240.00-240.00  240.00     Retail/Stable     
      Good/Premium            150  240.00-240.00  240.00     Export            

The following are the counties included in each region:                        
Region 1: Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, and Plumas.                         
Region 2: Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Sierra, Nevada, Placer,  
          Yolo, El Dorado, Solano, Sacramento, Amador, and Alpine.             
Region 3: San Joaquin, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Mono, Merced, Mariposa.
Region 4: Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Inyo.                             
Region 5: Kern, Northeast Los Angeles, and Western San Bernardino.             
Region 6: Eastern San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial.      


Idaho Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  4700    Last Week:  Holiday    Last Year:  3100 

   Compared 2 weeks ago Friday, all grades of Alfalfa firm in a light test. Trade 
slow with good demand especially for Feeder and Organic Alfalfa as demand exceeds 
supply at this time of the year. Prices are dollars per ton and FOB the farm or 
ranch unless otherwise stated.  

                     Tons      Price        Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                 
      Premium        1000   170.00-170.00   170.00     Export  
      Good            400   195.00-195.00   195.00     Organic 
                      800   155.00-155.00   155.00     Tarped  
      Fair           1500   160.00-160.00   160.00     Organic 

  Timothy Grass                                                
    Mid Square                                                 
      Premium        1000   240.00-240.00   240.00     


Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Weekly Hay Report

Tons:  28,600    Last Week:  Holiday    Last Year:  1020

   Compared to 2 weeks ago Friday, all grades of Alfalfa for export and domestic 
steady to firm. Trade active with good demand as more interest was shown by 
exporters and feeder hay buyers. Exporters are buying fully wrapped hay. Feeder hay 
is scarce. Retail/Feed store not tested this week.  All prices are dollars per ton 
and FOB the farm or ranch unless otherwise stated. Delivered prices include 
freight, commissions and other expenses. 

                          Tons       Price       Wt. Avg    Comments
    Mid Square                                                     
      Premium/Supreme     1000   200.00-210.00   205.00     Tarped 
      Premium              100   201.00-201.00   201.00 Del Export 
      Good              25,500   180.00-180.00   180.00     Export 
                          1000   150.00-160.00   155.00     Tarped 
                          1000   191.00-191.00   191.00 Del Export 


Weekly Texas Hay Report

   Compared to last report:  All hay classes traded mostly steady on 
moderate to good movement.  Ground and delivered Alfalfa sold steady to 
instances 5.00 higher.  Hay seems to be moving right along and variety of 
hay used to cheapen rations such as hay grazer or cotton burrs was 
difficult to find.  Prices for hay and pellets quoted per ton except 
where noted. 

   The Texas Department of Agriculture has Hay and Grazing phone set 
up for Buyers and sellers looking for hay or grazing; the number is 1-
512-787-9966. The website for the hotline is:

Panhandle/High Plains:
Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 275.00-300.00;
               Good to Premium 260.00-275.00; Fair to Good 210.00-260.00.               
Small bales: FOB: 264.00, 8.00-per bale 
Ground Alfalfa: Delivered to feedlots: Avg 230.00-240.00. 
                                       Calf 240.00-245.00.
Wheat: Large Bales: Delivered: 150.00-185.00.
Wheat Straw: Small Bales: Delivered: 6.40 per bale.
Coastal Bermuda: Large Bales: Delivered: Good to Premium 180.00. 
Triticale: Large Bales: Delivered: 190.00.
CRP: Large Bales: Delivered: 125.00.
Hay Grazer: Large Bales: Delivered: 110.00.
 Ground: Delivered: 125.00-135.00.
Cotton Burrs: Delivered: 90.00-100.00.

Far West Texas/Trans Pecos: 
   Alfalfa: Small Squares: Delivered local or FOB: Premium to Supreme
       290.00-360.00, 8.75-11.00 per bale.
   Large Squares: FOB: Premium to Supreme 275.00-280.00; Fair to 
  Good 220.00-250.00.
North, Central, and East Texas:
   Alfalfa: Large Squares: Delivered: Premium to Supreme 290.00-310.00;
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 297.00-330.00, 
  9.00-10.00 per bale.
     Large Rounds: FOB: Good to Premium 140.00-200.00, 70.00- 
  100.00 per roll; Fair to Good 120.00-140.00, 60.00-70.00 per 
South Texas:
   Coastal Bermuda: Small Squares: FOB: Good to Premium 264.00-310.00, 
  8.00-9.50 per bale; Fair to Good 165.00-231.00, 5.00-7.00 per 
   Large Rounds: FOB and delivered locally: Good to Premium 
  120.00-170.00, 60.00-85.00 per roll; Fair to Good 100.00- 
  120.00, 50.00-60.00 per roll. 

Rock Valley Hay Auction

for Thursday, Nov 29, 2018

Receipts:  53 loads    Last Week:  50 loads    Last Year:  87 loads    

   All sales FOB Rock Valley, Iowa, vicinity.  One load Small Squares
equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and Large Rounds range from
10-25 tons per load.

   Alfalfa:  Supreme:  Large Squares, 1 load 187.50; Large Rounds, 1 load 185.00.  
Premium: Large Rounds, 3 loads 157.50-175.00.
Good: Large Rounds, 9 loads 142.50-157.50.  Fair: Large Rounds, 7 loads 
127.50-137.50.  Utility: Large Rounds, 3 loads 122.50-125.00.

   Grass:  Premium:  Large Rounds, 9 loads 160.00-175.00. Good:  
Large Rounds, 10 loads 145.00-157.50. Fair: Large Rounds, 4 loads, 135.00-142.00. 
Utility: Large Rounds, 1 load 115.00.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mixed: Good: Large Squares, 1 load 127.50; Large Rounds,
load 137.50.

   Straw:  Large Rounds, 1 load 130.00.

   Cornstalks:  Large Rounds, 4 loads 55.00-62.50.

