All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.
Compared to last week: All classes of hay steady on this light
offering. Very good demand due to low inventory in Eastern South Dakota.
Much of the demand coming from South Dakota but also outside the state.
Warmer weather brought up to 3 inches of rain fall on top of the snow.
This an accelerated snow melt causing regional flooding due to still
frozen soil. Many fields, farm yards, and cattle feedlots affected as
many are looking towards warmer weather next week for relief. Area
flooding also closed several roads, highways, and miles of Interstate.
This made hay transportation extremely difficult. Wet yard conditions,
limited inventory, and problematic transportation means that demand will
continue to be strong. All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB, unless
otherwise noted.
East River:
Alfalfa: Supreme: Large Squares, 225.00; Small Squares,
210.00. Premium: Large Squares, 180.00, 210.00 del. Good: Large
Rounds, 160.00-170.00. Fair: Large Rounds, 140.00.
Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets: 15 pct 220.00; 17 pct 230.00. Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 235.00.
Grass: Premium: Large Rounds, 150.00-175.00.
Alfalfa/Grass Mix: Good: Large Rounds, 140.00-150.00.
Straw: Large Rounds and Squares, 120.00-140.00 and 40.00 per bale.
Cornstalks: Large Rounds, 65.00.
West River:
Alfalfa: Premium: Large Rounds, 120.00
Grass: No Reported Sales.
Alfalfa/Grass Mix: Premium: Large Rounds, 125.00.
Oat Hay: Large Rounds, 120.00.
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