Friday, February 16, 2018

Iowa Hay Summary

Week Ending  February 16, 2018

For this week: Hay prices remained steady to instances 5.00 lower. Demand was moderate. Supply was mostly moderate. Temperatures starting off the weekend will be in the 40's, dipping down into the 30's for the work week.

Grain movement in January was mostly light with hopes grain prices will improve. Fluctuations in temperatures were hard on livestock and caused some health issues. Producers also had to increase feed rations to livestock to help gain weight and give extra energy to cattle during colder days. Overall, hay supplies remain adequate except in south central and southeastern Iowa which experienced drought conditions last year.

According to the Drought Monitor 45% of Iowa is seeing abnormally dry conditions, a decrease from the previous week at 53%. The widespread snow of around 4-12 inches boosted moisture prospects, with a liquid equivalent 0.5 inch to locally more than an inch. as a result abnormally dry conditions in northeastern and central Iowa were reduced. All prices FOB per ton unless otherwise noted.

Alfalfa         Supreme Large Squares      $217.00  -  $250.00

                Premium Large Squares    $200.00  -  $200.00  

Alfalfa/Grass Premium Small Squares      $165.00  -  $200.00
                        Large Squares      $180.00  -  $215.00
   Large Rounds    $185.00  -  $185.00

                Good    Small Squares      $135.00  -  $150.00
          Large Squares      $140.00  -  $170.00
                        Large Rounds       $145.00  -  $175.00

  Fair    Small Squares      $105.00  -  $125.00
   Large Squares      $100.00  -  $130.00
   Large Rounds       $105.00  -  $130.00 

  Utility Small Squares       $60.00  -  $60.00
   Large Rounds        $60.00  -  $80.00

Grass           Good    Large Squares      $135.00  -  $145.00
   Large Rounds       $140.00  -  $140.00
  Fair    Large Squares      $115.00  -  $115.00
   Large Rounds    $100.00  -  $100.00

Straw           Wheat Small Squares      $200.00  -  $200.00

Corn Fodder  Small Squares       $70.00  -  $70.00
   Large Rounds     $25.00  -  $30.00

Certified Organic Hay: None reported for the week of 02/10-16/2018

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