Oregon Weekly Hay Report

   Compared to Nov 16:  Prices trended generally steady compared to last 
week prices.  Retail/Stable type hay remains the most demanded hay.  
Contacts were difficult to get ahold of this week.  Upcoming holidays 
have slowed sales.  All sales in this report are 2018 crop year hay.  
Some growers are sold out for this crop year.

Tons:  11,135    Last Week:  No report    Last Year:  1453 

Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Wasco Counties:                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                  30  230.00-230.00  230.00     Retail/Stable     

  Orchard Grass                                                                
    Large Square                                                               
      Good/Premium             30  185.00-185.00  185.00                       
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                 117  230.00-240.00  233.85     Retail/Stable     
                                8  250.00-250.00  250.00 Del Retail/Stable     

  Meadow Grass                                                                
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                  50  215.00-215.00  215.00     Retail/Stable     

  Mixed Grass Five-Way
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                  10  275.00-275.00  275.00     Retail/Stable     

Eastern Oregon:                                                                
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
    Large Square                                                               
      Good                   1200  130.00-130.00  130.00                       

  Alfalfa/Orchard Mix                                                          
    Small Square                                                               
      Good/Premium             60  155.00-155.00  155.00                       

  Orchard Grass                                                                
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                  10  175.00-175.00  175.00     Retail/Stable     

  Timothy Grass                                                                
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium                  75  200.00-200.00  200.00     Retail/Stable     

Harney County:                                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
    Large Square                                                               
      Supreme                1250  200.00-200.00  200.00                       

  Meadow Grass                                                                
    Large Square                                                               
      Good/Premium            150  120.00-120.00  120.00                       

Klamath Basin:                                                                 
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
    Large Square                                                               
      Good                     75  175.00-175.00  175.00     Rain Damage       
    Small Square                                                               
      Premium/Supreme         100  200.00-200.00  200.00                       
      Good                     65  175.00-175.00  175.00                       
      Utility                  20   60.00-60.00    60.00     Extremely Weedy             

    Large Square                                                               
      Good                    200  145.00-145.00  145.00     Organic           

Lake County:                                                                   
                             Tons   Price Range   Wtd Avg    Comments          
    Large Square                                                               
      Supreme                5200  210.00-210.00  210.00     Export            
      Premium                1900  180.00-190.00  185.26                       
      Good                    200  170.00-170.00  170.00     Rain Damage       

  Rye Grass                                                                    
    Large Square                                                               
      Good                     25  100.00-100.00  100.00                       
    Small Square                                                               
      Good/Premium             25  180.00-180.00  180.00     Organic           

    Large Square                                                               
      Good                     25  100.00-100.00  100.00                       

    Large Square                                                               
      Good/Premium             30  140.00-140.00  140.00                       

  Forage Mix-Two Way                                                           
    Large Square                                                               
      Good/Premium             30  150.00-150.00  150.00                       

  Alfalfa/Triticale Mx                                                         
    Large Square                                                               
      Good/Premium            250  150.00-150.00  150.00 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Missouri Weekly Hay Summary

Week ending 11/30/2018

The last couple weeks of mostly below average temperatures and some 
winter weather has farmers starting to feed some hay now. The fall 
pastures are being depleted and diet requirements are increasing. Some 
areas of the state have already seen four snow events which is very 
unusual this early. Although they have been short lived it is eating up 
some of the hay supply in a year that the general consensus is there is 
not enough for an extended long feeding season. The supply of hay light 
to moderate. Hay prices are steady. Hay demand is light to moderate. The 
Missouri Department of Agriculture has a hay directory available for both 
buyers and sellers. To be listed, or for a directory visit for listings of hay (All prices f.o.b. and per ton unless 
specified and on most recent reported sales price listed as round bales 
based generally on 5x6 bales with weights of approximately 1200-1500 

Supreme quality Alfalfa (RFV <185) 180.00-225.00
small squares 7.00-10.00 per bale
Premium quality Alfalfa (RFV 170-180) 150.00-200.00
Good quality Alfalfa (RFV 150-170) 120.00-160.00 
small squares 5.00-7.00 per bale
Fair quality Alfalfa (RFV 130-150) 100.00-120.00 
Good quality Mixed Grass hay 100.00-150.00
Small squares 5.00-8.00 per bale (some alfalfa/grass mix)
Fair to Good quality Mixed Grass hay 75.00-125.00
small squares 4.00-6.00 per bale
Fair quality Mixed Grass hay 35.00-75.00 per large round bale 

Good quality Bromegrass 120.00-150.00
Fair to Good quality Bromegrass 60.00-100.00

Wheat straw 2.00-6.00 per small square bale


Wyoming Hay Summary

Week ending November 30, 2018

   Compared to last week baled hay and sun-cured pellets sold steady. 
Demand was good across most of the reporting regions. Some areas around 
Riverton received snow early in the week making hay hauling difficult. 
Other areas still getting hay hauled to local and out of state buyers. 
Some cattlemen are on the fence trying to decide on procuring additional 
hay inventory or sell off some older cows to save their pocket book for 
other expenses. Most contacts comment they still have some inventory to 
sell. All prices are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn unless 
otherwise noted. 

Eastern Wyoming 
Alfalfa: Supreme large squares 200.00; Good large squares 140.00-150.00; 
fair larges 125.00-130.00.  Alfalfa/Grass: Premium large squares 210.00, 
85.00 per bale.  Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 240.00. 
Central and Western Wyoming
Alfalfa: Good large squares 150.00-170.00; Fair large squares 130.00-
140.00. Premium small squares 200.00-225.00. Alfalfa/Orchard Grass: 
Premium large squares 150.00-190.00; Premium small squares 220.00. 
Orchard grass mix: Good large squares 140.00; Premium small squares 
200.00-225.00. Certified weed seed free alfalfa cubes bulk 230.00-240.00, 
bagged 280.00.


