Thursday, July 5, 2018

Nebraska Hay Summary

Week Ending July 06, 2018

  Compared to last week alfalfa sold unevenly steady on a thin test. 
Ground and delivered forages and dehy pellets sold steady. Not enough 
grass hay sold for a market test. Demand was light to moderate. Most of 
the state has received rain showers. Most of the grass hay production 
areas continue to be at a standstill as rain and large amounts of 
standing water in native meadows has made it impossible for ranchers cut 
hay. Some producers have started second cutting of alfalfa. Some in the 
West have it up with little to no rain, others in the Central and Eastern 
areas not so lucky. Most of the reports on the 2nd cutting is really good 
tonnage. Some buyers from the “front range” of Colorado are purchasing 
hay from the Platte Valley areas. Some baling of straw in different areas 
but no confirmed sale prices this week. Appears there will be a large 
amount of cane, millet or sudan grass planted this summer as many are 
reporting its very hard to find seed. All sales are dollars per ton FOB 
the field or hay barn, unless otherwise noted. 

Eastern/Central Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large round bales 120.00; Utility to Fair large rounds 
80.00. Grass Hay: New Crop, Good large rounds 100.00. Old Crop, Good 
large rounds 105.00-110.00; Premium small square bales 160.00-170.00. 
Cornstalk bales 65.00. Standing alfalfa 100.00 per ton. Dehy Alfalfa 
pellets 17 percent protein 240.00

Platte Valley area of Nebraska
Alfalfa: Good large rounds 105.00-110.00, with some going out of state at 
125.00. Cornstalk bales 65.00.  Ground and delivered alfalfa 130.00-
140.00. Ground and delivered alfalfa/cornstalk mix 125.00-130.00. Ground 
and delivered cornstalks 90.00-100.00. Dehy Alfalfa pellets 17 percent 
protein 215.00.

Western Nebraska
Alfalfa: Premium large squares 150.00. Good large round and large squares 
130.00. Grass: Fair large rounds 97.50 delivered.  Ground and delivered 
alfalfa 150.00-185.00. Sun-Cured alfalfa pellets 15 percent protein 

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