All prices per ton, unless noted, FOB the stack.
Compared to last week: All classes of hay steady to firm. Demand
was better this week, moderate to good, as dairies need high testing
hay and are having difficulty finding it. Good demand for grass hay
as cattle feeders need it to start calves on feed. Improved demand
for corn stalks as the price of grass hay is causing cattle feeders
to look for alternative forages to blend into their rations. Few new
corn stalk bales have been put up yet as little corn has been harvested.
Very little corn and soybean harvest until Tues and Wed and then cold
and wet conditions returned. All hay and straw sold by the ton FOB,
unless otherwise noted.
East River:
Alfalfa: Supreme: Large Squares, 205.00; Small Squares, 220.00
(6.50 per bale). Premium: Large Squares, 160.00-175.00.
Sun-cured Alfalfa pellets: 15 pct 185.00; 17 pct 190.00. Alfalfa
Meal: 17 pct 195.00.
Alfalfa/Grass Mix: No reported sales.
Grass: Premium: Small Squares, 170.00 (5.00 per bale; Large Rounds,
140.00. Good-Premium: Large Rounds, 130.00. Good: Large Rounds, 120.00.
Fair: Large Rounds, 100.00. Utility-Fair: Large Rounds, 85.00, 107.00
Straw: Large Squares, 115.00; Small Squares, 4.50 per bale.
Cornstalks: Large Rounds, 50.00, 60.00 Del.
West River:
Alfalfa: No Reported Sales.
Alfalfa/Grass Mix: No Reported Sales.
Grass: No Reported Sales.
Straw: No Reported Sales.
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