Oklahoma Hay Market Report

Alfalfa and grass trade slow over the past two weeks. Movement was very 
light. Demand was mostly light with limited buyer inquiry. Dairy demand was 
extremely light. Grass hay demand and movement primarily limited by light 
supplies of good quality hay. Winter wheat grazing was called below average 
by producers this week. NASS estimated planted acreage at 95 percent, down 5 
points from last year and emergence at 87 percent, down 7 points. Emerged
Wheat is mostly short and many fields showing signs of damage from army worms 
and weather.

Market News continues to maintain an online hay directory for both in-state
and out-of-state hay producers.  The directories are on the ODAFF homepage
at Producers wishing to list hay are encouraged to call
at 1-405-522-3753 or email 
Central Oklahoma: Premium quality 200.00-220.00. Good quality large square 
and large round bales 180.00-200.00. Fair quality 140.00-160.00.
Eastern Oklahoma: No sales reported.
Western Oklahoma: Premium quality large square bales 200.00-220.00. Good 
quality large round and large square bales 180.00-200.00. Grinding hay 
140.00-150.00. Few loads grinding hay delivered 180.00.
Grass Hay 
Central Oklahoma: Good quality Bermuda grass in 4 X 6 through 5 X 6 bales 
mostly 55.00-70.00 per bale. Few in 4 X 5 1/2 bales 50.00. Good quality mixed 
grass hay 4 X 5 and 5 X 5 bales 40.00-50.00 per bale. Mixed grass 80.00-90.00 
per ton, mostly 85.00. 
Western Oklahoma:  Good quality mixed grass round bales 90.00-110.00 per 
ton. Mixed grass 5 X 5 1/2 to 5 X 6 bales 60.00-70.00 per bale.
Eastern Oklahoma:  Mixed grass hay in 4 x 5 bales 40.00-50.00 per bale. 


Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending November 30, 2018

  Compared to last week alfalfa, grass hay, ground and delivered products 
and dehy pellets sold steady. Demand was good on ground and delivered hay 
as users are stocking piling due to the pending winter storm. Moderate to 
good demand for all other baled hay and alfalfa pellets. Some contacts 
stating there are still a lot of cornstalks that need to get baled but 
warmer and dry weather will have to prevail to get the task completed.   
All sales are dollars per ton FOB the field or hay barn, unless otherwise 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large rounds 90.00-105.00; Fair large rounds 80.00. Premium 
small squares 6.50-7.00 per bale. Alfalfa/grass mix: Fair to good large 
rounds 85.00. Grass Hay: Premium large rounds 100.00-105.00; Good large 
rounds 85.00-90.00; Fair large rounds 65.00-75.00.  Premium small square 
bales 160.00-170.00. Brome grass: Good large rounds 90.00 per bale. 
Cornstalk bales 60.00. Dehy Alfalfa pellets 17 percent protein 230.00-

Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good round bales 105.00-115.00. Cornstalk bales 60.00-65.00. 
Ground and delivered alfalfa 140.00-145.00. Ground and delivered 
alfalfa-stubble mix 130.00-135.00.  Ground and delivered cornstalks 
95.00-100.00. Dehy Alfalfa pellets 17 percent protein 215.00-220.00. 
Sun-cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 200.00. 

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Premium large squares 170.00-180.00; Good large squares 150.00-
160.00; Good large rounds 130.00-145.00. Alfalfa/Orchard Grass: Good to 
Premium large squares 180.00-200.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa 150.00-


Colorado Hay Report

   Compared to last week, trade activity light on moderate demand.  According to 
the U.S. Drought Monitor’s West Drought Summary for November 27, 2018, half an 
inch to locally over 2 inches of precipitation fell across parts of the northern 
to central Rockies as the weather systems moved past, improving the snowpack 
half a foot to a foot in many places. In Colorado, D3 was trimmed in Routt 
County where recent precipitation has dropped SPIs and snowpack has improved. 
But further south, except for the northern Utah and Colorado mountains, little 
to no precipitation occurred across the Four Corners States.  According to the 
NASS Colorado Crop Progress report for week ending November 25, 2018, stored 
feed supplies were rated 2 percent very short, 25 percent short, 68 percent 
adequate, and 2 percent surplus.  4th cutting alfalfa hay was at 94 percent 
harvested and Pasture and Range conditions were rated 20 percent Very Poor, 25 
percent Poor, 26 percent Fair, 27 percent Good, and 2 percent Excellent.  USDA 
NRCS Colorado SNOTEL River Basin Index percentages for Thursday, November 29, 
2018:  Gunnison 94, Upper Colorado 133, South Platte 151, Laramie and North 
Platte 125, Yampa and White 130, Arkansas 148, Upper Rio Grande 86, and San 
Miguel, Dolores, Animas and San Juan 71.  The next available report will be 
Thursday, December 6, 2018.  All prices reported are FOB at the stack or barn 
unless otherwise noted.  Prices reflect load lots of hay.  If you have hay for 
sale or need hay, use the services of the Colorado Department of Agriculture 

Northeast Colorado Areas
     Mid Squares: Premium 230.00, Retail/Stable.
   Small Squares: Premium 325.00 (9.25 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   Small Squares: Premium 335.00-350.00 (9.75-10.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southeast Colorado Areas
   Small Squares: Supreme 280.00 (8.60-9.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
     Mid Squares: Good 140.00.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

San Luis Valley Area
   Large Squares: Supreme 250.00.
                  Fair/Good 185.00-190.00.
   Good 250.00, Organic.
   Small Squares: Premium 310.00 (10.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   Large Squares: Premium 240.00.
   Small Squares: Premium 340.00 (11.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Southwest Colorado Areas
   Small Squares: Premium 340.00-365.00 (11.00-16.00 per bale), Retail/Stable.
   No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.

Mountains and Northwest Colorado Areas
   Large Squares: Premium 215.00.
                  Good 200.00.
   No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.

