Friday, January 25, 2019

Weekly Montana Hay Report

Compared to last week: Alfalfa hay sold mostly steady to 5.00 
higher. Demand continues to improve this week as buyers from 
neighboring states and Canada are purchasing hay in Montana. 
Large square supplies have tightened considerably as loads of 
hay continue to leave the state. Dairy hay sales have been very 
strong, with hay moving mostly East to Wisconsin, Minnesota and 
Iowa. Idaho continues to buy large quantities of large squares as
drought conditions continue. However, as square supplies have 
tightened they have started to buy some large rounds. This has
helped improve this market over the last few weeks particularly
in the western half of the state. Straw saw strong sales this
past week as ranchers continue to gear up for calving. With 
heavier supplies of straw seen this year buyers have allowed 
prices to slip slightly in order to move supplies. Straw sold
steady to 5.00 lower. All prices are dollars per ton and FOB 
unless otherwise noted.

Alfalfa:   Supreme:  Small squares, 200.00-250.00
                     Large squares, 150.00 
                     Large rounds,  110.00
           Premium:  Large squares, 150.00  
                     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 200.00
           Good:     Large squares, 115.00-130.00   
                     Large rounds,  110.00-120.00
                     Small squares, NA
         Fair/Good:  Large squares, 90.00-120.00
                     Large rounds,  85.00-115.00
                     Small Squares, 125.00-140.00
           Utility   Large rounds,  75.00-80.00
                     Large squares, 80.00-120.00

Alfalfa:   Premium:  Small squares, NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA   
                     Small squares, 180.00
                     Large squares, 125.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 110.00-115.00
                     Large rounds,  90.00-100.00
                     Small squares, 120.00-130.00
           Utility:  Large squares, 70.00-90.00

Grass:     Premium   Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 200.00
           Good:     Small squares, 185.00
                     Large rounds,  110.00-120.00
           Fair:     Large squares, 125.00
                     Large rounds,  90.00-100.00
                     Small squares, 130.00
           Utility:  Large rounds,  70.00
                     Large squares, NA
                     Small squares, NA          

Grass:     Premium:  Small squares, 225.00-240.00
           Premium:  Large rounds,  NA
           Good:     Large rounds,  NA
                     Small squares, 160.00-180.00

Barley                Large squares, 40.00-45.00
straw:                Large rounds,  40.00-45.00
                      Small squares, NA

Wheat straw:

South central        Large squares, 35.00-40.00
                     Large rounds,  NA
Northern             Large squares, 35.00-40.00
                     Large rounds,  NA


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