Northeast: Weld, Washington, Morgan, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln, Elbert, 
Adams, Sedgwick, Yuma, Larimer, Jefferson, Douglas, Kit Carson, Phillips, 
Logan, Boulder, Arapahoe, and El Paso.
Southeast: Fremont, Custer, Huerfano, Las Animas, Bent, Otero, Prowers, 
Crowley, and Pueblo.
San Luis Valley: Saguache, Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Rio Grande, and 
Southwest: Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel, Montezuma, Dolores, 
San Juan, Hinsdale, Archuleta, and La Plata.
Mountains and Northwest: Moffat, Routt, Jackson, Rio Blanco, Garfield, 
Gunnison, Teller, Grand, Chaffee, Park, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Summit, 
Lake, and Eagle.


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

These factors are impacting hay prices

One of the most striking events in the alfalfa hay market in the West is the narrow price between the bottom and top of the alfalfa hay market. This is the result of tight supplies of feeder/dry cow alfalfa hay, which has pushed prices higher. For example, last week in Idaho, Fair quality hay brought $140 to $150 per ton FOB stack and Supreme alfalfa hay was trading for around $170 to $180; this is one of the narrowest price spreads in history.
There has been good demand for feeder hay from beef cow-calf and feedlot operators and even exporters in Washington. But a different story exists for higher quality alfalfa hay. Lower milk prices continue to limit demand from dairies for Premium to Supreme alfalfa hay, and there is no indication when milk prices will improve. Export demand for alfalfa hay has been limited in some areas of the West because of the trade war with China, although demand from the Middle East has pushed Fair quality alfalfa hay export prices higher in Washington.


Two factors defined 2018 Western hay markets

When the calendar turned to 2018, there was good reason to believe that hay demand would easily support production barring any sort of widespread weather calamity. This optimism was buoyed by a strong export market and, at long last, the prospect for higher milk prices.
It’s the dairy economy and export markets that most often dictate hay prices in the West.
“Demand picked up from some dairies in May as the milk-price projection was $16.00 per hundredweight and higher for late summer,” writes Seth Hoyt in his annual end-of-year Status of the Western Alfalfa Hay Market report. “Unfortunately, by June and July the outlook for stronger milk prices faded and so did dairy demand (for hay).”
Hoyt authors a weekly newsletter, The Hoyt Report, which chronicles Western hay markets throughout the year, and is a regular contributor to eHay Weekly.
Even with an extension of depressed milk prices, Hoyt notes that the demand for alfalfa hay was “cruising along” through mid-2018. Then, in July, China imposed a tariff on imported U.S. alfalfa hay.
“In past years, there were only a few times when dairy and export demand for alfalfa hay in the West fell at the same time, but they did in 2018,” Hoyt says. “Consequently, prices on Premium to Supreme (quality) export and dairy hay declined.”
Hoyt points out that Premium export alfalfa hay in Washington dropped from an average high price of $194 in May to $179 per ton in October. Supreme alfalfa hay delivered to Tulare and Hanford, Calif., dairies dropped $20 per ton from May to September.
Carryover into 2019
Estimating stored stocks of hay is a challenge as we head into 2019, according to Hoyt.
“Looking only at hay production in the West, you would say inventories would be down,” Hoyt notes. “Because of the situation with low milk prices and tariffs on hay going to China, normal hay trading and movement have been altered.”
In some cases, hay that normally would be sitting on dairies is still somewhere in a farmer’s stack or barn. Similarly, some hay that was sold for export early in the year still hasn’t been moved.
Hoyt says that the USDA December 1 hay stocks estimate may be the best source of information for carryover supplies; these numbers will be released during the second week of January.
Perhaps the biggest oddity of the 2018 hay market picture was the narrow price gap between Fair-quality hay sold and that of Premium or Supreme quality. In some cases, Fair-quality alfalfa is now selling $20 to $30 per ton higher than it did one year ago. Premium to Supreme quality alfalfa hay is trading equal to or below year-ago prices.
“Due to better than normal hay production weather through the season, there was not the normal production of Fair-quality alfalfa hay,” Hoyt writes. “This was significant because not only is this quality of hay used for dairy dry cows but also by feedlots and beef cows in the West. Additionally, export demand for this type of hay improved later in the season for some markets, and the price per ton did not drop like on better quality alfalfa hay in certain areas,” he adds.
Looking forward
Hoyt no longer predicts hay prices, but he says that for the market to hold or improve, milk prices must get better and China will need to lift their tariffs on U.S. alfalfa.
The market analyst does point to an encouraging sign from the Middle East, where demand for U.S. alfalfa has strengthened. Countries such as Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are ramping up their thirst for U.S. alfalfa. This sparked stronger alfalfa hay prices in Washington during the fall.
Hoyt is still pessimistic about the dairy situation in California over the next four to five months. As a result, he sees no reason why alfalfa growers in Central and Northern California will have much incentive to plant more acres in the coming year when nut trees are bringing a higher return.
In the Imperial Valley of Southern California, hay acres may increase slightly in 2019.
For states such as Washington, Idaho, and Utah, Hoyt doesn’t see alfalfa acres changing much from 2018.


Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest

Demand and Sales Comments
With a holiday week some data was collected from the previous week’s auctions. The hay market is steady to strong. Demand has increased across all classes of hay. Quality hay was in demand and prices reflect the demand this week. Round bales and low quality hay were discounted.

For Nebraska, hay sold steady this week. Many are looking for looking for cheaper sources of roughage to blend with their winter rations. Cattlemen are filling cornfields with cows for winter grazing and few have are asking the cost of hay. For Iowa, top quality hay is in short supply. Most are buying as it is needed basis and taking advantage of some nice weather to keep cows on pasture.

In South Dakota, premium grades of hay are steady to higher this week. There is a good demand for all classes of hay and straw. Dairy prices continue to impact the hay market. There is a demand for quality grass hay as cattlemen wean calves and move them to feed yards.
For Missouri, hay prices are steady, with light to moderate demand and supply. Soft ground conditions have limited the movement of trucks in and out of yards to early morning.

In Southwest Minnesota, prices were steady. Mostly round bale hay available and round bales are generally discounted.

In Wisconsin, top prices for quality alfalfa hay this week. There is demand for top quality just not much available. Low quality hay is discounted depending if it was stored or was on the fence row.

Straw prices were steady to stronger this past week with straw being mentioned as scarce at many markets. Small square bale straw averaged $3.50 a bale (range of $1.50 to $6.00). Large square bale straw averaged $45.00 per bale (a wide range of $23.00 to $78.00). Large round bale straw averaged $46.00 per bale (a range of $40.00 - $60.00). Straw quality does impact price.


Corsica, SD Hay and Straw Auction

For Monday, Nov 26, 2018

Receipts:  23 Loads    Last Week:  19 Loads    Last Year:  26 Loads

All prices dollars per ton FOB Corsica, SD.

One load Small Squares equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and
Large Rounds range from 10-25 tons per load.

  Alfalfa:  Good: Large Rounds, 8 loads 115.00-120.00.  
Fair: Large Rounds, 5 loads 105.00-112.50. 

  Grass:  Good: Large Rounds, 4 loads 112.50-120.00. 
Fair: Large Rounds, 4 loads 100.00-110.00.
Utility: Large Rounds, 1 load 67.50. 

  Alfalfa/Grass Mix: Scarce. 

  Straw: Scarce.

  Corn Stalks: Scarce.


Rock Valley Hay Auction

For Monday, Nov 26, 2018

Receipts:  36 loads    Last Week:  24 loads    Year Ago:  65 loads

Prices dollars per ton, except where noted.  All sales FOB Rock Valley,
Iowa, vicinity.  

One load Small Squares equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and 
Large Rounds range from 10-25 tons per load.

    Alfalfa:  Premium: Large Rounds, 1 load 165.00. 
Good: Large Rounds, 7 load 140.00-147.50.
Fair: Large Rounds, 6 loads 130.00-137.50. 

   Grass:  Premium: Large Rounds, 4 loads 150.00-155.00.
Good:  Large Rounds, 3 loads 137.50-145.00. 
Fair: Large Rounds, 7 loads, 125.00-130.00.
Utility: Large Rounds, 1 load, 97.50

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix: Good: Large Rounds, 1 load 140.00.

   Straw: Scarce.

   Corn Stalks: Large Rounds, 6 loads 47.50-52.50. 


Weekly Utah Hay Market Report

Utah Hay prices mostly steady, with trading slow on all Quality's. With
most of movement on  previous  contracts.  Lower  quality hay demand is
moderate with good supplies.  Confirmed sales 2,300 tons.    

Northern Area: Alfalfa: Supreme No I dairy: 160.00-180.00; Premium:
130.00—155.00; Good  Feeder:  100.00-130.00.  Fair: 60.00-90.00;
Low: No Quote.
Premium retail horse sales 165.00—200.00.

Central Area:  Alfalfa:  Supreme # 1  Dairy 160.00—180.00; Premium
Dairy: 130.00—150.00; Good Feeder: 80.00-100.00; Fair: 60.00-90.00
Low: scarce.  Oat Hay: No Quotes.  
Premium retail horse sales: 175.00—200.00.

Southern  Area: Alfalfa: Supreme #1 Dairy: 160.00—185.00; Premium
135.00—155.00;  Good  Feeder:  100.00—130.00;  Fair: 60.00—90.00;
Low: no quotes.

Uintah  Basin:  Alfalfa:  Supreme  Dairy: 150.00—180.00; Premium
Dairy:  120.00—140.00;  Good Feeder: 80.00-110.00; Fair: scarce;
Low: scarce.  Premium retail horse sales: 170.00-190.00.

Note:  Low quality hay can be weedy, or weather damaged or all.
Detailed Quotations Utah:(Bales large and small in stack), last 
Quoted sales are sales more than two weeks old.

Alfalfa Small and Large Square Bales last quoted sales
 Retail Horse (small lots) 150.00-200.00
 Supreme Dairy            170.00-200.00  last quote
 Premium Dairy            140.00-170.00  last quote 
      Good                        100.00-130.00  last quote
      Fair                        80.00-90.00   last quote
      Low                             n/q 


Sunday, November 25, 2018

South Dakota Weekly Hay Summary

All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.

   Compared to last week:   Supreme quality alfalfa steady to higher,
Grass hay steady to higher on premium grades.  The Thanksgiving holiday
made for a light hay comparison to last week’s hay prices.   There
continues to be good demand for all qualities of alfalfa, high quality
grass hay, as well as all forms of bedding.  Dairy continues to have poor
margins which makes high quality hay difficult to acquire. Feedyards
continue to move bawling calves and their need for high quality grass hay
is high. The South Dakota crop harvest is at 82% of corn and 98% of
soybeans harvested the USDA reported on November 18th. Weather this week
was warmer than average temperature, with some areas getting moisture in
rail or snow this week. This added moisture made for poor conditions to
bale corn stalks and move bales in the country. Corn futures traded lower
and closed today at $3.59 per bushel, down 5.6 cents from the close last
week and 14.4 cents from the highest close on Nov. 8th.  All hay and
straw sold by the ton FOB, unless otherwise noted.

East River:
   Alfalfa:  Supreme: Large Squares, 230.00.  
Premium: Large Squares, 175.00.

   Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets:  15 pct 185.00; 17 pct 190.00.  Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 195.00.  

   Grass:  Premium: Large Squares, 190.00.  Fair: Large Rounds, 115.00.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  Premium: Large Squares, 200.00.

   Kochia Hay: Large Rounds, 35.00

   Straw:  Large Rounds, 120.00.

   Cornstalks:  Large Rounds, 50.00.

  West River:
   Alfalfa:  No Reported Sales.

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix:  No Reported Sales. 

   Grass:  No Reported Sales.

   Straw:  No Reported Sales.


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Corsica, SD Hay and Straw Auction

For Monday, Nov 19, 2018

Receipts:  19 Loads    Last Week:  19 Loads    Last Year:  20 Loads

All prices dollars per ton FOB Corsica, SD.

One load Small Squares equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and
Large Rounds range from 10-25 tons per load.

  Alfalfa:  Good: Large Rounds, 4 loads 112.50-120.00.  
Fair: Large Rounds, 1 load 107.50. Utility: Large Rounds, 1 load 72.50.

  Grass:  Premium: Large Rounds, 2 loads 130.00-135.00.
Good: Large Rounds, 3 loads 112.50-102.50. 
Fair: Large Rounds, loads 95.00-100.00. 

  Oat Hay:  Large Rounds, 1 load 95.00.

  Millet Hay:  Large Rounds, 1 load 55.00.

  Bean Stubble:  Large Rounds, 1 load 50.00.  


Rock Valley Hay Auction

For Monday, Nov 19, 2018

Receipts:  24 loads    Last Week:  20 loads    Year Ago:  35 loads

Prices dollars per ton, except where noted.  All sales FOB Rock Valley,
Iowa, vicinity.  

One load Small Squares equals approximately 5 tons; Large Squares and 
Large Rounds range from 10-25 tons per load.

    Alfalfa:  Good: Large Rounds, 2 load 130.00-135.00.
Fair: Large Rounds, 3 loads 122.50-127.50. 
Utility: Large Rounds, 1 load 107.50.

   Grass:  Good:  Large Rounds, 4 loads 145.00-150.00. 
Fair: Large Rounds, 4 loads, 117.50-130.50.
Utility: Large Rounds, 2 loads, 107.50-115.00

   Alfalfa/Grass Mix: Scarce.

   Straw: Scarce.

   Corn Stalks: Large Rounds, 7 loads 50.00-55.00. 


Kansas Hay Market Report

Ground alfalfa movement:   Southwest/South Central 
Tonnage: 7,874/3,614  Last week: 7,880/3,765    Last year: 9,866/3,911
Hay market trade activity is slow. Prices steady and demand light. The alfalfa 
hay market remains steady for both price and sales. Snow once again has slowed 
harvest.  Areas of central and eastern Kansas received anywhere from a trace to 
5.0 inches of snow early last week. The moisture and mud is sure making life 
difficult for the Kansas farmer. In addition to the delayed harvest, there is 
still hay out there that needs to be baled.  According to the U.S. Drought 
Monitor, in northeastern Kansas, areas of Abnormally Dry (D0) and Moderate 
Drought (D1) were reduced in response to improving soil moisture conditions and 
above-normal precipitation during the past 60-to-90 days.  The abnormally dry 
(D0) category remains at 6 pct., and moderate drought (D1) remains at .5 pct. 
The Kansas Forage and Grassland Council is having their annual conference on 
December 11 in Emporia. Visit their website at for more 
information and registration.  If you have hay for sale, and/or need hay here in 
Kansas, use the services of the Internet Hay Exchange: 
Southwest Kansas  
Dairy alfalfa, grass hay, ground/delivered steady, grinding alfalfa steady to 
5.00 higher, movement slow. Alfalfa: horse, premium small squares 280.00-300.00. 
Alfalfa: Dairy 1.00-1.05/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-210.00, Premium 170.00-
195.00, Good 160.00-170.00. Stock or Dry Cow 190.00-200.00.  Fair/Good grinding 
alfalfa, 170.00-180.00 with an instance at 195.00-200.00. Ground and delivered 
locally to feedlots and dairies, 195.00-205.00 with an instance at 215.00-
220.00; Sudan: large rounds 65.00-75.00; Cornstalks: Large rounds 65.00-75.00 
delivered; Wheat straw: large rounds 65.00-70.00. The week of 11/11-11/17, 
7,874T of grinding alfalfa and 738T of dairy alfalfa were delivered. 

South Central Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grass hay, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, alfalfa pellets 
steady, movement slow. Alfalfa: horse, small squares 190.00-200.00. Dairy, 1.00-
1.05/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-210.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, Good 160.00-
170.00. Stock cow, 155.00-165.00 delivered. Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 145.00-
155.00. Ground and delivered locally to feedlots 175.00-185.00 with an instance 
at 200.00; Alfalfa pellets: Sun cured 15 pct protein 210.00-220.00, 17 pct 
protein 210.00-225.00, Dehydrated 17 pct 245.00-255.00; Grass hay: Bluestem, 
small squares 8.00/bale, mid squares 110.00-120.00, large squares 130.00-140.00. 
Brome, large squares 125.00-135.00; Sudan: large rounds 70.00-80.00; Wheat 
Straw: large rounds 65.00-75.00. The week of 11/11-11/17, 3,614T of grinding 
alfalfa and 325T of dairy alfalfa were delivered. 

Southeast Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, grass hay, steady, movement 
slow.  Alfalfa: horse or goat, 220.00-245.00.  Dairy 1.00-1.05/point RFV. Stock 
cow 170.00-180.00. Fair/Good grinding alfalfa, 160.00-170.00. Ground and 
delivered, none reported; Grass hay: Bluestem, premium small squares 135.00-
145.00. Good, mid squares 125.00-135.00, large squares 110.00-120.00, large 
rounds 100.00-110.00 with an instance at 120.00. Brome, good, small squares 
145.00-155.00, mid squares 140.00-150.00, large squares 120.00-130.00, large 
rounds 125.00-135.00; Sudan: large rounds 80.00-90.00; Oat hay, mid squares 
150.00-160.00; Wheat Straw: mid and large squares 75.00-100.00. Mulch: large 
rounds 50.00-60.00. The week of 11/11-11/17, 1,034T of grass hay was delivered.

Northwest Kansas  
Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa and ground/delivered steady; movement slow. 
Alfalfa: Horse or goat, 220.00-230.00. Dairy, Premium/Supreme 1.00-1.05/point 
RFV. Stock cow, fair/good none reported. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, 135.00-
145.00.  Ground and delivered locally to feedlots and dairies, 150.00-165.00; 
Alfalfa/oat mix, large rounds 100.00-120.00.

North Central-Northeast Kansas 
Dairy alfalfa, grass hay, grinding alfalfa and ground/delivered steady; movement 
slow.  Alfalfa: horse, premium small squares 9.00-10.00/bale. Dairy 1.00-
1.05/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-200.00, Premium 170.00-195.00, Good 160.00-
170.00. Stock Cow, none reported. Fair/Good, grinding alfalfa, 145.00-155.00. 
Ground and delivered 170.00-180.00. Grass hay: Bluestem, small squares 
7.50/bale, large squares 110.00-120.00, large rounds 100.00-110.00. Brome, small 
squares 8.50/bale, mid to large squares 135.00-145.00, large rounds 110.00-
120.00; Sudan: large rounds 80.00-90.00; Wheat Straw: small squares 6.00-
7.00/bale, large squares 100.00-110.00, and large rounds 85.00-95.00.  


Weekly Utah Hay Market Report

Utah Hay prices mostly steady, with trading slow on all Quality's. With
most of movement on  previous  contracts.  Lower  quality hay demand is
moderate with good supplies.  Confirmed sales 2,000 tons.     

Northern Area: Alfalfa: Supreme No I dairy: 160.00-180.00; Premium:
130.00—155.00; Good  Feeder:  100.00-130.00.  Fair: 60.00-90.00;
Low: No Quote.
Premium retail horse sales 165.00—200.00.

Central Area:  Alfalfa:  Supreme # 1  Dairy 160.00—180.00; Premium
Dairy: 130.00—150.00; Good Feeder: 80.00-100.00; Fair: 60.00-90.00
Low: scarce.  Oat Hay: No Quotes.  
Premium retail horse sales: 175.00—200.00.

Southern  Area: Alfalfa: Supreme #1 Dairy: 160.00—185.00; Premium
135.00—155.00;  Good  Feeder:  100.00—130.00;  Fair: 60.00—90.00;
Low: no quotes.

Uintah  Basin:  Alfalfa:  Supreme  Dairy: 150.00—180.00; Premium
Dairy:  120.00—140.00;  Good Feeder: 80.00-110.00; Fair: scarce;
Low: scarce.  Premium retail horse sales: 170.00-190.00.

Note:  Low quality hay can be weedy, or weather damaged or all.
Detailed Quotations Utah:(Bales large and small in stack), last 
Quoted sales are sales more than two weeks old.

Alfalfa Small and Large Square Bales last quoted sales
 Retail Horse (small lots) 150.00-200.00
 Supreme Dairy            170.00-200.00  last quote
 Premium Dairy            140.00-180.00  last quote 
      Good                        100.00-130.00  last quote
      Fair                        80.00-90.00   last quote
      Low                             n/q 


Monday, November 19, 2018

Most hay classes trade steady

In Nebraska, alfalfa and grass hay sold steady. Ground and delivered products steady to $10 higher and dehydrated pellets sold steady to $5 higher. Buyer inquiry and demand picked up in most areas of the state, according to the USDA Market News Service, Nov. 9. Prices given on per-ton basis, unless otherwise noted.
Eastern/central—Good alfalfa, large squares, $180, large rounds, $90-$105, $125-$140 delivered; fair, large squares, $155, large rounds, $80. Premium grass hay, large rounds, $100-$105, small squares, $160-$170; good, large rounds, $85-$90; fair, large rounds, $65-$75. Straw, round and large squares, $65. Cornstalk bales, $52.50-$60; soybean stubble, $47.50. Dehydrated alfalfa pellets, 17% protein, $230-$240.
Platte Valley—Good alfalfa, rounds, $105-$115, some at $125. Cornstalk bales, $60-$65. Ground and delivered alfalfa, $140-$145. Ground and delivered alfalfa-stubble mix, $130-$135. Ground and delivered cornstalks, $95-$100. Dehydrated pellets, 17% protein, $220.
Western—Premium alfalfa, large squares, $170-$180; good, large squares, $150-$160, large rounds, $130-$145. Good/premium alfalfa orchard grass, large squares, $180-$200. Oat hay, large squares, $125. Ground and delivered alfalfa, $150-$155.
In South Dakota, East River and West River areas, supreme quality alfalfa steady, grass hay fully steady. Straw steady. Good demand for all qualities of alfalfa, very good demand for high quality grass hay.
East River—Supreme alfalfa, large squares, $200-$240, small squares, $240; premium, large squares, $170-$200; good large squares, $170; fair, large squares, $130-$135, large rounds, $135; utility, large rounds, $85-$120. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $185, 17% protein $190. Alfalfa meal, 17% protein, $195. Good alfalfa grass mix, large squares, $175. Premium grass, large rounds, $140; fair, large rounds, $125; utility/fair, large rounds, $100. Straw, small squares, $170. Cornstalks, no reported sales.
West River—Alfalfa, no reported sales. Alfalfa/grass mix, no reported sales. Grass, no reported sales, Straw, no reported sales.
In Iowa, all hay classes traded steady.
Rock Valley—Premium alfalfa, large rounds, $200; good, large rounds, $130-$147; fair, large rounds, $115-$127.50; utility, large rounds,1 load very poor $35.50. Premium grass, large squares, $175, large squares, $185, large rounds, $150-$172.50; good, large rounds, $130-$142.50; fair, large squares, $127, large rounds, $115-$125; utility, large rounds, $100-$110. Premium alfalfa grass mixed, large rounds, $135. Oat hay, large rounds, $80. Straw, large squares, $80-$85. Wheat straw, large rounds, $140.
In Minnesota, prices were generally steady.
Good alfalfa, large rounds, $135-$155; utility, large rounds, $95. Good alfalfa grass mix, large rounds, $140; utility, large rounds, $95. Premium grass, large rounds, $150-$170; good, large rounds, $125-$145; fair, large rounds, $105-$110.
In Montana, alfalfa hay prices sold fully steady. Buying continues this week as ranchers are still purchasing hay for winter. Hay supplies remain heavy.
Supreme alfalfa, small squares, $200-$250, large squares, $150; premium, large squares, NA, large rounds, NA, small squares, $200; good, large squares, $120-$140, large rounds, $115-$130, small squares, NA; fair/good, large squares, $90-$120, large rounds, $85-$105, small squares, $125; utility, large rounds, $75-$80, large squares, $70-$100. Premium grass alfalfa, small squares, NA; good, large rounds, NA, small squares, $180, large squares, $125; fair, large squares, $110-$115, large rounds, $105-$110, small squares, $120-$130; utility, large squares, $70-$90. Premium grass, large rounds, NA, small squares, $200; good, small squares, $185, large rounds, $120; fair, large squares, $125, large rounds, $100-$110; utility, large rounds, $80; large squares, NA, small squares, $130. Premium timothy grass, small squares, $225-$240, large rounds, NA; good, large rounds, NA, small squares, $160-$180. Barley straw, large squares, $40-$45, large rounds, $40-$50, small squares, NA. Wheat straw, SCMT, large squares, $35-$40, large rounds, NA; NMT, large squares, $35-$40, large rounds, NA.
In Wyoming, all reported forages sold steady. Buyer inquiry and demand picking up as colder weather and snow in some places has made producers realize that ole man winter is just around the corner and they better start stockpiling some winter feed.
Eastern Wyoming—Supreme alfalfa, large squares, $200; good, large squares, $140-$150; fair, large $130. Premium alfalfa grass, large squares, $210, $85/bale. Oat hay in large squares $125.
Central/western Wyoming—Premium alfalfa, small squares, $200-$225; good, large squares, $150-$170; fair, large squares, $130-$140. Premium alfalfa orchard grass, large squares, $150-$190, small squares, $220. Good orchard grass mix, large squares, $140; premium timothy, small squares, $200-$225. Certified weed seed free alfalfa cubes, $230-$240, bagged $280.
In Colorado, hay trade activity light on moderate demand.
Northeast—Premium alfalfa, large squares, $220 delivered; good, large squares, $185; supreme, rounds, $245, retail/stable. Premium alfalfa grass, rounds, $245, retail/stable. No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.
Southeast—Supreme alfalfa, small squares, $260-$275. No reported quotes for other classes of hay.
San Luis Valley—Supreme alfalfa, large squares, $250; good, $240, organic. No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.
Southwest—Supreme alfalfa, small squares, $310-$335, retail/stable. Premium alfalfa grass mix, small squares, $310-$335, retail/stable. Grass, 3 string, $335 retail/stable. No reported quotes from all other classes of hay.
Mountains/northwest—Premium grass, medium squares, $285-$300, retail/stable, small squares, $290-$325, retail/stable. No reported quotes for all other classes of hay.
In Missouri, the hay demand is light to moderate.
Supreme alfalfa, RFV 185 $180-$225, small squares, $7-$9/bale; premium, RFV 170-180, $150-$200; good, RFV 150-170 $120-$160, small squares $5-$7/bale; fair, RFV 130-150, $100-$120. Good mixed grass hay, $100-$150, small squares, $5-$7/bale, (some alfalfa/grass mix). Fair/good mixed grass hay, $75-$125, small squares, $4-$5.50/bale; fair large rounds, $35-$75. Good bromegrass, $120-$150; fair/good, $60-$100. Wheat straw, small squares, $2-$6/bale.
In Oklahoma, all hay trade mostly slow this week. Alfalfa movement was mostly light. Demand from in-state buyers extremely light.
Central—Premium alfalfa, large squares, $200-$220; good, large squares and rounds, $180-$200; fair, $140-$160. Good bermuda grass hay in 4 x 6 through 5 x 6 bales, $55-$70/bale. Good mixed grass hay, 4 x 5 and 5 x 5 bales, $40-$50/bale. Mixed grass $80-$90/ton, mostly $85.
Eastern—No alfalfa sales reported. Mixed grass hay, 4 x 5 bales $40-$50/bale.
Western—Premium alfalfa, large square bales, $200-$220; good, large rounds and squares, $180-$200. Grinding hay, $140-$150. Good mixed grass, rounds, $90-$110/ton. Mixed grass, 5 x 5 1/2 to 5 x 6 bales, $60-$70/bale.
In Texas, all hay classes traded mostly steady. Movement was moderate as the Panhandle dried out enough to move hay again.
Panhandle/High Plains—Premium/supreme alfalfa, large squares, delivered $275-$330; good/premium, large squares, $250-$275, small bales, FOB $264, $8/bale. Ground and delivered to feedlots, average $225-$235, calf, $240-$245. Wheat alfalfa hay, ground and delivered, $175-$190. Good/premium coastal bermuda, large bales, delivered, $180. CRP, large bales, delivered, $80-$90. Hay grazer, bales delivered, $150, large bales, FOB, $100. Cotton burrs, delivered, $90-$100.
Far west Texas/Trans Pecos—Premium/supreme alfalfa, small squares, delivered local or FOB, $290-$360, large squares, FOB, $275-$280; fair/good, $220-$250.
North/central/east—Premium/supreme alfalfa, large squares, delivered, $290-$310; good/premium coastal bermuda, small squares, FOB, $297-$330, large rounds, FOB $140-$200; fair/good, small squares, $120-$140.
South—Good/premium coastal bermuda, small squares, FOB, $264-$310, large rounds, FOB and delivered locally, $120-$170; fair/good, small squares FOB, $165-$231, large rounds, FOB and delivered locally, $100-$120.
In New Mexico, high quality last cutting alfalfa hay traded firm. Trade was active, demand good. This will be the last hay report of the season. This report will resume next May.
Eastern—Premium/supreme bales alfalfa, large squares, $270-$300/ton delivered to dairies; good, $240-$250 delivered baled wheat hay, $165/ton delivered from out of state.
Southeast—Premium/supreme baled alfalfa, large squares, $250 delivered, small bales, $300/ton loaded on truck; good, $200-$210 delivered to dairies.
South/southwest—Premium/supreme baled alfalfa, large squares, $200-$210, small bales, $275/ton, $9-$10/bale FOB; good, large squares, $180-$190 delivered to dairies. Sudan hay, $130-$150/ton.
North central—no quote.
